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December 2002; Vol: 52/4 Iss: 226
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Dec 2002
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Vol 52/4 Iss: 226
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Index World War 2: lnterzone mail (1940-1944): Part 3: After the German Occupation of the Southern Zone (November 1942-September 1944)  (R E Reader)
Index World War 2: Hollow Star Cancellation on Retain and other stamps  (R E Reader)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Shelley, RG: The Postal History of the International Brigades in Spain 1936-1939: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Yvert & Tellier (pub): Catalogue Yvert & Tellier, Tome 1, Timbres de France, 2003: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Yvert & Tellier (pub): Catalogue Yvert & Tellier, Tome 1bls, Timbres de Monaco, Andorre française et espagnole, Europa, Nations unies, 2003: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Dallay (pub): Catalogue des Cotations de Timbres d'Andorre, Monaco, Terres Australes, Europa, 2002-2003: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Demeraux, A: Catalogue des Marques Postales et Oblitérations de Forbach 1791-2001: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Frechet, B & Rucklin, R: Les Annulés de A à Z (CD-ROM): (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Frick, M: Les Dépôts de Prisonniers de Guerre de I'Axe en Alsace et en Moselle 1945-1948: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Pothion, V: Marques Postales et Oblitérations de Paris de 1700 au 31/12/1848: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Meriaux, J: Les Affranchissements Mécaniques dans la Marine Nationale, tomes 1 et 2: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gregnac-Daudemard, R: Obliterations Manuelles du Var, tàd a cercle continu - 2 (1884-1959): (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Kéledjian, F: Répertoire FRANC.K des carnets de timbres-poste courants en nouveaux francs et en euros: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Lange, M & Tarier, D: Essai de Répertoire de Vignettes Privées Non Postales et Non Fiscales de I'lndochine Française, du Cambodge, du Laos et du Viet Nam: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Broustine, P: Timbres-Monnaie - Pochettes, Carnets, Jetons - France et Colonies: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Agadiche, J-J: Cachets Postaux et Marques Illustrées des Bâtiments de la Marine Nationale: (Books noted)  (I McQueen, B J Sharp, D Taylor-Smith, C W Spong, M S Tyler)
Index Madagascar: WWII POW camp in Kenya  (C Ablard, ex Feuilles Marcophiles 307, trs R E Reader; C W Spong; G Barot)
Index Benin (colony): Benin and mail from Togoland  (J Sacher)
Index Service suspended: Query about the British Post Office strike of 1971 and BP 300 at Calais  (R I Johnson)
Index World War 1: Postcard of German aeroplane and Eiffel Tower  (G J Gosling, J D Moffat, D Malcolm)
Index Postal organisation and services: New PRIORITAIRE handstamp in the Yvelines  (J M Simmons)
Index Palissy Cours d'lnstruction stamp: biographical details of Bernard Palissy  (G B Slater)
Index Postal organisation and services: De Gaulle's stamp campaign  (P J Whiting)
Index Postal organisation and services: New numbers on coil stamps  (G J Gosling)
Index Postage due: Postage due stamps and usages of French Colonies  (R G Stone)
Index Postcards: Folded Business Postcards  (I McQueen)
Index Royal Visit 1938: The 1F75 Royal Visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth to France (printing types)  (M L Bister) ....
Index Congo Français: Oubangui-Chari: Concessionary Rates to Canada  (R I Johnson)
Index French West Africa: French West Africa: de la Nézière issues (report of display)  (M L Bister, M S Tyler)
Index Marianne de Muller: a specialised collection (report of display)  (M L Bister, M S Tyler)
Index Maritime Mail: WWII French Naval Mail - the Bâtiment de Ligne "Richelieu"  (W G Mitchell)
Index Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories: 66, 68, 70, 72  (E M Cohn)