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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 1998; Vol: 48/2 Iss: 208
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Jun 1998
Number of Pages:
Vol 48/2 Iss: 208
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Key Words 
Index Franco-German War: Paris 1871 - The Armistice: problems of communications with foreign countries  (Mrs YZ Newbury, reprinted from Postal History, September 1991)
Index Telegraphs: Cablegrams from Marseilles 1940-1942  (D J Richardson)
Index Franco-German War: Faked and bogus Ballon Monte covers  (E M Conn, D Jennings-Bramly)
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories - 36  (E M Cohn)
Index Cameroun: The 1940 overprints (book review)  (M Round)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Cobb, D-Cameroun: the 1940 Overprints (M Round): (Book noted)   
Index CFA franc - origins  (Virginia Thompson & Richard Adloff, reprinted from "French West Africa," 1958)
Index Office-to-office letter rates 1792-1849/see Journal 206  (P Maybury, J L Whiteside, D J Richardson, B J Sharp)
Index World War 2: Bureau Central Militaire A and French Naval Mission in USA  (M S Tyler, B M K Priddy, et al)
Index Booklets - single stamps not to be sold separately (query and reply)  (G Gethin, M L Bister)
Index Avis de Reception cachets from former colonies  (W G Mitchell)
Index Cancellations: hollow star cancels on Petain stamps  (D Jennings-Bramly, R E Reader)
Index Sowers: Semeuse slide-rule for calculating postal charges  (R I Johnson)
Index Railways: Bureaux de Passe and Railways of the Doubs (report of display by J L Whiteside)   
Index Express mail  (report of display by D J Richardson)
Index Labels - Anti-TB  (report of display by D J Richardson)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from philatelic magazines, lists of titles  (CW Spong)
Index Exhibitions and stamp fairs: APS Stampshow 98