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01 Nov 2019 15:35:15
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
December 2007; Vol: 57/4 Iss: 246
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Dec 2007
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Vol 57/4 Iss: 246
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Index Cameroun: Cameroun Taxe Marks (German cachet): (detailed analysis following the above)  (M P Bratzel Jr)
Index World War 2: ‘Detained in France during German Occupation’ cachet - an update  (R E Reader)
Index Franco-Prussian War: Boules de Moulins  (A J Lawrence)
Index Indo-China: Printed Envelopes from Saigon (printed airmail routings)   
Index French West Africa: The Post Offices of French West Africa Part 4, French Guinea: Response to the above comment  (W G Mitchell and L H Lambert)
Index Madagascar: Demonetised Red Cross Stamp on cover  (J C West)
Index Boîte Mobile in French Guinea and Madagascar: Comments on the above  (W G Mitchell & L H Lambert)
Index Bureaux Gare in French Guinea: Comments on the above  (W G Mitchell & L H Lambert)
Index French Congo: Pigeon Post  (J Yeomans)
Index Belgian-French Border: Belgian PRIORity cover used in France  (J M Simmons)
Index Forgeries: 1929 International Philatelic Exhibition Sheetlet: Comments on the above  (R G Gethin, R R Barracano, G E Barker)
Index French Sudan: Comments on the above  (W G Mitchell)
Index Morocco: ‘T.O.M.O.’ mark on 1921 cover  (J W Smith)
Index Dallay Europe/Asia Catalogue and Perf 11 Pictorials: comments on review (see Books Reviewed)  (M Round)
Index Comoro Islands: survey (notes of display to Wimbledon P S): Comment on the above  (R R Barracano)
Index World War 2: French Occupied Zone of Germany - hexagonal censorship mark  (C K Karsten)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines : Lists of titles  (C W Spong)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Bratzel, M P: The Postal Tariffs of Cameroun under French Administration 1916-1959 : (Book review)  (W G Mitchell)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Kaczmarazyk, A: The Postal Issues of Syria, Lebanon and the Alaouites 1919-1945  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gautherin, J: La route du Yunnan et du Tonkin  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Aphilacart (pub): Hommage à Henry Cheffer: Books Noted  (M S Tyler)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Artaud, G: Catalogue des oblitérations mécaniques des ex-Colonies françaises, protectorats et territoires sous tutelle  (M S Tyler)