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Date Loaded:
22 Oct 2019 10:00:34
Item Information
Record Type:
Auction Catalogues & Private Treaty
Source Record Type:
Item Title:
1 Aug 1969; Sale No: 3218 3219 3220 3221
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
Who Name:
Arkell Mayes Pellant Phillips Simpson Bladon (vendor)
Class Mark:
Publication Place:
UK : Bournemouth
Physical Description:
Page Nos List:
1 Aug 1969
Number of Pages:
Sale: 3218 3219 3220 3221
Item Alt No:
Bournemouth sale 923 924 925 926
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Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Publications Bibliography 1990-2011Colin W Spong
Index Deutsches Reich - Postgebührenkatalog 1923 bis 1945 Postal Rates Germany; Reviews: GermanyRainer E Lütgens; Rex A Dixon
Index Tabbed stamps of Czechoslovakia Coupons Roy A Dehn
Index 11.10.1938: Territorial loss in southern Slovakia Slovakia Territorial Losses; Field Post: SlovakiaJozef Tekeľ; Robert Kingsley
Index Bohemik/Bohemica/Britannica Money Orders Dr Miroslav Vostek; Robert Kingsley
Index Czechoslovak-Soviet Union friendship society stamp Labels Political; Questions and Answers: 1996Robert J Hill
Index Mute cancellations Postmarks and Postal Markings Graham Slater
Index New issues [Czech] UNICEF 1996; Butterflies: 1996; Horses: 1996. Kladrup Horses; Kladrup Horses; Artists: Nemes, Endre. 1909-1985: Baroque Chair: Czech; Joint Issues [Czech]: Sweden: Baroque Chair; Joint Issues [Czech]: Slovakia: Baroque Chair; Havel, Václav. 1936-2011, President of Czechoslovakia, 1990-1992. Czech Republic President, 1993-2003: 1996; Aircraft: Historic Airplanes Issue; Astronomers: Brahe, Tycho. 1546-1601; Paintings Issues [Czech]: 1996; Artists: Váchal, Josef. 1884-1869: Garden of Eden; Artists: FlegelLindy Knight
Index New issues postal stationery [Czech] Postal Stationery Lindy Knight
Index New issues [Slovak] Coats of Arms [Slovak] Senica; Senica; Conservation [Slovak]: 1996. Hoofed Animals; Hoofed Animals; Artists: Nemes, Endre. 1909-1985: Baroque Chair: Slovak; Joint Issues [Slovak]: Sweden: Baroque Chair; Joint Issues [Slovak]: Czech Republic: Baroque Chair; Mountain Lakes Issue: 1996Lindy Knight
Index New issues postal stationery [Slovak] Postal Stationery Lindy Knight