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Crawford 489 (6)
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Index 1936 100th Anniv of Darwin’s Visit to Galapagos Isles. 2c black, 5c, olive-green, 10c red-brown, 20c purple, 1s scarlet, 2s blue   
Index 1936 Building and National Defence Funds. 3c ultramarine   
Index 1936 1st International Philatelic Exhibition 2c Green   
Index 1936 1st International Philatelic Exhibition 2c carmine, 5c yellow, 10c purple, 20c blue, 50c Violet, 1 Sucre Green, 20c Black   
Index 1936 1st International Philatelic Exhibition 2c carmine, 5c yellow, 10c purple, 20c blue, 50c reddish purple, 1 Sucre Green   
Index 1936 1st International Philatelic Exhibition 5c purple, 10c carmine, 50c blue, 1s scarlet   
Index 1936 1st International Philatelic Exhibition 70c red-brown, 1s violet   
Index 1938 For Social Insurance and G.P.O. Rebuilding Funds 5c carmine   
Index 1938 National Progress Exhibition 10c blue, 50c purple, 1s carmine, 2s green   
Index 1939 Air stamps 1s brown, 2s purple, 5s black   
Index 1939 San Francisco International Exhibition 2c blue-green, 5c carmine, 10c ultramarine, 50c yellow-brown, 1s slate, 2s violet   
Index 1939 San Francisco International Exhibition 2c black, 5c carmine, 10c deep blue, 50c purple, 1s brown, 2s yellow-brown, 5s emerald-green   
Index 1939 New York World’s Fair 2c olive-green, 5c red-orange, 10c ultramarine, 50c slate-grey, 1s carmine, 2s sepia.   
Index 1939 New York World’s Fair–Air stamps 2c red-brown, 5c carmine, 10c slate-blue, 50c grey-olive, 1s yellow-orange, 2s mauve, 5s grey-black.   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Crespo Toral. 10c ordinary postage, 20c Air stamps   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Baquerizo Moreno 10c ordinary postage, 50c air stamps   
Index 1942 Combined Portraits of Dr. Crespo Toral And Dr. Baquerizo Moreno 5s ordinary, 5s air stamps.   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Crespo Toral. 10c green, 50c reddish brown   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Baquerizo Moreno 10c green   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Baquerizo Moreno 10c green, 20c carmine, 50c reddish-brown ordinary postage; 10c violet. 20c blue, 50c red-orange Air postage   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Crespo Toral. 10c green, 20c carmine, 50c reddish-brown ordinary postage; 10c violet. 20c blue, 50c red-orange Air postage   
Index 1942 Suggested colours for the double portrait stamps. Dr. Crespo Toral, Dr. Baquerizo Moreno   
Index 1942 Double portrait stamps (1940), Dr. Crespo Toral And Dr. Baquerizo Moreno 1s, 5s ordinary, air postage stamps   
Index 1941 National Defence Fund 20c ultramarine   
Index 1940 Social Insurance fund for Rural Workers and Guayaquil G.P.O. rebuilding fund. 5c carmine rose   
Index 1940 Social Insurance fund for Rural Workers and Guayaquil G.P.O. rebuilding fund. 5c carmine rose   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Crespo Toral. 10c Green, 50c reddish brown; 10 Violet mint, used for air postage   
Index 1942 Portrait of Dr. Baquerizo Moreno 10c green mint, used stamps   
Index 1948 25th Anniv of 1st Ecuadorian Postal flight 60c ordinary postage stamp, 5 sucres Air postage stamp.   
Index 1948 25th Anniv of 1st Ecuadorian Postal flight 40c magenta, 60c blue, 1s red-brown, 3s brown, 5s black plus 5s light blue   
Index 1948 25th Anniv of 1st Ecuadorian Postal flight 30c red-orange, 60c carmine, 1s green, 1s30c claret, 1s90c violet, 2s chocolate   
Index 1954 5th birth centenary of Isabella 50c ordinary postage, 60c Air postage.   
Index 1954 El Salso en el Parque Pedro Mancato, Ibarra. Arbol de Juan Montalvo, Banos 10c ordinary postage, 60c Air postage.   
Index 1953 Various views 5c blue, black, 10c green, black, 20c purple, black, 30c brown, black 40c orange, black, 50c red, black   
Index 1955 50th Anniv of Rotary International Air stamps 80c sepia, 90c deep green   
Index 1955–59 Provinces Issue–Ordinary postage 5c bright green, 10c light blue, 20c deep bistre brown, 30c grey black, 50c blue green, 70c olive brown, 80c violet, 1s red orange, 2s red.   
Index 1955–59 Provinces issue–Air postage. 50c slate, 1s grey-blue, 1.30s deep rose red, 1.50s blue-green, 1.70s brown, 1.90s olive brown, 2.40s orange-red, 2.50s pale violet, 4.20 black, 4.80s yellow-orange   
Index 1957 Provinces issue ordinary and Air postage. Reprint changes of colour. 50c blue green, 1s orange; 5c light blue, 10c bistre-brown, 20c rose-red, 40c grey blue, 50c violet, 90c bright blue, 1s deep brown, 2s brown   
Index 1957 Provinces issue ordinary postage. Reprint changes of colour. 5c bronze green, 10c light brown, 20c plum, 20c yellow green, 30c scarlet, 30c bright blue, 80c crimson, 1s black.   
Index 1957 Obligatory Tax 20c rose, 40c blue   
Index 1957 Fiscal–Armed Forces Tax stamp 1s purple   
Index 1956 Air stamps. Centenary of birth of Vazquez. 1s yellow-green, 1s50 red, 1s70 blue, 1s90 slate   
Index 1956 Ordinary postage stamps. Bi-Centenary of Printing in Ecuador. 5c yellow-green, 10c orange-red, 20c bright violet, 30c deep bluish-green?, 40c greenish-blue?, 50c deep blue?, 70c orange.   
Index 1956 Air stamps. Bi-Centenary of Printing in Ecuador. 1s black, 1s70 deep slate blue, 2s black brown, 3s brown   
Index 1956 10th Anniv of United Nations - Air stamp 1s70 orange-red   
Index 1957 7th Postal Congress of the Americas & Spain. 40c yellow-ochre, 50c blue, 2s carmine-red   
Index 1957 Air stamp. Gabriela Mistral Commem. 2s grey, black, blue, red   
Index 1957 Air stamp. Gabriela Mistral Commem. 2s grey, black, blue, red   
Index 1957 Air stamp. Human Rights Day (Listed as UN Day Commem 2s deep turquoise-blue   
Index 1957 Air stamps. Cantonal Arms 1s, 1s70, 4s20 multi-coloured.   
Index 1957 Air stamps. Cantonal Arms 1s, 2s, 4.20s multi-coloured.   
Index 1958 Tropical Birds 1st Issue 10c, 20c, 30c, 40c Multi-coloured   
Index 1958 Tropical Birds 2nd Issue 20c, 30c, 50c, 60c Multi-coloured   
Index 1958 Air stamps. Cantonal Arms of Imbabura, Cotacachi, Antonio Ante, Otavalo and Ibarra 50c, 60c, 80c, 1.10s Multi-coloured   
Index 1958 Air stamps. Cantonal Arms of Imbabura, Cotacachi, Antonio Ante, Otavalo and Ibarra 50c, 60c, 80c, 1.10s Multi-coloured   
Index 1958 Air stamps. 50th Anniv of the miracle of the Virgin of Sorrows of St. Gabriel College, Quito. 1s blue   
Index 1958 Air stamps. 50th Anniv of the miracle of the Virgin of Sorrows of St. Gabriel College, Quito. 2 x 30c reddish purple/pale purple, 1s, 1.70s deep blue/pale blue   
Index 1958 Air stamp. Inauguration of Gonzalo Icaza Cornejo Bridge 1.30s deep green   
Index 1958 Inauguration of U.N.E.S.C.O. Headquarters Building, Paris 80c brown   
Index 1959 Air stamp. Cantonal Arms of Pichincha 40c   
Index 1959–60 Air stamps. Cantonal Arms of Pichincha 10c, 40c, 1s, 1.30s, 4.20s Multi-coloured   
Index 1960 4th Centenary of Foundation of Baeza 20c, 40c, 80c, 1s Multi-coloured   
Index 1960 4th Centenary of Foundation of Baeza 20c, 40c, 80c, 1s   
Index 1960 Air stamps. Cantonal Arms of Cotopaxi 40c, 60c, 70c, 1s, 1.30s Multi-coloured   
Index 1960 Ordinary Postage. Five Year Development Plan 5c deep blue, 10c reddish violet, 20c red-orange, 30c deep turquoise-green, 40c brown, light blue   
Index 1961 Air stamp. First International Philatelic Congress, Barcelona 3s multi-coloured   
Index 1961 Air stamp. First International Philatelic Congress, Barcelona 3s multi-coloured.   
Index 1961 Air stamp. Centenary of Los Rios Province 2s multi-coloured.   
Index 1961 Air stamp. Centenary of Los Rios Province 2s multi-coloured.   
Index 1961 Air stamp. Centenary of Los Rios Province 2s multi-coloured.   
Index 1961 Air stamp. Centenary of the Tungurahua Province 1.30s black, salmon   
Index 1961 4th Centenary of Foundation of City of Tena 10c indigo, green, rose-red, 1s brown, orange, emerald.   
Index 1961 4th Centenary of Foundation of City of Tena (Continued) 20c brown, reddish violet, light blue. 80c orange, black, yellow bistre.   
Index 1962 Air stamps. Festival of Flowers & Fruit, Tungurahua Province. 50c multi-coloured   
Index 1962 Air stamps. Festival of Flowers & Fruit, Tungurahua Province. 50c, 1s, 1.30s, 2s Multi-coloured.   
Index 1962 Air stamps. Visit of Duke of Edinburgh 1.30s, 2s multi-coloured   
Index 1964 Ordinary postage and Air stamps. Banana Conference, Quito 50c olive, chocolate, grey, 80c olive, black, orange. ordinary postage   
Index 1964 Ordinary postage and Air stamps. Banana Conference, Quito The 4.20s olive, black, ochre, the 10s olive, black, red Air stamps.   
Index 1964 Ordinary postage and Air stamps. Banana Conference, Quito Also Miniature sheet containing the four values.   
Index 1964 Air stamps. President Kennedy Commem. Also miniature sheet containing the 3 values   
Index 1964 Air stamps. President Kennedy Commem. 4.20s brown, red, ultramarine, bluish green.   
Index 1964 Air stamps. President Kennedy Commem. 5s brown, red, ultramarine, violet.   
Index 1964 Air stamps. President Kennedy Commem. 10s brown, red, ultramarine, magenta.   
Index 1964 Tokyo Olympics 80c, 1.30s, 1.80s, 2s   
Index 6 Jun 1965 Centenary of Benigo Malo College 20c, 60c, 80c