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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
19 Jul 1976; Sale No: 4016 4017 4018
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Egypt France Germany USA Switzerland Great Britain Australia
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Briggs Connell McDougall Motala Sachs Sheriff (vendor)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
19 Jul 1976 to 21 Jul 1976
Number of Pages:
Sale: 4016 4017 4018
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
Catalogue PDF with Prices Realised
Worldwide (Annice Briggs, P Connell, R McDougall, S Motala, RC Sherriff) and British Commonwelath (Albert Sachs): Egypt; France & Colonies; Germany & States; Great Britain; Switzerland; United StatesSize: 11 MB
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Congo Stamps: 1887-1894 Leopold II, 2nd head:: Forgeries and reprints   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (c) 1909 ‘CONGO BELGE’ overprints: (ii) Handstamps – local: Forgeries   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (j) 10 Francs: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Handstamps, local: Forgeries   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (h) 3.50fr and 3fr: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Handstamps, local: Forgeries   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (i) 5 Francs: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Handstamps, local: Forgeries   
Index Congo Stamps: 1886-1887 Leopold II, 1st head: Forgeries & reprints: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Insurance   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Flight mail: 1925–30; (2nd LARA)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Flight mail: 1925–35   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Maps: Air mail routes: (2nd Lara)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Air Mail: 1920’s.   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: Air mail: Second ‘LARA’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Angola via Congo   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Belgium; 1928 air mail from   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgium: Air mail from, 1928   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Burundi: Literature on   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Rwanda: Literature   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Rwanda: Post offices and cancellations   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Books on   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Air Mail: Literature   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Air Mail: World War 2   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Air Mail: 1930’s.   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal Rates: Air Mail: 1920’s.   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: German East Africa: Cancellations   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Literature: ‘Histoire du Service Postal au Congo Belge, 1886–1960’   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Literature: Cancellations of DOA, RU & later   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Cancellations: Normal Post Offices: Refer to ‘Ruanda–Urundi’ area (1902–1996) by G. Celis   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Burundi: Cancellations: Monograph, Celis