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Journal / Periodical
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September 2002; Vol: 52/3 Iss: 225
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Sep 2002
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Vol 52/3 Iss: 225
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Index Postal tariffs: French airmail surtaxes to 1945 (tables) offer  (W G Mitchell)
Index World War 2: lnterzone mail (1940-1944): Part 2: Liberalisation (May 1941-November 1942)  (R E Reader)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines, Lists of Titles  (C W Spong)
Index Sowers: The Pre-War Sower Epreuves de Luxe (Appearances can be deceptive)  (D Jennings-Bramly)
Index Colonies: Post-independence survey (book review)  (M Round)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Yvert & Tellier: Catalogue Yvert & Tellier, Tome 2, 2e partie : (Book review)  (M. Round)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Astolfi, V: Occupazloni ed Annessioni Italiane nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale (Albania, Francia, Grecia, Jugoslavia): 1939-1943 La Posta Civile (Annullamenti e Storia Postale): (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Argus des Timbres de France (pub): Argus des Timbres de France 2002: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Poste (La) (pub): Un siècle de transports (Le Siècle au fil du timbre, vol 5): (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Revue Icare (pub): La poste aérienne française, tome III: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Mose'Edizioni (pub): L'Annuaire de la collection 2002 - 2003: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: FFE Paolo Vollmeier (pub): Fakes, Forgeries Experts (n° 5): (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chauvet, M: Les Relations de la France avec I'Espagne de 1660 a 1849 (La Poste Internationale Tome 2): (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Éditions Philatéliques de Paris (pub): Catalogue FDC Cérès Editions Supplement 2002: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index French Equatorial Africa: Down to the sea and the mystery of a post office without a proper name (P. K. 102)  (R I Johnson)
Index Chad: A remote post office which has a name Faya  (R I Johnson)
Index Indo-China: TPO circular datestamp query  (D Taylor-Smith)
Index Palissy Cours d'lnstruction stamp: use at foreign exhibitions  (R Hill, C W Spong, M L Bister)
Index Postage due: Chlffres-taxe Carres  (R Abensur, trs M S Tyler)
Index Laos: stamps with obliterated "Royaume de" legend (see query in Journal 214)  (M Round)
Index World War 1: Postcard of German aeroplane and Eiffel Tower  (G J Gosling, J D Moffat, D Malcolm)
Index Togo: The 1921 "Mandate" issue (Earliest recorded dates of use): an update (see article in Journal 222)  (W G Mitchell)
Index Sage type: Zanzibar cancel on unsurcharged Sage stamps  (S N Gardiner)
Index Benin (colony): French West Africa: Benin/Dahomey (use of German stamps, 1882-96)  (E J Mayne)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines, Lists of Titles  (C W Spong)
Index Postal tariffs: postal rates for mail leaving the French colonies, 1876-1907  (H Drye trs M S Tyler from COL.FRA Bulletin 94, supplied by C W Spong)
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories: 66, 68, 70, 72  (E M Cohn)