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Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Amiens 1909: see Chamber of Commerce Stamps   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Booklets: (see also Briat)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Booklets: Joan of Arc 1929: (see under ‘Joan of Arc’ Stamp)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Coils: (see also Auch; Marianne de Gandon; Mont de Marsan)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Coins Datés: see Dated Corners   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Designs of French Stamps: see also Thematic Studies   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Did You Know?: see Thematic Studies   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Essays: see Proofs & Essays   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Forgeries/Fakes: (see also Colonies – All)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Fluorescent Issues: see Phosphor   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): General: Classic varieties – see issue   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Jetons: see Timbres Monnaies   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Iris: (see also Hourriez)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Labels: (see also Red Cross)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Langer: see Underprints   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Marianne de: see Type name   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Mercury: (see also Hourriez)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Napoleon: see Empire Issues   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Orléans 1953: see Chamber of Commerce Stamps   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Peace Issue: (see also Dated Corners)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Pochettes: see Timbres Monnaies   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Precancels: (see also Tariffs – Bulk Mail)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Proofs & Essays: (see also Labels)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Reimpressions of 1862: see under Cérès   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Roulettes: see Coils   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Sées: see Underprints   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Ships on Stamps: see Thematic Studies   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): SLHPM: see Underprints   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Sower, Camée: General: Corn Sack Query  D. Jennings­Bramly
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Sower, Lined: (see also Forgeries)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Stamp Index (Yvert Numbers): 60: see Cérès   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Stamp Index (Yvert Numbers): Airmail stamps: see also Air Mail.   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): ‘Taxe’ stamps: see Dues   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Thematic Studies: (see also ‘Europa’)   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): Valenciennes 1914: see Chamber of Commerce Stamps   
Index FRANCE (STAMPS): World War 2 Issues: Liberation overprints: see Liberation   
Index FROM THE EDITOR’S POSTBAG: see Question and Answer   
Index HERE AND THERE: see Question and Answer   
Index IDLE JOTTINGS: see Question and Answer   
Index IVORY COAST: (see also Colonies – All)   
Index LEBANON: see also Syria   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Levett, J.H.: ‘France 1849–1876’ Society/JHL Publication Jan/Mar 1971   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Mathieu, M. & Sambourg, A.: ‘Les Avis de Réception (et leurs formules demandés des origines à nos jours)’   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Pothion, J: (see also Rochette)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: SO.CO.CO.DA.MI: ‘L’Impression des Timbres Français par les Rotatives’: Volume I (1922–44) (1988 update); Volume IV (1954–59)(Taille–Douce) 1987; Volume V (1960–86)(Helio & Taille–Douce) Part 1 – The Printings (1989)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: SO.CO.CO.DA.MI: ‘Les Béquet’ (1984)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Waugh, W.M.: see also Luft, S.J.   
Index MARITIME: see France (Postal History) – Maritime   
Index MAURITANIA: (see also Colonies – All)   
Index NOTES AND QUERIES: see Question & Answer   
Index OCEANIA: see French Oceanic Settlements   
Index ODDS AND ENDS: see Question and Answer   
Index PNEUMATIC POST: (see also France (Post Office Services) – Express)   
Index PHILATELIC CONGRESS OF GREAT BRITAIN: 1974 Enghien (see page 89)   
Index POLYNESIA: (see also French Oceanic Settlements)   
Index POSTAL STATIONERY: (see also individual territories/issues & France (Stamps) (Postal Stationery)   
Index RAILWAYS: see France (Postal History) – Railway Postmarks & Other Items   
Index SALON: see Exhibitions   
Index SENEGAL: (see also Colonies – All)   
Index SPECIMEN: see France (Stamps) Training Schools   
Index SHANGHAI: see China   
Index WORLD WARS 1 & 2: see FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY) – World War 1 (or 2)   
Index ACCOUNTANCY MARKS: see France (Postal History)   
Index AFFRANCHTs/POSTE: see France (Stamps) Precancels   
Index AIR MAIL: (see also France [Franco–Prussian War] )   
Index ALSACE–LORRAINE: (see also France [Franco–Prussian War] )   
Index AMBULANTS: see France (Postal History) Railway   
Index ANNULÉ: see France (Stamps) Training Schools   
Index Middle Congo: (See also Maritime Mail)   
Index Postage Rates: (See also Alsace-Lorraine, Blind Concession, French Equatorial Africa)   
Index Togo: (see also Après le Départ)   
Index World War 2: (see also Algeria, Alsace-Lorraine)   
Index AVIATION: see Air Mail   
Index Airmail: (see also under Franco-German War, Guadeloupe, Saigon, Senegal)   
Index BALLOON POST: see France [Franco–Prussian War]   
Index BISECTS: (see also Franco–Prussian War)   
Index French Post Offices Abroad: (see also under Forgeries)   
Index Postage Due: (see also under French Post Offices Abroad)   
Index Postal Services: (see also Blind Concession, Chad)   
Index World War 2: (see also under French India and Senegal)   
Index Airmail: (see also under Indo-China)   
Index Cameroun: (see also Cécogrammes, de Laurence Company of Chicago)   
Index French Guinea: (see also Boîte Mobile, Bureaux Gare, French West Africa)   
Index BOOK REVIEWS: see Literature Reviews & Notes   
Index French West Africa: (see also Benin, Dahomey, French Guinea, French Sudan, Ivory Coast, Maritime Mail, World War 2)   
Index BORDEAUX: see France (Stamps)   
Index Maritime Mail: (see also Ivory Coast)   
Index BUREAUX FRANÇAIS à L’ETRANGER: see French Post Offices Abroad   
Index Togo: (see also Postal Services – Récépissé forms)   
Index World War 2: (see also French Colonies)   
Index Cameroun: (see also Fantasies, and Postal Tariffs)   
Index de Laurence Company of Chicago: see under Cameroun   
Index Forgeries: (see also under Ethiopia)   
Index Merson type: see under Fantasies   
Index Postage Due: see under Cameroun, French Morocco, Mauritania, Postal Tariffs(Métayer) and Togo   
Index Postal Stationery: see also under Togo   
Index Postal Tariffs: (see also under French Polynesia)   
Index World War 2: (see also under French Colonies)   
Index Advice of receipt : see under Postal Services   
Index Airmails: (see also under Cameroun, French Congo, French Equatorial Africa and World War 2I)   
Index Après le Départ: see under Mauritania   
Index CAN YOU HELP?: see Question and Answer   
Index Articles d’argent: see under Postal Services   
Index Bogus stamps: see under Algeria and Tunisia   
Index Cameroun: (see also under World War 2)   
Index Dahomey: (see also under Senegambia and Niger)   
Index French Colonies General Issues : see under Cameroun   
Index French India : see under Postage Due   
Index French Sudan: see under Senegambia and Niger   
Index Ivory Coast: see under Fiscals   
Index French Equatorial Africa: (see also under French Congo)   
Index Mercury Type (Postes Françaises): see under Pétain de Prost   
Index Military Mail: see under Cameroun   
Index Postage Due: (see also under Cameroun and Sowers)   
Index Postal Tariffs: (see also under French Equatorial Africa)   
Index Niger: see under Senegambia and Niger   
Index Senegal: (see also under Mexican Expedition)   
Index Sowers: (see also under Algeria and Postal Tariffs)   
Index Tchad: see under World War 2   
Index Togo: see under Cameroun and Dahomey   
Index Tunisia: (see also under Fiscals)   
Index World War 1: see under Cameroun   
Index World War 2: (see also under Airmails, Algeria, Cameroun, French Equatorial Africa and Morocco)   
Index CINDERELLA ISSUES: see France (Stamps) Labels   
Index COLONIES (ALL): see also individual territories)   
Index COMPUTERS: see Technology   
Index DAHOMEY: (see also Colonies – All; & French West Africa)   
Index ENTRY MARKS: see France (Postal History)   
Index ETIQUETTES: see France (Stamps) Labels   
Index ETIQUETTES DE RETOUR (Return Labels): see France (Franco–Prussian War)   
Index FRANCE (POST OFFICE SERVICES): Registered Mail [1977]: see also Insured Mail  0
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): (see also Departmental Numbers)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Acheminée: see Forwarded Mail   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Ambulant markings: see Railway Postmarks   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): ‘Après le Départ’ {Too Late} Marks: (see also Late Fee)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Bâle: see Bureau Français à Bâle   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Berg: see Hanseatic League   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Boîte Mobile Service: {see also Movable Box}   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Bremen: see Hanseatic League   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Bureaux de Distribution: see Facteur–Boitiers   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Cabinet Noir: see Bureau Noir   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Cachets d’Entrée: see Entry Marks   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): CAEN P.P. marking  P. Maybury
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Camps: (see also Franchise)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): ‘Chargé’ Letters: see Insured Letters   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Correspondants Postaux: see Poste Automobile Rurale   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Daguin postmarks: (see also Morocco)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Departements Conquis: see Revolutionary markings   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Express Mail: see France (Post Office Services)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Flammes: see Slogan Postmarks   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Gros Chiffres (Large Figures): see Numbered Lozenges   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Hamburg: see Hanseatic League   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Handstamps: see Circular Datestamps   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Illyria: see Revolutionary Markings   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Jour de l’An cancels: see ‘New Year’s Cancels’   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Lubeck: see Hanseatic League   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Machine cancels: (see also Slogan Postmarks; Chambon Experimental Cancel))   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): ‘M & I’ marks: see Reunion   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Military mail: Correspondance d’Armées: (see also Soldiers’ Letters)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Olympic Games: see France (Stamps)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Origin Marks: see Entry Marks   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Paris postmarks: (see also New Year’s Cancels)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Paris postmarks: Postal Museum: see Bureau Central   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Passe, Bureaux de: (see also Literature Reviews)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Petits Chiffres (Small Figures): see Numbered Lozenges   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Postmarks: (see also Circular Datestamps)   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Pratique: see Disinfection   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): RETOUR A L’ENVOYEUR: see ‘Return to Sender’   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Savoy: see Nice...   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Secteur Postal: see Military Mail   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): ‘Too Late’ marks: see ‘Late Fee’ and also ‘Après le Départ’   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): Valeur Déclarée: see Insured Letters   
Index FRANCE (POSTAL HISTORY): World War 2: (see also Military – Legion)