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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
December 1999; Vol: 49/4 Iss: 214
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Page Nos List:
Dec 1999
Number of Pages:
Vol 49/4 Iss: 214
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Index Armoiries - 0.30 Blason de Paris: Part III Booklet Printings  (M L Bister):
Index Armoiries - 0.30 Blason de Paris: Part IV: Postal Usage  (M L Bister):
Index Colonies: Booklets  (W G Mitchell)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from philatelic magazines, lists of titles  (C W Spong)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Kralicek, V & Page, A: Military Cards of the Exiled Czechoslovak Forces in France and Great Britain 1939-45: (Book review)  (I McQueen)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Lemerie, L: La France par ses Timbres: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Le Roux, M and Ogier, B: Apostille, numéro hors-série hiver 1998-99: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Dardenne, G: Extraits des principaux tarifs postaux usuels au départ des districts des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises de 1924 a 1997: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Brun, J-F, Storch, J and Francon, R: Catalogue encyclopédique MARIANNE 1849-1900: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Académie de Philatélie et AEEPP (ed): Dictionnaire Philatélique et Postal: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Timbropresse (ed): Quand les classiques de France et des ex-Colonies françaises nous sont contés... - Timbroscopie numéro hors-série Tome II: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Yvert et Tellier (ed): Timbres de Monaco Tome 1 bis - 2000: (Book noted)   
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Société Française de Philatélie Fiscale (ed): Catalogue des timbres fiscaux et socio-postaux de France, édition 2000 ..: (Book noted)   
Index Senegal: a WW2 transit camp cachet  (W G Mitchell)
Index World War 2: Senegal transit camp cachet  (W G Mitchell)
Index Pages from my Collection: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8  (W G Mitchell, A Swain, R D Larg, M R N Wilson, G H Fryer, J West, R C Deakin)
Index Morocco: Beginning of the Conquest of, Part I  (R C Deakin)
Index Ivory Coast: Complete booklet pane on cover discovered  (W G Mitchell)
Index Périgueux: a dishonest printer at Périgueux  (J M Simmons)
Index Laos: Stamps with obliterated legend  (M Round)
Index Martinique: Overprints on Postage Dues  (M Round)
Index World War 1: Togo censor marks  (E J Mayne)
Index Togo: Censor marks on WWI mail  (E J Mayne)
Index Airmail : 1 F50 Aeroplane over Marseilles issue 1930-31  (R G Gethin)
Index French Morocco: Perfins(AJWood)   
Index Franco-German War: Placenames and the Postal Code Directory  (E M Cohn)
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories  (E M Conn)
Index Monaco : How to Pay for a Package  (J M Massler)
Index Sowers: *the 5c green Sower used as postage due  (D Jennings-Bramly)
Index Exhibitions and stamp fairs, etc : Stamp 2000 - invitation to display from Ship Stamp Society   
Index Pre-cancels: an unexpected issue (1998)  (J M Simmons)