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Date Loaded:
17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
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Item Sub Title:
Crawford 2555 (1)
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Copyright = Out
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Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Key Words 
Index 1890–91 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1890–91 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1890–91 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1890–91 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1890–91 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1891 QV   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1891 QV Straits 5c blue   
Index 1891 QV Straits 5c purple-brown   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 4c   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 5c   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 3c   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 6c   
Index 1894 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker 4c   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker 5c   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker 6c   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker $1   
Index 1891–94 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c- $1   
Index 1891–94 QV Sultan Abu Baker 2c, 3c, 4c   
Index 1891–94 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c   
Index 1891–94 QV Sultan Abu Baker 5c, 6c, $1   
Index 1891–94 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c, 2c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 5c, 6c, $1   
Index 1891–94 QV Sultan Abu Baker $1   
Index 1896 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, $1   
Index 1896 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, $1   
Index 1896 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, $1   
Index 1896 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c, $1   
Index 1896 QV Sultan Abu Baker $1   
Index 1891 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1903 KE7 Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1904 KE7 Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim 4c   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Abu Baker   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 9 Jul 1895 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c- $1   
Index 9 Jul 1895 QV Sultan Abu Baker 1c   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim 1c - $5   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim 1c - $5   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim $1   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim $2   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim $3   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim $4   
Index 1895 QV Sultan Ibrahim $5   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim 1c- $100   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim 1c - $3   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $4 - $100   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim 50c   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $3   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $4   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $5   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $10   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $50   
Index 1904 QV Sultan Ibrahim $100   
Index 1910–12 QV Sultan Ibrahim 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c   
Index 1910–12 QV Sultan Ibrahim 8c, 10c, 50c, $1   
Index 1910–12 QV Sultan Ibrahim 25c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 1c - $500   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 2c (purple + sepia), 4c, 10c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 2c (purple + orange) $3, $4   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 2c, 3c purple + sepia, 3c green   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 1c - $5   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim $500   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim $500   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 30c, 40c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 12c   
Index 1935 Sultan Ibrahim 8c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 5c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 4c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 2c, 1c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 5c, 3c, 2c   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim   
Index 1918–40 Sultan Ibrahim 5c, 2c, 2c, 1c   
Index 1940 Sultan Ibrahim 8c   
Index 1949–55 Sultan Ibrahim 2c, 3c, 4c, 8c red, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 40c, $1   
Index 1949–55 Sultan Ibrahim 1c, 6c, 5c, $5, 8c, 12c, 20c blue, 30c, 35c, 50c. $2   
Index 1952 QE2 10c   
Index 1955 Sultan Ibrahim 10c   
Index 1955 Sultan Ibrahim 10c   
Index 1960 Sultan Ismail 1c, 2c, 8c, 4c, 20c, 10c, 50c, 5c   
Index 1960 Sultan Ismail $2, $1, $5