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September 2005; Vol: 55/3 Iss: 237
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Sep 2005
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Vol 55/3 Iss: 237
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Index Joan of Arc Stamp 1929: The 50c Jeanne d’Arc Stamp: Part I: The Marcel Marron Archive  (M L Bister in collaboration with J-P Fournier)
Index Literature: Notes on ‘A Bibliography of Philatelic Literature on the French Colonies, Protectorates, and Overseas Territories’ by Robert G Stone  (P R A Kelly, C W Spong)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Stone, R G: A Bibliography of Philatelic Literature on the French Colonies, Protectorates, and Overseas Territories: (Book review)  (P R A Kelly, plus comment C W Spong)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Kaczmarczyk, A: The Postal Issues of Syria, Lebanon and the Alouites 1919-1944: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Durrens, J: Claude Durrens ou l’art de la gravure: De l’estampe au timbre-poste: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Lemerle, L: La France d’outremer par ses timbres. Tome 1: Amériques, Océan Indien, Antarctique; Tome 2: Afrique occidentale et équatoriale, Afrique du Nord, Levant: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chrétien, C (compiler): La Nomenclature et la classification des bureaux ayant eu une activité en France des origines à 1904, dans les Départements conquis, BFE et AFN (database on CD-ROM): (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Cère, R: Cartes postales anciennes de Polynésie: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Amicale philatélique montcellienne (pub): Montceau-les-Mines: Histoire postale de la ville : (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Richardson, D J: Subject Index to Four French Philatelic Magazines 1946 to 2000: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index Middle Congo: an Unrecorded Paquebot Cancel: Your Help Please!  (W G Mitchell) and comment (R I Johnson)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines: Lists of Titles  (C W Spong)
Index Philately: Too Many Commemorative Stamps in France?  (Some Thoughts from Gibbons Stamp Monthly, 1 August 1938, found and submitted by M Round)
Index World War 2: Re-use of the Boxed Registration Handstamp (colonies, type of about 1890-1932)  (C W Spong, R I Johnson)
Index Dahomey: Mail from French Forces in Dahomey  (E J Mayne)
Index Algeria: (World War 2) Cancelled Swastika  (E J Mayne, R G Gethin)
Index Togo: Togo: The 1921 “Mandate” Issue : More Earliest Recorded Dates of Use  (W G Mitchell, E J Mayne)
Index Perfins: Star Perfin on 1 F50 Pétain  (G Bowden , M L Bister)
Index Alsace-Lorraine: Alsace Visiting Cards (World War 2 rates): Information on the above  (R E Reader, J Lucaci, E Menne Larsen)
Index Philately: Some Thoughts on the Future of Philately and Stamp Collecting  (M James)
Index Postage Due: Use of the Handstruck “3” during the First Period of the Type Sage Issue 1876 to 1 May 1878: Comment on the above (earlier use of handstamp)  (J P Maybury)
Index French India: More Date Oddities: (“904”, “910”)  (R Wood)
Index Morocco: Morocco Protectorate Survivals [post-Independence] of Poste Aérienne Cachet: Comment on the Above  (W G Mitchell)
Index Postage Rates: France to Jersey 1936/7 query  (P G Mackey)
Index Benin: Benin-Lagos Vapeur Service  (E J Mayne)