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17 Jan 2020 16:55:03
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Catalogues and Trade Price Lists
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Crawford 880 (23)
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 Pages: 18 Size: 0 MB
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Index 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic white; 2c blue   
Index 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic Grey-buff card; 5c   
Index 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic Grey-buff card; 1b brown   
Index 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic White 1b blue   
Index 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic White card; 2c grey-black   
Index 4 Nov 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic White 2c, 5c, 12c, 20c, 50c, 1b   
Index 4 Nov 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic White 2c, 5c, 7c, 25c, 50c, 1b   
Index 4 Nov 1953 50th Anniv of Panama Republic White 7c, 1b   
Index 18 Dec 1963 Presidential Reunion, San José White perf 12½ x 12; 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 10c, 21c Air   
Index Jul 1960 Obligatory Tax, Youth Rehabilitation Institute White 1c   
Index 1963–64 Winter Olympic Games Innsbruck White 21c, 31c   
Index 1963–64 Winter Olympic Games Innsbruck White ½c, 1c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 15c, 21c, 31c Air   
Index 1 Apr 1964 Olympic Games, Tokyo White ½c, 1c, 5c, 10c, 21c, 50c Air   
Index 1 Apr 1964 Olympic Games, Tokyo White 50c Air   
Index 21 Apr 1964 Space Exploration White ½c, 1c, 5c, 10c, 21c, 50c Air   
Index 21 Apr 1964 Space Exploration White 50c Air   
Index 24 Oct 1964 Winter Olympic Winners’ Medals White; 10c, 21c, 31c   
Index 24 Oct 1964 Winter Olympic Winners’ Medals White; ½c, 1c, 2c, 3c, 4c,   
Index 24 Oct 1964 Winter Olympic Winners’ Medals White; 5c, 6c, 7c, 10c, 21c, 31c   
Index 17 Jun 1964 Aquatic Sports White 31c Air   
Index 17 Jun 1964 Aquatic Sports White ½c, 1c, 5c, 10c, 21c, 31c Air   
Index 9 Oct 1964 Eleanor Roosevelt Commem White 4c, 20c Air   
Index 9 Oct 1964 Eleanor Roosevelt Commem White 4c, 20c Air   
Index 1965 Space Research White 31c red (blue background) Air   
Index 1965 Space Research White 31c green (blue background) Air   
Index 1965 Space Research White ½c, 1c, 2c, 3c, 5c, 10c, 11c, 31c Air   
Index 1965 Tokyo Olympic Games Medal Winners White ½c, 1c, 3c, 4c, 5c, 6c Air   
Index 1965 Tokyo Olympic Games Medal Winners White 7c, 10c, 21c, 31c Air   
Index 24 Oct 1964 U.N. Day White 21c x 2 Air   
Index 24 Oct 1964 Pope John Commem White 21c x 2 Air   
Index 24 Oct 1964 Pope John Commem White 21c x 2 Air   
Index 1964-65 Satellites & Space Exploration White ½c, 1c, 5c, 10c, 21c, 50c Air   
Index 1965 Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy White 10c red, 21c green. Air   
Index 1965 Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy White 10c turquoise, 21c, purple. Air   
Index 1965 Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy White ½c, 1c, 4c, 6c, 10c, 21c. Air   
Index 1965 400th Anniv of Birth of Galileo White 10c, 21c. Air   
Index 1965 400th Anniv of Birth of Galileo White 10c, 21c. Air   
Index 1965 Nobel Prize medals White 10c, 21c. Air   
Index 1965 Nobel Prize medals White 10c, 21c. Air