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December 2009; Vol: 59/4 Iss: 254
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Dec 2009
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Vol 59/4 Iss: 254
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Index Airmails: Thai Pilots in France in World War 2  (J H Garner)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Articles from Philatelic Magazines: Lists of Titles  (C W Spong and M S Tyler)
Index Handstamps: French 3154 Numeral used in Ecuador  (E B Wood)
Index Indo-China: Request for picture of SS Donau between Bangkok and Saigon  (J H Garner)
Index Labels: Union des Fabricants label  (G H Bowden, M S Tyler)
Index Algeria: WW2 Cover Algeria to Gambia and Bureau Naval 53  (S Duncan, R F May, M S Tyler, Ms B M K Priddy)
Index Cameroun: German Stationery used in occupied Cameroun and Togo  (E J Mayne)
Index Liberté de Gandon: 2F20 Liberté de Gandon Type IB  (J N Camak Jr)
Index Dahomey: Dahomey Issues used in Togo 1914-1922  (E J Mayne)
Index Cameroun: Cameroun 2005 Provisional Year Slugs  (Dr M Parren)
Index Sowers: Yvert 137 as a Postage Due in 1917  (D Jennings-Bramly)
Index World War 2: General Leclerc in Cameroun and Tchad  (R J Maddocks)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Proud, E B: Intercontinental Airmails, Volume One: Transatlantic and Pacific : (Book review)  (R E Picirilli)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Proud, E B: The Postal History of British Airmails : (Book review)  (W G Mitchell)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Stanley Gibbons (pub.): Commonwealth Stamp Catalogue: West Africa : (Book review)  (M Round)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Saint-Yves, Y: L’Histoire des cent premiers pionniers de l’aviation française  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: TAAF (pub.): Les îles Éparses: Nouvelle Frontière des TAAF  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Wood, R: French Establishments in India: Postage Stamps and Postal Stationery  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Artaud, G: Oblitérations mécaniques des colonies françaises, protectorats, territoires sous mandat avant l’indépendance, tome 1: Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie; tome 2: Afrique Noire, Asie, Europe: Books Noted  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Gérard, C: L’occupation italienne en France à travers son service postal militaire (1940-1943)  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Laparra, N: Des P & T à la campagne: L’exemplarité de l ’Auvergne avant 1914  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chauvet, M: Les Colonies françaises: Tarifs et service postal (1848-1878) – Les colonies d ’Afrique  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chauvet, M & Brun, J-F: Joseph Hackmey: France Cérès 1849  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Chevalier, J: Les bureaux de distribution «cursives» de France et d ’Algérie 1819-1858  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Daulard, M P: Catalogue des timbres des postes privées d ’Alsace-Lorraine 1886-1914, avec description et prix des entiers postaux  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Desnos, J: Madagascar, philatélie malgache, tome 1: Les affranchissements (Bulletin Col.Fra Hors-Série N. 5-8A, 2009)  (M S Tylerl)
Index LITERATURE REVIEWS & NOTES: Bouerat, C: Le service des postes et télégraphes du Niger, 1900-1940 (Bulletin Col. Fra Hors-Série N. 18-3, 2009)  (M S Tylerl)
Index World War 2: French Colonies in World War 2 - What was the Milliard de la Libération?  (W G Mitchell)