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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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December 2005; Vol: 55/4 Iss: 238
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Dec 2005
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Vol 55/4 Iss: 238
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Index French Post Office: Engravings  (Collection M L Bister)
Index Franco-German War: World’s First Airmail Postcards  (E M Cohn)
Index Joan of Arc Stamp 1929: The 50c Jeanne d’Arc Stamp: Part II: An 1892 Precursor   
Index Postage Due: Treatment of Insufficiently Paid Letters between Member Countries of the GPU & UPU 1875-79  (R Abensur & P R A Kelly)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Le Roux, M: Histoire de la Poste: de l’administration à l’entreprise: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Le Saux, P: Mémoire postale -- Un postier parmi d’autres: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Manac’h, J & Vignau, A: Mémoire postale -- Une vie de receveur: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Quantin, G & Desroches, F: D’une Révolution à l’autre: Maîtres de Poste et réseau postal en Côte-d’Or 1789-1830: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Bou let, L: Ma Poste, ombres et lumières: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Tretsch, C: La vie à l’Hôtel des Postes de Paris 1801-1830: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Le Ber, A & Schepens, N: Le rôle de la Poste au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Comité pour l’histoire de La Poste (pub): Guide de recherche sur l’histoire de la Poste en France des origines au Premier Empire: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Join-Lambert, O: Le receveur des Postes, entre l’État et l’usager: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index Saint Thérèse and Lisieux Basilica Stamps: The Story of a Soul  (S C Toynbee)
Index Djibouti: One of the Islands On The Air  (R Wheatley)
Index Postage Due: A Tax Anomaly: (on a cover from UK in 1950)  (D J Richardson)
Index Togo: Togo 1922 Issues: (E J Mayne)   
Index Senegal: Vapeur Mail Service in Senegal  (E J Mayne)
Index Saigon: An Air Cancel Handstamp of Saigon?  (I McQueen)
Index Calendar: Jacobin Calendar (and conversion from and to Gregorian calendar)  (A Milford Ward)
Index Literature: Notes on ‘A Bibliography of Philatelic Literature on the French Colonies, Protectorates, and Overseas Territories’ by Robert G Stone  (P R A Kelly, C W Spong)
Index Postage Rates: France to Jersey 1936/7 answer  (D J Richardson)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Stone, R G: A Bibliography of Philatelic Literature on the French Colonies, Protectorates, and Overseas Territories: (Book review)  (P R A Kelly, plus comment C W Spong)
Index Middle Congo: an Unrecorded Paquebot Cancel: Your Help Please!  (W G Mitchell) and comment (R I Johnson)
Index Algeria: (World War 2) Cancelled Swastika  (E J Mayne, R G Gethin)
Index Shanghai: French PO in Shanghai  (M J Givans)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Cartier, M: Les facteurs et leurs tournées, un service public au quotidien: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Birken, A & Gerlach, H-H: Atlas und Lexikon zum Ersten Weltkrieg, II: Grafiken und Sachlexikon: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Beaurepaire, P-Y: La plume et la toile: Pouvoirs et réseaux de correspondance dans l’Europe des Lumières: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gregnac-Daudemard, R & Trinquier, A: La Poste dans le département du Var -- La poste rurale 1830-1911: (Books noted)  (M S Tyler)
Index Middle Congo: Unrecorded MIddle Congo Date Stamp  (R I Johnson)
Index Andorra: The ‘ANDORRE’ Overprints  (M L Bister)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines: Lists of Titles  (C W Spong)