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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
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Item Title:
4 Feb 1995; Sale No: 925-26
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Bechuanaland Bushire Trengganu British New Guinea North Borneo
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
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Publication Place:
UK : Bristol
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
4 Feb 1995
Number of Pages:
Sale: 925-26
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Vol 48-4 pdf
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Key Words 
Index Locals, 1945 issues Halmstad Sweden 
Index Island described Lundy EnglandL. Liwendahl
Index Background information on island and local post Bardsey Wales 
Index New issues chronicle Bardsey Wales 
Index Charity issues, 1914-15 Help to the Belgians Denmark R. J. Du Bois
Index Bogus & Phantom, 1960s Oman Principality overprint on State of Oman Green Mountain  
Index Bogus & Phantom, 1960 provisionals, Counani design Katanga  
Index exile group Ukraine  
Index S. Allan Taylor Society, USA Society Index  
Index Locals, stamps reported Dungarpur India 
Index Bogus & Phantom, covers alleged to exist Sedang (classic) Vietnam 
Index Bogus & Phantom, 1979 phantom issues Antarctic States [Norway] 
Index New issues chronicle Chautauque Lake Local Post New York State, USA 
Index New issues chronicle Lundy England 
Index New issues chronicle Park Avenue Local Post New York, USA 
Index Postal conventions Sovereign Military Order of Malta  
Index The Postage Stamps of Lithuania Author Index Glenton, R.
Index Patent Medicine Tax Stamps Author Index Holcombe, H.W.
Index Sveriges och Norges Svarslösenmärken Author Index Liwendahl, L.
Index JAPOS Bulletin, The, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Philatelic Intelligencer, UK Periodicals Index  
Index Die Soldatenmarken der Schweiz Author Index Sulser, H.
Index Fireside Chats, USA Periodicals Index  
Index Philatelic Journalist, The, USA Periodicals Index