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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
April 1971; Vol: 21/2 Iss: 116
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Apr 1971
Number of Pages:
Vol 21/2 Iss: 116
Item Alt No:
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Index Exhibitions and stamp fairs: British Library Philatelic Collection   
Index Exhibitions and stamp fairs: Australia 99   
Index Exhibitions and stamp fairs: Brighton and Hove98   
Index Senegal: The 1901-1902 yellow fever epidemic and the "A" in circle cachet-a contemporary account  (W G Mitchell)
Index Railways: The letter in circle cachets  (A Swain)
Index Marianne de Briat: The TVP Briat, a recent discovery  (J M Simmons)
Index Football - France 98 World Cup, France Champions stamp  (J M Simmons)...
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 38  (E M Cohn)
Index Franco-German War: The Papillons de Metz - fake instruction slip  (E M Cohn)
Index * Printing methods - The French Postal Printing Works  ("JB", from Le Commerce, March 1909, trs P H A Sinclair)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: von Scharpen, R: Katalog Ganzsachen der Französischen Kolonien, Auslandsbüros und Besetzten Gebiete (Catalogue: Postal Stationery of the French Colonies, Post Offices Abroad and Occupied Territories) : (Book noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: SO.CO.CO.DA.MI.: Collections exposés par nos Sociétaires - Salon Philatélique d'Automne, Porte Champerret, Paris, November 1997 : (Book noted)  (J M Simmons)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: World War II - HMSO publications: bibliography and guide : (Book noted)  (C W Spong)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Bookfinderservice.etc   
Index Maritime Mail - Mail crossing the Atlantic in the 19th century  (F E Goatcher).
Index Postage due-Calculation of postage due: The Franco-Swiss Postal Treaty of 1865  (H F Stone)
Index Franco-German War: The Armistice Treaty and Versailles / Auswechselungsstelle "censor" cachet [correction to note in Journal 206]  (W G Mitchell)
Index Ceres de Mazelin - Unrecorded electro on 2F50 value?  (M L Bister, A le Guillou)
Index Sowers: The false red 50c Sower (Yv 199) [see Journal 180]  (D Jennings-Bramly) ....
Index Office-to-office letter rates 1792-1849/see Journal 206  (P Maybury, J L Whiteside, D J Richardson, B J Sharp)
Index Booklets - single stamps not to be sold separately (query and reply)  (G Gethin, M L Bister)
Index Franco-German War: Faked and bogus Ballon Monte covers  (E M Conn, D Jennings-Bramly)
Index France & Colonies P S Journal - illustration problems  (M S Tyler)
Index World War 2: Uncensored letter, Corsica - Belgian Congo  (R R Ingels, M L Bister, R E Reader)
Index French Somali Coast -1937 flown cover to China  (J Sears, W G Mitchell)
Index Cancellations: hambon machine cancel: Amiens Gare, earliest recorded use  (Mrs H Mitchell)
Index Cancellations: hollow star cancels on Petain stamps  (D Jennings-Bramly, R E Reader)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from philatelic magazines, lists of titles  (CW Spong)
Index Mayotte - new society   
Index Morocco and Tunisia - new Society   
Index World War 2: UK to France services (extracts from GPO circulars)  (C W Spong)