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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
5 Jan 1993; Sale No: 125
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright End Rule Code:
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Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Publication Place:
UK : Cheadle
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
5 Jan 1993
Number of Pages:
Sale: 125
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Red Stars on Censor Labels WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1C.Sacconaghi & G.Mark & K.Morenweiser
Index Half Crown Letters WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index Dating of the Censor Labels WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index A Nomenclature for Describing Irish Censormarks WW2 Europe Ireland Code 3A9H.G.Moxter
Index Letters Carried by Hand WW1 Europe Great Britain Code 1A7K.Morenweiser & G.Mark
Index Return to Sender Forms WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index Unusual Censor Offices and Marks WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index Transit Censorship WW2 The Americas British Empire Trinidad & Tobago (E, IE) Code 3C10-17T.Tweddell
Index PC90 Type 1 with Printer's Imprint WW2 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 3A8-1K.Morenweiser
Index Undercover Mail "The National Peace Council" WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index Censor's Handstamps WW1 Europe Great Britain Civil mail Code 1A7-1G.Mark
Index Hong Kong Civil Censorship WW1 Asia Hong Kong Code 1D12G.Mark
Index Where in the World is Examiner 5517? WW2 The Americas British Empire Bermuda (C, IC) Code 3C10-3P.Flynn
Index Is this a new WW II Censorship Transit Marking? WW2 Europe Germany German Occupied Areas France - stations ‘l’,‘n’,‘x’,‘y’ Code 3A3-13-2A.K.Brooks
Index Follow Up on Censorship Stamp WW2 Australasia & Oceania British Empire Australia Code 3E1-1T.Brooks
Index Possible Civil Censorship OBSERVADA H.Moxter, G.Mark & WW2 Europe Spain (1939-1945) Code 3A21T.Brooks