Item View

Data Source Information
Source Ref:
Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
23 Oct 1952; Sale No: 161
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : Bristol
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
23 Oct 1952
Number of Pages:
Sale: 161
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
No data to display
ACATB_152280 Location: RPSL Basement Stacks ' Binding: Spine Title:
No additional data to display
Key Words 
Index Art (book review) Thematics  
Index Book and journal reviews Exhibitions  
Index British Library collections Stamp collecting  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009  
Index Computing & websites Special Stamps 2008  
Index Manual (book review) Collections  
Index Book and journal reviews Exhibitions  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009  
Index Philatelic Congress of GB Societies and Associations  
Index American Topical Association Societies and Associations  
Index Association of British Philatelic Societies Societies and Associations  
Index British Library collections Stamp collecting  
Index Events Special Stamps 2009  
Index Castles Generic sheets  
Index Reprints Smilers stamps and sheets  
Index Thaipex Exhibition sheets  
Index Big Ben Commemorative sheets  
Index University of Cambridge Commemorative sheets  
Index Design Classics Special Stamps 2009  
Index Design Classics Special Stamps 2009  
Index International reply coupon Postal history/services  
Index Miniature medals collection Collections  
Index Withdrawals Special Stamps 2009  
Index British Postal Museum & Archive Special Stamps 2009  
Index Covers Print and printers  
Index First Day Postmarks  
Index Machines Post and Go  
Index Robert Burns Exhibitions  
Index Silver stamps Collections  
Index George V Definitive & country stamps  
Index Harrison & Sons Print and printers  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index Photogravure Print and printers  
Index Photogravure definitives George V  
Index Computing & websites Special Stamps 2008  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index National PS Societies and Associations  
Index Christmas Special Stamps 2009  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index Post Boxes Special Stamps 2009  
Index Posting Boxes Thematics  
Index Stamps Posting boxes  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index Postbuses Postal history/services  
Index Blackburn, Garry Design and designers  
Index Fire & Rescue Services Special Stamps 2009  
Index Miscellaneous articles Authors  
Index Rose (design group) Design and designers  
Index Covers Print and printers  
Index Events Special Stamps 2009  
Index Auctions Special Stamps 2008  
Index Italia 2009 Exhibitions  
Index Labels Post and Go  
Index Moorcroft, Alan Biography  
Index National PS Societies and Associations  
Index Posts ministers Postal history/services  
Index Royal Mail privatisation Postal history/services  
Index Royal Philatelic Society London Societies and Associations  
Index Big Ben Commemorative sheets  
Index Covers Print and printers