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Date Loaded:
17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
Item Information
Record Type:
Source Record Type:
Catalogues and Trade Price Lists
Item Title:
Copyright End Year:
Item Sub Title:
Crawford 700
Copyright End Rule Code:
Item Alternate Title:
Copyright End Rule Text:
Copyright Deceased Year:
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Physical Description:
Copyright = Out
Page Nos List:
Number of Pages:
Item Alt No:
Wilson, Charles Stewart, Sir, K C I E [Wilson, Charles Stewart, Sir] Author
Item Notes
No data to display
Associated Documents
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Key Words 
Index 21 Mar 1917 KG5 GEA Overprints MCCA; 6c   
Index 21 Mar 1917 KG5 GEA Overprints MCCA; 6c   
Index 21 Mar 1917 KG5 GEA Overprints MCCA; 50R   
Index 21 Mar 1917 KG5 GEA Overprints MCCA; 50R   
Index 1917 KG5 GEA Overprints MCCA; 1c, 3c, 6c, 10c, 12c, 15c, 25c, 50c, 75c, 1R, 2R, 3R, 4R, 5R, 10R, 20R, 50R   
Index 28 Aug 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 50c   
Index 28 Aug 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 20 Florins   
Index 27 Oct 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 50c   
Index 27 Oct 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 20 Florins   
Index 27 Oct 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 50c   
Index 27 Oct 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 20 Florins   
Index 27 Oct 1920 KG5 Giraffes Card; 34c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 5c   
Index 4 Oct 1926 KG5 King’s Head 1s   
Index 9 Jul 1931 KG5 King’s Head 30c   
Index 1926 KG5 King’s Head MSCA; 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 25c, 30c, 40c, 75c   
Index 1926 KG5 King’s Head MSCA; 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, £1   
Index Jul 1931 KG5 King’s Head MSCA; 30c   
Index 1927–31 KG5 King’s Head MSCA; 5c, 10c, 15c, 20c, 30c, 30c, 40c, 50c, 75c, 1s, 2s, 3s, 5s, 10s, £1   
Index 1926 KG5 King’s Head Blue   
Index 1928 KG5 King’s Head Red card;   
Index 1928 KG5 King’s Head Pink blotting;   
Index 1928 KG5 King’s Head MSCA; 5c, 10c, 15c   
Index 10 Jul 1934 KG5 Kodi Fiscals 1s   
Index 10 Jul 1934 KG5 Kodi Fiscals 1s   
Index 10 Jul 1934 KG5 Kodi Fiscals 1s   
Index 10 Jul 1934 KG5 Kodi Fiscals 1s   
Index KG6 Stamp Duty Fiscals Imperf Paper Affixed to Card; 10c, 20c, 50c, 1s, 2s   
Index KG6 Stamp Duty Fiscals Imperf Paper Affixed to Card; 5s, 10s, 20s