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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
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Item Title:
25 Apr 2012; Sale No: 71
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Great Britain stationery Mulready booklets penny plates telegraph stamps postal history
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Pollard Bowen Feyrer (vendor)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
25 Apr 2012 to 26 Apr 2012
Number of Pages:
Sale: 71
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Sale Catalogue PDF
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Key Words 
Index The De La Rue Archives: changes affecting research. Sudan Books and ReviewsInglefield-Watson, Lt. Col. J.F.
Index How Sudan Postal Service Represents "Piastres" on its stamps. Sudan Commemoratives - post independenceCooper, J.
Index Second Permanent Issue: Gun Barrel Variety. Sudan Definitive stamps - CamelsCartwright, B.
Index Re-use of Stamps from the Pre-Independence Issue of 1951. Sudan Definitive stamps - Other, pre independenceSutherland, J.
Index Interpostal Seals: an update of Stagg's Listing. Sudan InterpostalsInglefield-Watson, Lt. Col. J.F.
Index Gambeila Pt1. Sudan Postal History - Sudanese periodDoig, K.
Index Telephone Station at Gambeila. Sudan Postal History - Sudanese periodWelchman, H.
Index A Letter from Khartoum to Addis Ababa in 1964. Sudan Postal History - Sudanese periodDavies, H.R.J.
Index An Indian Merchant's Letter Posted on the train Suakin to Port Sudan. Sudan Postal History - Sudanese periodGibson, J.S.
Index The Sudan Postal Service in 1904. Sudan Postal History - Sudanese periodDavies, H.R.J.
Index Postal Stationery News:7 Sudan Postal StationeryInglefield-Watson, Lt. Col. J.F.
Index Cancellations used at the Head Post Office, Khartoum. Sudan Postmarks - civilianJohansen, K.A.
Index Early Forged Postmarks of the Sudan. Sudan Postmarks - civilianHass, C.F.
Index A Variant Form of "Retta" Canceller. Sudan Postmarks - civilianGibson, J.S.
Index Gezira Agricultural Show Cancellations. Sudan Postmarks - civilianCollier, N.
Index The TPO Booklet. Sudan TPOsDight J.F.