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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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September 2001; Vol: 51/3 Iss: 221
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Sep 2001
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Vol 51/3 Iss: 221
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Key Words 
Index Pont du Gard: A 20F Pont du Gard perforation 11x11 variety  (D Jennings-Bramly)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from philatelic magazines, lists of titles  (C W Spong)
Index French West Africa: The Post Offices of French West Africa: Part 2 - Ivory Coast  (W G Mitchell and L H Lambert)
Index Royal Visit 1938: the 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France   
Index Pages from my collection: 14, 15, 16  (R C Deakin, P R A Kelly)
Index Mauritania: Development of air routes: France to Dakar (Senegal) via Port-Etienne (Mauritania)  (P R A Kelly)
Index Franco-German War: Mail Balloon Garibaldi problems  (E.M. Cohn)
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories : 62  (E M Cohn)
Index Cameroun: Spanish Guinea postal connections  (M P Bratzel)
Index Department Numbers: Napoleonic Wars period  (I McQueen, A J Wood)
Index Postal Markings: Boîte Rurale and Décime Rural puzzle corner  (G J Gosling, P R A Kelly, R Goutay, A C Swinburn, I McQueen, R Abensur, G Barot, J P Maybury)
Index Postal Markings: "No Name, No Delivery" rule?  (J M Simmons)
Index Postal Markings: Privately produced undeliverable Prioritaire label  (G J Gosling, J M Simmons)
Index Madagascar: World War II: French detainees in POW and internment camps in Kenya and South Africa  (G Barot, C W Spong)
Index Printed Matter: Printed Matter sent in open envelopes: the situation between 1.1.1876 and 1.5.1878: Comment on the above  (R Abensur trs M S Tyler)
Index Printed Matter: A Postage Deficiency label on "Return to Sender" printed matter  (G J Gosling, R Abensur trs M S Tyler)
Index World War 1: unusual hospital cachet  (A Swain)
Index Red Cross: Precursors (Franco-German War): Unusual World War I hospital cachet  (A Swain)
Index French West Africa: The Post Offices of French West Africa: Part 1 - Benin/Dahomey, Supplement (see Journal 215)  (W G Mitchell and L H Lambert)
Index Military Mail: World War 1: unusual dated Vaguemestre cachet  (A Swain)
Index World War 1: unusual dated Vaguemestre cachet  (A Swain)
Index Djibouti : Post-Independence Djibouti (New issue problems, 1991-2000)  (P Upson)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: (pub): Courriers Convoyeurs et Chemins de Fer des Landes: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Augustin, B, Pontvieux, M, Saunier, Cetal: La Poste en Haute-Sâone, les timbres a date manuels et leurs précurseurs: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Lowe, R, and Walske C: The Work of Jean de Sperati II: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Marsanoux, C: L'Ambulance de Midi : (Book review)  (E M Cohn)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Le Cercle des Amis de Marianne (pub): 50 Trésors Philateliques Contemporains: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index Franco-German War: Ambulance du Midi (Red Cross and related activities) (book review)  (E M Cohn)
Index Red Cross: Precursors (Franco-German War)  (book review) E M Cohn)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Dallay (pub): Catalogue de cotations de Timbres de France (2001-2002 edition): (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Domphil (pub): Catalogue Monaco 2001: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Heimann, K: Kriegsausgaben unter deutscher Besetzung 1940-1945: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Trinquier, A: La Poste dans le Var au milieu du XIX" Siecle d'après I'enqête postale de novembre 1847: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chevalier, J: Catalogue des Cachets à Date Types 22-23-24-25: Bureaux de Distribution & Facteurs-Boîtiers, Departements Frangais & Algérie) 1853-1938: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Brun, J-F, Françon, R, and Storch, J: Le Catalogue Encyclopédique Marianne des timbres de France, période 1900-1940, edition 2001: (Books noted)  (C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index Postal Markings: 1876 Change in method of stamping mail between France and British Colonies  (R I Johnson)