Item View

Data Source Information
Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
17 Feb 1968; Sale No: 430
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Great Britain Switzerland France Trengganu Ceylon Tonga
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : Birmingham
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
17 Feb 1968
Number of Pages:
Sale: 430
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
ACATB_152636 Location: RPSL Basement Stacks ' Binding: Spine Title:
No additional data to display
Key Words 
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Postal routes: External   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Wartime material: World War 1.: German East Africa: Interesting mail   
Index CONGO – Mols Stamps: (f) 1915, Modified bilingual issue: Booklets   
Index CONGO – ‘Mols’ stamps by Denomination: (a) 5 Centimes: 1915 Modified bilingual: Booklets   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Burundi: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Burundi: General   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Burundi: Cancellations: Post 1974   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post Offices: Lists of   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Philately, miscellaneous: ‘This old House’, in the Congo   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Perforations: Gauge, accuracy of   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Philately, miscellaneous: Perf. gauge, accuracy   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kimpangu   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kindu   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kimpese   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kinda   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kingoma   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kinshasa: (part of Leopoldville qv)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kipaila (Luvua)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kipaka Lutshi   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kipuku (Idiofa)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kipushi   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kirotshe   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kirundu   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kisenge   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kole (Kasai)   
Index ALL OTHER SUBJECTS: Post (or Telegraph) offices: Kole (Stanleyville)