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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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June 2003; Vol: 53/2 Iss: 228
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Jun 2003
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Vol 53/2 Iss: 228
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Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Trassaert, J-L: “Marianne à la nef” (CD-ROM): (Book review)  (M L Bister)
Index Monde des Philatélistes, Le: The Le Monde des Philatélistes Brochure celebrates its Golden Jubilee  (M L Bister)
Index Cancellations: Some Early Machine Cancellations 1, 2, 3, 4  (W G Mitchell)
Index Franco-German War: Amazing 1870-71 Wonder Stories: 76  (E.M. Cohn)
Index World War 2: Censored and Delayed Mail  (M P Bratzel, L F Rowe, I J Swinburn)
Index Cameroun: Airmail Cover Bordeaux to Cameroun 1940-41  (M P Bratzel)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Tillard, J-L & Allen, D: La France libre dans la philatélie de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Jolly, D: Nomenclature des timbres parafiscaux français de permis de chasse (1975-2003): Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Zammith, F: Philatélie et aviation aux Îles Wallis-et-Futuna: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Munch, C: Catalogue des papiers timbrés d ’Alsace-Lorraine 1870-1944: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Priddy, B (ed): West Africa Airmails: The McCaig and Porter Collections : Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gregnac-Daudemard, R: La Poste aux lettres dans le département du Var, tome IV: 1849-1876: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gregnac-Daudemard, R: Oblitérations manuelles du Var: Timbres à date à cercle discontinu (1853-1965): Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Société francaise de philatélie fiscale (pub): Catalogue des timbres fiscaux locaux et spéciaux de France et de Monaco 2003: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Société philatélique de l’Est (pub): Marques postales et oblitérations du département de l ’Aube des origines au type 19: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Society of Indo-China Philatelists (pub): The Revenues of’ Viet-Nam (catalogue on CD-ROM): Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Sococodami (pub): Les “Luquet” en francs: Les tirages en feuilles, les tirages pour carnets: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chauvet, M: Les réexpéditions dans le régime intérieur des origines à 1878: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Dubois, J-C & Eloy, J: La Poste ferroviaire en Corrèze, tome I, étude VIII, chapitre I: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines: Lists of Titles  (C W Spong)
Index Togo: Togo in World War I The French Occupation Issues  (J J Martin and W G Mitchell)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Birken, A & Gerlach, H-H: Atlas und Lexikon zum Ersten Weltkrieg, 1: Karten: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Abouchard, B & Ferry, V: Australie, Continent Aéronautique: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Danan, Y-M: Les timbres sociaux -postaux d ’Alsace-Lorraine: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Section Marcophile de l’Amicale Philatélique Aunisienne (pub): Le chemin de fer et la poste ferroviaire en Charente Inférieure, de l’origine à 1904: Books noted  (I McQueen, M S Tyler)
Index Pages from my Collection: 19  (J C West)
Index Guadeloupe: An Interesting Guadeloupe Cover (1915 Red Cross issue)  (J C West)
Index World War 1: Patriotic Timbre-cachet de l ’Alliance label  (J C West)
Index Forgeries: Fournier’s Facsimiles, with Supplement  (A Wood)
Index World War 2: Exchange of Commercial Mail between Switzerland and Occupied France 1942-44  (E Menne Larsen after R Stutz)
Index Postal Services: Postal Identity Cards and Powers of Attorney to deal with Postal Matters  (R Johnson)
Index French West Africa: Timbre Fiscal used in Niger on Power of Attorney Form 776  (R I Johnson)
Index Overprints: Interesting Overprinted Items: query  (E J Mayne)
Index World War 2: Hollow Star Cancellations (see article in Journal 226)  (R E Reader)
Index Algeria: Airmail Postage Paid Marking (Cachet) from Algiers, 1940  (I McQueen)
Index French India: Mail Addressed to French India (censored in World War II): query  (R Wood)
Index World War 2: World War 2 Censorship and Cancelled Airmail Marks: query  (J Sears, R E Reader)
Index French Congo: Definitives overprinted/cancelled “T in triangle” as Postage Due stamps (Mongumba, 1910)  (R I Johnson)