Item View

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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
30 Jun 1947; Sale No: 1869 1870 1871
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
30 Jun 1947 to 2 Jul 1947
Number of Pages:
Sale: 1869 1870 1871
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Congo Stamps: 1887-1894 Leopold II, 2nd head:: 5fr grey.: Proofs; forged   
Index Congo Stamps: 1887-1894 Leopold II, 2nd head:: 10fr.: Proofs; forged   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Proofs, Trials, Essays, etc: Forgeries & dubious   
Index Congo Stamps: 1887-1894 Leopold II, 2nd head:: Proofs   
Index Congo Stamps: 1887-1894 Leopold II, 2nd head:: Forgeries and reprints   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (e) 1910, Bilingual issue: 50c.: Proofs, progressive die   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Bogus material: Die proofs: 1910 issue   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (b) 1894-1900, Independent State: 1894 - 1fr lilac.: General   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (g) 1 Franc: 1894 1fr. violet and lilac: Die proof-- forged   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (f) 50 centimes: 1910 Bilingual: Die proof-- forged   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (j) 10 Francs: 1909 Congo Belge overprints: Handstamps, local: General   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (c) 1909 ‘CONGO BELGE’ overprints: (ii) Handstamps – local: 10fr.: Perforations, imperf. at top   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (b) 1894-1900, Independent State: 1898 - 10fr.: Perforations: abnormal   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Waterlow Bros & Layton   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: Eastern   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: German East Africa, via   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: Via: Zanzibar, via   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Zanzibar   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: Via: Tanganyika, via   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Tanganyika   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Tanganyika   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: Air mail: 1930’s (mainly Imp. Airways) 37/16   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Air Mail: Imperial Airways: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Railways: Stamps: BCK (Cie du Chemin de Fer du Bas–Congo au Katanga)   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (c) 15 centimes: 1896 15c ochre: Plating: (Frenay book)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Censorship: World War 2: Literature (Jeukens)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postage Due: Book; ‘Frenay’   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (b) 1894-1900, Independent State: Plating (15c): (Frenay books)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Expert Committee: System change   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Belgian Congo Study Circle: Expert Committee: System change