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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
23 Nov 1949; Sale No: 876 877
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Great Britain
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Bremner (vendor)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : London
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
23 Nov 1949
Number of Pages:
Sale: 876 877
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
No data to display
Key Words 
Index Postmarks - George V period Ascension Hughes
Index Postmarks - OAT / FS handstamp on mail to Australia Ascension Attwood, John
Index Ascension airmail, Part 1 Ascension Attwood, John
Index 1938 George VI sheet numbers St Helena West, Roger
Index Economics of St Helena 1989 St Helena Hearl, Trevor
Index OHMS unstamped mail Ascension  
Index British Library - Collection St Helena Beale, Philip & Mabbett, Bernard
Index Royal Mail steam ships at St Helena 1870s St Helena Hearl, Trevor
Index 1934 1½d Re-entries Ascension Attwood, John
Index Letter box and stamp at North West Point 1991 Ascension  
Index SS Guelph St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index 1923 ½d Varieties St Helena Stanton
Index Postmarks - Cancelled St Helena Beale, Philip
Index Books and maps in print 1991 St Helena Books 
Index British Library - Crown Agents' archives St Helena Beale, Philip & Mabbett, Bernard
Index Instructional marks - T / ……C St Helena Cottis
Index Postmarks - Departmental cachets St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index RMS St Helena maiden voyage St Helena Hearl, Trevor
Index Order for stamps from 1898 St Helena Ellis
Index British Library - Requisition books, Part 1 St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index 1922 Badge Issue - ½d varieties St Helena Lewis
Index 1991 Uniforms II post office announcement St Helena  
Index Postal rates 1857 Ascension  
Index GPO Notice 1857 re book post Ascension  
Index St Helena at Phillips 1990 St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index St Helena at Phillips 1990 St Helena Mabbett, Bernard
Index GPO Notice 1887 re Valentine's Day Ascension  
Index GPO Notice 1887 re Valentine's Day St Helena  
Index Postal rates 1888 Ascension  
Index Postal rates 1888 St Helena  
Index Sailing dates 1889 Ascension  
Index Sailing dates 1889 St Helena  
Index Auction reports  Martin, Jeremy
Index Marginal markings on De La Rue keyplates  Fernbank, Peter
Index SS Appam World War IIMaddocks, Bob
Index SS Appam 1916 Togo Maddocks, Bob
Index West African Forces - Extracts from War Office files  Kennedy, Alistair
Index Exhibitions - Stampex 1990  Ince, Jack
Index Ligne Mermoz-Histoire Aerophil... Latecoere by Collot Book Reviews and NoticesSanford
Index Marking Time 1887-1987 Kamerun-Duala by Maddocks Book Reviews and NoticesMartin, Jeremy
Index Dale-Lichtenstein Gambia Sale Gambia Seaman, Robert
Index Opened By Censor used in Gambia Gambia World War I CensorshipSeaman, Robert
Index WWI Opened By Censor Gambia CensorshipSeaman, Robert
Index Crash - DLH at Bathurst, Gambia 1937 Gambia Sanford
Index Crash 1937 DLH at Bathurst Gambia Sanford
Index Postmarks - Slogans 1965 Gambia Lewis & Andrew
Index Crash - BOAC Clare off Bathurst, Gambia 1942 Gambia Sanford
Index Crash 1942 BOAC Clare off Bathurst Gambia Sanford
Index Gold Coast Cancellations 1875-1957 by Mackin Gold Coast Book Reviews and NoticesLeonard, Charles
Index Instructional marks - Illustrated list Gold Coast Powell, John
Index Spitfire Fund labels Gold Coast Martin, Jeremy
Index Postmarks - 556 Numeral Canceller Gold Coast Swarbrick
Index Base Censor EWA World War II CensorshipCrabb
Index WWII Passed by Base Censor EWA Gold Coast CensorshipCrabb
Index RAF aerial survey of West Africa  Martin, Jeremy
Index RAF aerial survey of West Africa Gold Coast Martin, Jeremy
Index RAF aerial survey of West Africa  Martin, Jeremy
Index Liberia display Liberia Cockrill
Index Gold Coast at Christie’s Robson Lowe Gold Coast Martin, Jeremy
Index Niger Coast registered envelopes Niger Coast Oil Rivers Ince, Jack
Index Zana / Zaria Nigeria Ince, Jack
Index Instructional marks - Inconnu handstamp Cameroons Kamerun Cameroun Martin, Jeremy
Index Instructional marks - Inconnu 1917 Nigeria Martin, Jeremy
Index 1925-27 Despatch of Nigerian stamps Nigeria Fernbank, Peter
Index Crash - BOAC Argonaut at Kano, Nigeria Nigeria Martin, Jeremy
Index Crash - BOAC Argonaut at Kano Nigeria Martin, Jeremy
Index 1953-57 Definitives Nigeria Halewood
Index 1956 Royal Visit Nigeria Halewood
Index 1960 Southern Cameroons Nigeria Halewood
Index Postmarks of Sierra Leone 1854-1961 by Walton Sierra Leone Book Reviews and NoticesMartin, Jeremy
Index 1984 30k Birds variety Nigeria Jones, Neville
Index Reply Paid coupon used as postage 1926 Sierra Leone Styllis
Index Manuscript censorship in Togo World War I CensorshipMartin, Jeremy
Index WWI Manuscript censorship Togo CensorshipMartin, Jeremy