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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
11 Jan 1986; Sale No: 811-12
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Hong Kong
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : Bristol
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
11 Jan 1986
Number of Pages:
Sale: 811-12
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
ACATB_152804 Location: RPSL Basement Stacks ' Binding: Spine Title:
No additional data to display
Key Words 
Index Open Class Judges Article;Kimmel, Kurt
Index Gold \ The Road to Tasmania Article; Picture PostcardsCress, John
Index Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Railway Parcel \ Stamps 1867 to 1915 at FIP World Queensland Article;Elsmore, Dave
Index 1915 at FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps 1867 to Queensland Article; Postal HistoryElsmore, Dave
Index \ Judging Queensland Railway \ Parcel Stamps 1867 to 1915 at FIP World Exhibitions Queensland Advertisement;Elsmore, Dave
Index World Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland \ Railway Parcel Stamps 1867 to 1915 at FIP Queensland Article; Picture PostcardsElsmore, Dave
Index 1867 to 1915 at \ FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps Queensland Article; AerophilatelyElsmore, Dave
Index Judging Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps 1867 to 1915 at FIP World Exhibitions Queensland Article;Elsmore, Dave
Index Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps 1867 to 1915 at FIP \ World Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Advertisement;Elsmore, Dave
Index 1867 to 1915 at FIP World Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps Queensland Article; One-frame; Thematic PhilatelyElsmore, Dave
Index FIP \ World Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps 1867 to 1915 at Queensland Advertisement;Elsmore, Dave
Index 1915 at FIP World \ Exhibitions \ Judging Queensland Railway Parcel Stamps 1867 to Queensland Article; Revenue; TraditionalElsmore, Dave
Index Use of Covers in Traditional Exhibits \ The Article;Blake, Michael
Index The Use of Covers in Traditional Exhibits Article; RevenueBlake, Michael
Index Experiment \ Open Class: a European \ Approach to the Letters; OpenBrendl, Lumir
Index Class: a European \ Approach to the Experiment \ Open Article; Revenue; TraditionalBrendl, Lumir
Index European \ Approach to the Experiment \ Open Class: a Article;Brendl, Lumir
Index Publication \ FIAP Silver Jubilee \ 1974-1999 Souvenir ArticleF I A P; Smith, Dingle
Index \ FIAP Silver Jubilee \ 1974-1999 Souvenir Publication ArticleF I A P; Smith, Dingle
Index Souvenir Publication \ FIAP \ Silver Jubilee 1974-1999 ArticleF I A P; Smith, Dingle
Index NAPE News News