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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
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Item Title:
21 May 1947; Sale No: 678 679
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Great Britain
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
21 May 1947
Number of Pages:
Sale: 678 679
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Postal Stationery of the Nigerias Nigeria Letters to EditorHorlyck
Index Gambia SG12a Gambia Letters to EditorHudson
Index Reference works must cite Letters to EditorWilcsek, Bob
Index Sierra Leone 1933 Abolition of Slavery Sierra Leone Letters to EditorBeech, David
Index Sierra Leone wax postal seals Sierra Leone Letters to EditorRevell, Ray
Index Ascension snippets from Cameo 78 Ascension Letters to EditorThorpe, Bill
Index Gambia SG12a Gambia Letters to EditorCarson
Index Lagos Pigeon Post Letters to EditorInce, Jack
Index Nigeria rail times in the mid 1930s Nigeria Letters to EditorWingent, Peter
Index Maurice Fievet - further biography Letters to EditorSimon Heap
Index The Railroads of Cameoun and Associated Postal History, Cameroons Kamerun Cameroun BooksBratzel, Marty
Index The Railroads of Cameoun and Associated Postal History, by M P Bratzel Book Reviews and NoticesMay, Rob
Index John Sacher West Africa, Spink; 12 November 2009  Martin, Jeremy
Index Nigeria May, Rob
Index ElectronicMay, Rob
Index Postal Stationery from Post Office personnel Niger Coast & Oil Rivers Wilde
Index Protectorates of the Oil Rivers and Niger Coast Niger Coast & Oil Rivers Martin, Jeremy
Index 1894 registration envelope types Niger Coast & Oil Rivers Horlyck
Index New WWI censor mark? Togo CensorshipMartin, Jeremy & Mayne, John
Index Dahomey postage due issues used in Togo, 1914-1922 Togo Mayne, John
Index First day of issue of the overprinted stamps Togo Mayne, John
Index Third UN decade for the Advancement of Women Sierra Leone Butlin, Tom
Index West African Honour Envelopes - a new type?  Richards, Peter
Index Philatelic Addresses and Alex Trouchet Sierra Leone Kevin Lowther
Index Proposed Royal Visit issue Gambia Martin, Jeremy
Index Southern Rhodesian contingent in West Africa in WWII  Richards, John
Index Dates on the Pan Am First Flight covers from Gambia Gambia Wilson, John
Index Elders Colonial Airways Freetown - Bathurst Feeder Service Gambia Sierra Leone Wingent, Peter
Index Pan Am's early days in West Africa  Richards
Index BOAC Movement Records re Pan Am services from Lisbon to USA  Wilson, John
Index NRC perfins Nigeria Martin, Jeremy
Index 4/6d airmail from the UK to West Africa, 1942  Johnson, Robert & Richards, Peter
Index Varieties of the NRC perfins Nigeria May, Rob
Index 1938-57 definitives - plate numbers Gold Coast Duggan, Peter
Index Plating the Sterling issue of 1961: the 2/6d on 30Fr, type 2 Cameroons Kamerun Cameroun Bratzel, Marty
Index Plating the Sterling issue of 1961: the plates for type 1 and type 2 Cameroons Kamerun Cameroun Bratzel, Marty et al
Index Private Letter Cards St Helena Hahn
Index War Tax overprints - information sought St Helena Davis
Index Aerogramme from Bernard Mechanick Sierra Leone Rolfe, Peter