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22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
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Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
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Item Title:
28 Apr 2012; Sale No: 200 Part No: Møller 2
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German states Schleswig Holstein Luxembourg Sweden Belgium Denmark Finland Iceland Portugal
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Moller (vendor)
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Publication Place:
Sweden : Malmo
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
28 Apr 2012
Number of Pages:
Sale: 200/Møller 2
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Catalogue PDF
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Key Words 
Index AUCTIONS: see also "Auctions under the Glass" column in each Vorläufer beginning with #3 AUCTIONS  
Index AUCTIONS: comments on auction houses AUCTIONS see also "Auctions under the Glass" column in each Vorläufer beginning with #3 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: landing postmarks, see SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) in this index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS see also "cancels and postal markings" subheading under each Colony/Office listing in this index: FELDPOST; GENERAL; OCCUPATION AND POW; SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) 
Index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS: cash frankings (Barfrankierungen, Vorausfrankierungen) CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS landing postmarks, see SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) in this index 
Index OFFICES IN CHINA: see also KIAUTSCHOU CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS ArGe cancel catalog, see LITERATURE in this index 
Index OFFICES IN CHINA: stamps and postal stationery OFFICES IN CHINA see also KIAUTSCHOU 
Index Boxer provisionals, see "stamps and postal stationery" subheading above OFFICES IN CHINA feldpost 
Index EXPERTIZATION AND FRAUDULENT MATERIAL: comments on expertization EXPERTIZATION AND FRAUDULENT MATERIAL see also "Rogue's Gallery" column in each Vorläufer beginning with #30 under each Colony/Office listing in this index CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS 
Index FELDPOST: Soldatenstempel, Soldatenbrief FELDPOST see also "feldpost" subheading under each Colony/Office in this index OCCUPATION AND POW SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Bagatellmarke (damaged stamp) GERMAN WORDS Ausweiskarte, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Dienstsiegel (official seal) GERMAN WORDS Briefkarten, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Botenpost (courier post) GERMAN WORDS Barfrankierungen, see CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Friedenausgabe (peace issue) GERMAN WORDS Einlieferungschein, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Kastenzahnung (comb perforation) GERMAN WORDS Kartenbrief, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Kolonien GERMAN WORDS Kriegsnachrichten Karte, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Michel, pronunciation GERMAN WORDS Marke zu Controlle gelost, see EXPERTIZATION AND FRAUDULENT MATERIAL in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Postausweiskarte, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index GERMAN WORDS Postanweisung, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Postlagernd (to be called for) GERMAN WORDS Postausweiskarte, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Zollgebuhren, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index GERMAN WORDS Wertbrief, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GROUP NEWS: see also first page of each Vorläufer AUCTIONS GERMAN WORDS Zollgebuhren, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GROUP NEWS: dues GROUP NEWS see also first page of each Vorläufer AUCTIONS 
Index GERMAN WORDS: SS, pronunciation of initial GERMAN WORDS Sorte, see CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Verzeichnis, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index GERMAN WORDS Tragergebuhren, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Vorausfrankierungen, see CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS in this index GERMAN WORDS Verzeichnis, see POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS in this index 
Index GERMAN WORDS: Vorläufer (precursor usage) GERMAN WORDS Vorausfrankierungen, see CANCELS AND POSTAL MARKINGS in this index 
Index GROUP NEWS: Group Friedemann translation project, see LITERATURE in this index GROUP NEWS Group auctions, see AUCTIONS in this index 
Index GROUP NEWS: other societies GROUP NEWS Group Friedemann translation project, see LITERATURE in this index 
Index DEUTSCHES SCHUTZGEBIET, see SEAPOST AND MSP (Marine Schiffspost) in this index KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index UKOKO, see EKODODO above KAMERUN cancels and postal markings 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: stamps and postal stationery KIAUTSCHOU see also OFFICES IN CHINA 
Index MSP (Marine Schiffspost) cards, see "feldpost" subheading below KIAUTSCHOU stamps and postal stationery 
Index stamps and stationery overprint G.R.I., see GERMAN NEW GUINEA in this index MARSHALL ISLANDS stamps and postal stationery 
Index MARSHALL ISLANDS: general MARSHALL ISLANDS occupation and POW (New Britain), see GERMAN NEW GUINEA in this index 
Index POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS: Postal Stationery POSTAL STATIONERY AND FORMS see also "stamps and postal stationery" subheading under each Colony/Office in this index 
Index Lamu, see GERMAN EAST AFRICA in this index SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index Zanzibar, see GERMAN EAST AFRICA in this index SAMOA VORLÄUFER 
Index French occupation:: 1914 issue (Mi FBI-7): Sections IIIa and Mb of Reiners TOGO occupation and POW 
Index French occupation:: 1915 Lame issue (Mi FB8-19): Section IIIc of Reiners TOGO occupation and POW 
Index AUCTIONS and DEALERS: see also “Auctions under the Glass” column in each VORLÄUFER AUCTIONS and DEALERS see also “Auctions under the Glass” column in each VORLÄUFER 
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: see also “cancels and postal markings” subheading under each Colony/Office listing in this index, and ‘GENERAL’, ‘OCCUPATION and POW’, and ‘SEAPOST and MSP’ listings in this index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS see also “cancels and postal markings” subheading under each Colony/Office listing in this index, and ‘GENERAL’, ‘OCCUPATION and POW’, and ‘SEAPOST and MSP’ listings in this index 
Index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS: philatelic addressees, see ‘GENERAL’ in this index CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS philatelic addressees, see ‘GENERAL’ in this index 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: see also ‘KIAUTSCHOU’ in this index OFFICES in CHINA see also ‘KIAUTSCHOU’ in this index 
Index OFFICES in CHINA: Boxer Rebellion: provisionals, see above under “stamps and postal stationery” OFFICES in CHINA Boxer Rebellion 
Index EXPERTIZATION and FRAUDULENT MATERIAL: see also "Rogue’s Gallery" column in each VORLÄUFER, and ‘CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS’ in this index EXPERTIZATION and FRAUDULENT MATERIAL see also "Rogue’s Gallery" column in each VORLÄUFER, and ‘CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS’ in this index 
Index GCCG NEWS: see also “Editor’s Notes” in each issue of VORLÄUFER GCCG NEWS see also “Editor’s Notes” in each issue of VORLÄUFER 
Index GCCG NEWS: exhibits by GCCG members (Larsen): in each issue of VORLÄUFER, beginning with #67 GCCG NEWS exhibits by GCCG members (Larsen) 
Index GENERAL: Barfrankierungen, see ‘CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS’ in this index GENERAL Barfrankierungen, see ‘CANCELS and POSTAL MARKINGS’ in this index 
Index GENERAL: coins, see coin viewcards in ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index GENERAL coins, see coin viewcards in ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index 
Index GENERAL: philatelic addressees GENERAL philatelic addressees 
Index GERMAN EAST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: advertising and trade cards, see ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index GERMAN EAST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN NEW GUINEA: stamps and postal stationery: advertising and trade cards, see ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index GERMAN NEW GUINEA stamps and postal stationery 
Index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: stamps and postal stationery: advertising and trade cards, see ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA stamps and postal stationery 
Index KAMERUN: stamps and postal stationery: advertising and trade cards, see ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index KAMERUN stamps and postal stationery 
Index KAROLINEN: literature: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) KAROLINEN literature 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: see also ‘OFFICES in CHINA’ in this index KIAUTSCHOU see also ‘OFFICES in CHINA’ in this index 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: feldpost, occupation and POW: for POW mail, see ‘OCCUPATION and POW’ in this index KIAUTSCHOU feldpost, occupation and POW 
Index KIAUTSCHOU: literature: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) KIAUTSCHOU literature 
Index LITERATURE: see also "Philatelic Library" column in each VORLÄUFER beginning with #61 LITERATURE see also "Philatelic Library" column in each VORLÄUFER beginning with #61 
Index LITERATURE: indexes, reprints and reviews of German Colonies articles in other journals: VORLÄUFER, supplement to #146 LITERATURE indexes, reprints and reviews of German Colonies articles in other journals 
Index LITERATURE: handbooks: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) LITERATURE handbooks 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: occupation and POW: stamps and stationery ovpt ‘G.R.I.’, see ‘GERMAN NEW GUINEA’ in this index MARSHALL INSELN occupation and POW 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: occupation and POW: stamps with Japanese ‘chop’ ovpts, see ‘GERMAN NEW GUINEA’ in this index MARSHALL INSELN occupation and POW 
Index MARSHALL INSELN: literature: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) MARSHALL INSELN literature 
Index OFFICES in MOROCCO: literature: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) OFFICES in MOROCCO literature 
Index OCCUPATION and POW: see also "occupation and POW" subheading under each Colony / Office in this index OCCUPATION and POW see also "occupation and POW" subheading under each Colony / Office in this index 
Index POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS: see also "stamps and postal stationery" subheading under each Colony/Office in this index POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS see also "stamps and postal stationery" subheading under each Colony/Office in this index 
Index SAMOA: literature: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) SAMOA literature 
Index TOGO: stamps and postal stationery: advertising and trade cards, see ‘POSTAL STATIONERY and FORMS’ in this index TOGO stamps and postal stationery 
Index OFFICES in TURKEY: literature: The First World War Peace Settlements, 1919-1925 (Goldstein) OFFICES in TURKEY literature