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Date Loaded:
17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Catalogues and Trade Price Lists
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Crawford 609 (3)
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Copyright = Out
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 Pages: 51 Size: 2 MB
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Index 1868 QV Definitive 2d Green, red and black   
Index 1874 QV Definitive 1d in black   
Index 1874–89 QV Definitive Head punch in black, ½d in green/yellow, 1d in black   
Index 1880–89 QV Definitive 3d x2 in black, 4d in black, 2d in black, 6d in black   
Index 1885 QV Definitive 3d and 6d in black/white on orange tracing paper.   
Index 1883–95 QV Definitive ½d black, 4d black, 6d black   
Index 1889 QV Definitive 4d in black/white on orange tracing paper   
Index 1881 QV Definitive ½d red, essay green & yellow   
Index 1885 QV Definitive 3d black, 6d reddish-brown   
Index 1868–85 QV Definitive 1d, 2d shades of black   
Index 1875 QV Definitive Crown over SA; 1d blue-green   
Index 1874 QV Definitive 1d blue green, 4d orange, 6d maroon, 1s brown   
Index 1874 QV Definitive 1d blue-green   
Index 1889 QV Definitive 4d maroon   
Index 1886–96 QV Long Maroon black and black   
Index 1886–96 QV Long 2s6d, 5s black   
Index 1886–96 QV Long 2s6d black, 5s red   
Index 1883–95 QV Definitive 3d in black   
Index 1886–96 QV Long Probably Crown over SA; 2s6d mauve, 5s rose-pink, 10s green and £5 brown   
Index 1891–93 QV Definitive Probably Crown over SA; 5d on 6d pale brown, ½d brown, 2½d on 4d pale green, 1d blue-green, 2d orange   
Index 1886 QV Definitive ½d on 1d green, 1d black, 1d olive, 2d red (shades) 2d orange, 3din red on 4d Prussian blue, 3d in black on 4d Prussian blue, 4d maroon, 4d black, 6d blue (shades), 8d on 9d brown, 9d grey, 10d on 9d brown, 10d on 9d orange-red, 10d on 9d brow   
Index 1886 QV Definitive and Long ½d brown, 1d blue-green, 2d orange, 3d olive, 4d dull purple, 6d blue-green, 8d on 9d brown, 1s brown, 2s red, 2s6d violet & green, 5s violet & red   
Index 1886–87 QV Definitive and Long Crown over SA; 3d olive, 6d blue green, 2s6d mauve, 5s rose-pink, 10s green, 15s brownish-yellow, £1 blue, £2 venetian red, 50s dull pink, £3 sage-green, £4 lemon, £5 grey, £10 bronze, £15 silver-grey, £20 violet   
Index 1892 QV Definitive and stationery 2½d black, 5d black   
Index 1892 QV Stationery None   
Index 1893 QV Stationery and definitive 1d black, 5d black   
Index 1898 QV Definitive ½d black   
Index 1886 QV Long Mauve   
Index 1886 QV Long 2s6d mauve & blue   
Index 1886 QV Long 5s mauve & red   
Index 1897 QV Definitive 2d orange-brown   
Index 1894 QV Definitive 2½d blue   
Index 1897 QV Definitive 2d orange-brown, 1d blue-green, 6d blue, ½d green, 3d olive-green, 4d brown, 2½d blue   
Index 1897 QV Definitive and Long ½d green, 5d brown, 2½d blue, 5d black-brown, 2s6d mauve and green, 5s mauve and red   
Index 1898 QV Definitive ½d brown   
Index 1898 QV Definitive ½d green   
Index 1883 QV Stationery ½d black   
Index 1898 QV Definitive ½d green   
Index 1898 QV Definitive ½d green   
Index 1898 QV Definitive ½d green