Item View

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Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
18 Jul 1978; Sale No: 4132 4133
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
German states colonies Australia Austria Canada France Great Britain
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Furniss (vendor)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
18 Jul 1978 to 19 Jul 1978
Number of Pages:
Sale: 4132 4133
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
Catalogue PDF with Prices Realised
Worldwide; Australia; Austria; Canada; France; Great Britainb; German States & Colonies (Geo Furniss)Size: 11 MB
No data to display
Key Words 
Index New Issues Definitives  
Index Author Index Author Index David Dale
Index 1986 Christmas Special Stamps  
Index Aerogramme 1986 Christmas Postal Stationery  
Index 1986 Christmas Pack Special Stamps  
Index New 'K' Vending Machines Len Newbery
Index £1 Musical Instruments #1 Stamp Booklets  
Index £1 Musical Instruments #2 Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Pond Life #3 Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Roman Britain #1 Stamp Booklets  
Index 50p Roman Britain #2 Stamp Booklets  
Index Castles High Values Definitives Jean Farrugia, T. Gammons
Index Castles High Values Design Jean Farrugia, T. Gammons
Index Coupon Savings Bank T. Gammons
Index Savings Bank Coupon Post Office T. Gammons
Index Exhibitions Anglo-French National Postal Museum  
Index Harrison 28p ACP Definitives  
Index Post Office SWPR RAF Postcards  
Index Questa 75p coated paper Definitives  
Index Machin Design Definitives Don Staddon
Index Brill, R Designers  
Index Devlin, S Designers  
Index 5 Bishop Marks and Dockwra Stamps Philatelic Terms Explained Ken Chapman
Index First British Postmaster Cyprus J.C. Goodwin
Index 1986 Collector's Pack Special Stamps  
Index 1986 Collector's Year Book Special Stamps  
Index Definitive Postal Stationery  
Index Questa 13p Scotland  
Index Scottish Enlightenment Postal Stationery  
Index Commemorative Covers Commemorative Covers  
Index Digest Digest  
Index £1.30, £1.80 Children's Book Illustrations Stamp Booklets  
Index 1986 BPE Exhibitions  
Index Stamp Rolls 12p SA Stamp Booklets