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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
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Item Title:
19 Mar 1975; Sale No: 3938 3939
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Class Mark:
Publication Place:
Switzerland : Basle
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
19 Mar 1975
Number of Pages:
Sale: 3938 3939
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index United States Stamps: The Culture of Presidential Series Collectors United States, Topical Collecting, Presidents, Covers Lawrence, Ken
Index Wooden Decorations for the Holidays Topical Collecting, Christmas, Wooden Toys Short, Simine
Index New York Pearls United States, New York, New York, Postal Markings, Precancels, Postage Dues, Covers, International Mail Leahy, Edward
Index Herbs and Simples from Scripture Topical Collecting, Plants of the Bible, Medicine, Flowers, Herbs Wilson, Tom
Index The Editor's Letter: Yes, Virginia, We Have a Future American Philatelic Society, Organizations, Philately Welch, Bill
Index Using Your Computer To Make Album Pages Computers, Collecting Arrangement and Mounting Wahl, Tim
Index Index to the Serrane Guide Indexes, Serrane Guide  
Index Index to the Serrane Guide pp. 1190-1191 Philatelic Literature; Forgeries and Counterfeits; Serrane, Fernand; Indexes [A two-volume work serialized in the AP: Volume 1 "Vade-Mecum du Specialiste-Expert en Timbres-Poste d'Europe" ran from August 1988 through September 1991. Volume 2 "Vade-Mecum du Specialiste-Expert en Timbres-Poste hors d'Europe ran from November 1992 
Index Letter to the Editor: Cover Notes End of Free Service to U.S. United States, Military Mail, Operation Desert Shield, Postal Markings Whitesell, Richard C.
Index Letter to the Editor: Wishes Granted? Catalogs and Price Lists, Prices and Values Ades, Leroy P.
Index The Gift of Collecting Collecting, Philately Schoenwaelder, Helmut
Index Death: Richard P. Hedley Obituaries - Hedley, Richard  
Index New Member Spotlight: Grady A. Ragan Jr. Ragan, Grady A. Jr., American Philatelic Society  
Index Philatelic Favorite: Surprise in the Bargain Box Covers, Exhibitions, De Sperati, Jean Centonze, Vincent