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1949; Vol: 4/8&9Supp
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Vol 4/8&9Supp Iss: 0
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Index PRODUCTION OF STAMPS & STATIONERY: Printing bureau: History Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: 10 thousand Peso Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Chrysanthemum series Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: 20 thousand Peso Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index TAIWAN (FORMOSA): Commemorative datestamps: Japan‑Taiwan postal test flight 9Oct1931 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Koban series Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TAIWAN (FORMOSA): Commemorative datestamps: Japan‑Taiwan preparatory flight 28Jul1934 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Hinrich Ahrens & Co. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TAIWAN (FORMOSA): Commemorative datestamps: Japan‑Taiwan airmail inauguration 10Oct1935 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku 23Apr1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Rockets: Uchinoura (Kagoshima) scenic datestamp Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Chūgoku 10Mar1986: Error on Yamaguchi prefecture cards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Pharmacopeia of Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tsukuba Expo 85 16Jul1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Rugby: New year postcards with rugby stamp design 5Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (paper theater) 3Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 24th Nagasaki 26Oct1969 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (paper theater) 3Aug1987: Case accompanying set of cards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 8th Ehime 22Oct1953 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (paper theater) 3Aug1987: Cone‑shaped headgear worn by samurai Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (paper theater) 3Aug1987: Five‑pointed star worn by samurai Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: O.S.S. postal forgeries: Postal markings: Comb: Military FPO 1937‑1945 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Color dots, Tōhoku Set 5 (Donto Festival) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Stamp designs: Robot 40y 16Jul1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, SUMATRA: Regular‑issue stamps, individual: 50c 1943: Imperforate proof printed on both sides Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Stamp designs: Four‑season fans 40y 23Apr1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MALAYA: Postal markings: Commemorative: East Asia war 1st a. 8Dec1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 1Jul1969 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/223) 
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Covers: Peacock first‑day Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 7Nov1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Forgeries, covers: Peacock first‑day Dec1942! Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1987: Stamp designs used Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Scenic datestamps: Military, individual: Bengbu FPO (Anhui) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Picturing classic stamp reproductions: Dragons & Cherry Blossoms Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Maps: Yellow river before 14Jun1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Pacific War 2nd a. 8Dec1943 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Maps: Supei (North Kiangsu) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 11Feb1905 (3rd war issue): Port Arthur view Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Maps: Yellow river after 14Jun1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: UPU Japan accession 25th a. 20Jun1902 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Marco Polo bridge Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 11Feb1905 (3rd war issue): Liaoyang victory celebration Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Maps: Kiangsu Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTAL RATES: Airmail: Zones Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Place names: Alternate romanizations Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1966‑1969 FIRST NIPPON SERIES: 65y haniwa horse (brown) 1Jul1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Perfins: Mitsui Bussan on Hopei 10f green Sun Yat‑sen Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 200y haniwa warrior (red & orange) 25Jan1976 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Stamps: Peacock overprints May1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 200y haniwa warrior (brown) 11Nov1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Overprints: Supei (North Kiangsu) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 10s enemy surrender May1945 (grey) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postal history: Commemorative datestamps, introduction of Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 10s enemy surrender Aug1945 (blue) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postal markings: Comb: Military FPO 1937‑1945 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1966‑1969 FIRST NIPPON SERIES: 65y haniwa horse (orange) 20Jul1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postal markings, regular domestic: Hsuchou (Wuhsien, Soochow) 1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 3y cuckoo 15Jul1971 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Maps: North China Railway Co. Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 10s enemy surrender 1Apr1945 (grey) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Maps: Peking, environs of Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1899‑1908 CHRYSANTHEMUM SERIES: 10y 20Feb1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: North Shansi government 1st a., civilian use, Tatung 17Oct1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1899‑1908 CHRYSANTHEMUM SERIES: 5y 20Feb1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Geography: Place names, alternate romanizations of Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1873‑1874 issue warning to forgers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Fall of Nanking, military use, Shanghai 17Dec1937 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Registration: Geometric pattern series 10Dec1888 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Introduction of Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Registration: Geometric pattern series 1890‑1892 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Design name: Southern Boat, Northern Horse Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Registration: 50y Takenouchi no Sukune 11Nov1896 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Hsuchou 19May1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Playing card tax: 20s red‑brown long style 1Jul1902 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Scenic datestamps: Military, individual: Wusong (Jiangsu) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Playing card tax: 10s purple square style 21Aug1902 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Registration labels, international: Need for two? Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fukagawa (Tōkyō) 10Dec1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Postal markings, regular international: Types: Transit: Changchun‑S Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fukagawa (Tōkyō) 25Sep1934‑15Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Postal markings, regular international: Types: Comb: Peking I.J.P.O. with inverted date 8May1911 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ashino (Tochigi) 10Oct1969 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Silkworm eggs: Proofs, imperforate Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Regular: 1000y Prince Yamatotakeru 16Sep1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kōfu (Yamanashi) 10Mar1948: Last day of use 30Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kōfu Chūō (Yamanashi) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hiraizumi (Iwate) 3Apr1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hiraizumi (Iwate) 1May1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hiraizumi (Iwate) 1Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Mochizuri 11Dec1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Mochizuri 10Aug1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ōtawara (Tochigi) 15Sep1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sakai Minami Hatago‑chō (Ōsaka) 26Jul1932‑15Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sakai Ōhama (Ōsaka) 26Jul1932‑15Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sakai Zaimoku‑chō (Ōsaka) 26Jul1932‑15Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sakai (Ōsaka) 26Jul1932‑15Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sendai (Miyagi) 15Sep1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Uchinoura (Kagoshima) 15Oct1963 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nasu (Tochigi) 26Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Suzaki (Tochigi) 9Apr1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Toi (Hokkaidō) 26May1987: Error in inscription Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima CPO (Tokushima) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ueno (Mie) 5Oct1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Uraga (Kanagawa) 1Oct1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Yashima (Kagawa) 20Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SONG SERIES 1979‑1981: 4b Cherryblossoms, Cherryblossoms 21Mar1980 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Yokoyama Taikan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Yorozu Tetsugorō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Sculpture: Tomb statues Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Sculpture: Haniwa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Scrolls: Frolicking Animals (Toba Sōjō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Portrait of Bashō (Haritsu) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Cherry Blossoms at Night (Yokoyama) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Leaning Standing Person (Yorozu) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Lakeshore (Kuroda Seiki) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MAPS: Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MEDICINE: Pharmacopeia of Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, LITERATURE, JAPANESE: Poets: Masaoka Shiki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, DOLLS: Nagoya dolls Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Afforestation Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Shrike Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLAGS, JAPANESE: Rising Sun (military ensign): Navy/Maritime Defense Force (MDF) ensign Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Cuckoo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Fox Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Education rescript 1890 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, DRAMA: Nō: Plays: Subscription List Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1984: Confectionery fair 24Feb1984 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1980: Cherryblossoms, Cherryblossoms 21Mar1980 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Leaning Standing Person (Yorozu) 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Telephone automation 14Mar1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1978: National treasures II: #7 26Jan1978 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1977: National treasures II: #3 25Mar1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: 24th national athletic meet 26Oct1969 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: National treasures I #7 25Sep1969 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Afforestation 9May1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Letter day 23Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Pharmacopeia of Japan 100th a. 25Jun1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Rabbit & cranes new year ss 20Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1985: International broadcasting 50th a. 1Jun1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Registration system 100th a. 30Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1967: Philatelic week 20Apr1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1965: Telephone 75th a. in Japan 16Dec1965 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1953: 8th national athletic meet 22Oct1953 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1958: Ports opening 100th a. 10May1958 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1951: Masaoka Shiki 19Sep1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1948: Horse racing law 6Jun1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1948: Swimming 9Sep1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Education rescript 25Oct1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Diet building completion 7Nov1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Aoki Gishō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Chiossone, Edoardo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENGRAVERS: Chiossone, Edoardo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: National maps: Treaty Ports 1858‑1899 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: National maps: Provinces: Northeast, as of 1689 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Bashō's 1689 route Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: National maps: Bashō's 1689 route Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1986: Insect series #1 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1986: Insect series #2 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1986: Insect series #3 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1986: New year 1Dec1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1987: Insect series #4 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1987: Bashō set 1 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1987: Insect series #5 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1987: Bashō set 3 25Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Swordguard ordinary Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES: Children's stamps & stationery Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES: Business card, miniature postcard used as Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES: Private postcards picturing classic stamp reproductions: Dragons & Cherry Blossoms Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, COVERS: Pearl Harbor 7Dec1941 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES: Toy postcard Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL: O.S.S. WWII productions: Postal markings: Comb: Military FPO 1937‑1945 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL MARKINGS: Regular, domestic: Types: Double‑circle: Daishōji/Kaga Garan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL MARKINGS: Regular, domestic: Types: Double‑circle: Tōkyō/Taishōji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL MARKINGS: FPO postmarks Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL MARKINGS: Regular, international (Roman letter): Yokohama 26Nov1896 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTCARDS: Business card, miniature postcard used as Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ESSAYS & PROOFS: Issued stamps: Revenue, Silkworm egg, 1876‑1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Lineless Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: General purpose: International Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: General purpose: Domestic Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Numbering changes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1977: National treasures II #3 25Mar1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1965: Physiological sciences congress 1‑9Sep1965 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1935: Japan‑Taiwan scheduled air service inauguration 10Oct1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Pharmacopeia of Japan 100th a. 25Jun1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Letter Day 23Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Registration system 100th a. 30Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COVERS: Lewis, Karl: Yokohama foreign‑mail postmark 20May1904 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COVERS: Combination: Japanese‑American Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: 1y Empress Jingū Feb1881 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1949‑1952) STAMPS: Noguchi Hideyo 3Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1949‑1952) STAMPS: Masaoka Shiki (Tsuneki) 19Sep1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō's best‑known poem 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Army maneuvers 19Nov1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: First flights: Pearl Harbor 7Dec1941 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AFFORESTATION ISSUES: Stamps: 9May1986 Osaka Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Telephone: Prepaid magnetic calling cards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Telephone: Service & fees Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Takenouchi no Sukune Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Yamatotakeru, Prince Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Censorship: 1942 type Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Censorship: 1942 type: Sheet of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Mystery label "yu‑127" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Temple of the High Mountain (Kyoto) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tanegashima: Space Center Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Sakai city Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Sakai city: Nintoku's tomb Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Sado Island Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD: Near, Middle & Far East terminology Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tokyo in the 1870's Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tokyo, Bashō's Banana Hut area Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Toi (Hokkaidō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Nintoku's tomb (Sakai city) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Okinawa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kagoshima Space Center Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kōzan‑ji (Kyoto) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kyoto, environs of: Twelfth century Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Paper plays (kamishibai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Business cards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Date Masamune (1567‑1636) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD, MAPS: Near, Middle & Far East terminology Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD, MAPS: Pineville, Kentucky Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD, MAPS: Ohio & western Pennsylvania relating to Samuel M. Bryan's education Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Revenue stamps: Silkworm eggs, existence? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MODERN ART SERIES 1979‑1983: 2b Leaning Standing Person (Yorozu) 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MILITARY MAIL: Postal marking types: Military FPO 1937‑1945 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: Pictorial History of the Last Hundred Years: Part 3, 1868‑1872 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Kamishibai (paper plays) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Pronunciation changes: Insetsu/insatsu (printing) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): H&S/BC: Used in a seapost office? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): Mitsui Bussan (Mitsui & Co.) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): Yokohama Specie Bank (YSB): Types used in various offices & branches Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): Three holes forming triangle Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Central: Alphabetic index Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Central: Chronological list Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Central: Prefectural capitals: All have CPO's 1Jul1987: Tokushima chūō folder for elevation Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES II 1976‑1978: 7b Gold lacquer inkstone box 26Jan1978 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES I 1967‑1969: Set 7 Edo Period 25Sep1969: 7a The Convenience of Fishing painting Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES II 1976‑1978: 3a Frolicking Animals scroll 25Mar1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 1Dec1986 rabbit: 20Jan1987 Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Parcel post Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Parcel post: Color specification for pet name logo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal packages: Color specification for pet name logo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal packages Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal statistics, Japan 1881 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Postal packages Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Postal packages: Color specification for pet name logo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Parcel post: Color specification for pet name logo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Parcel post Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Pet names: Nihon yūbin: will it become Nihon mēru? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Pet names: Postal packages Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Censorship seals: 1942 type Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Name Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Director, Tokunō Ryōsuke Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Engraver, Edoardo Chiossone Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Coin attached to cover instead of stamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Mansion (Washington DC) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Central post offices list Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Military: FPO 1937‑1945: Variations in "ya" in "yasen" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Naha, main post office, 1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Military: FPO 1937‑1945: O.S.S. counterfeit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Railway station 1872‑1889 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Comb: Military FPO 1937‑1945: Variation in "ya" of "yasen" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Comb: Military FPO 1937‑1945 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Comb: Kojimachi (Tokyo) 31Jul1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Early irregular: Aikawa Kensa, 1874 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: "CPO" included in datestamp Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Comb: Tokio/Japan with Japan inverted 31Jul‑3Aug1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Comb: Tokyo: Post 1937 use Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Double‑circle: Yokohama: Distorted due to too much pressure Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Comb: Aoi‑chō/Nippon 20Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United Nations: Japanese flag 18Sep1987 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Perfins: Mitsui Bussan Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: United Nations: Flags of member states Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: China, People's Republic: War with Japan 15th a. 7Jul1952 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal markings: "Tokyo Main Arsenal" Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal markings: "Corps d'Armees/Yokohama" Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal markings: Degron address: "Teguron" for "Deguron" (Degron) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal markings: "5118" Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Lebon locations in Tokyo, map Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Military missions: Wrapper addressed to Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1956: Telephone 8Jun1956 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POST OFFICES: Central: Alphabetic index Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POST OFFICES: Central: Chronological list Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Naha, main post office, 1935 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Central post offices list Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index DESIGNERS: Hibata Sekko (Shōtarō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Extraterritoriality Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Commercial treaties with other nations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Treaty ports, 1858‑1899 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: Murray's Hand‑Book for Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Covers: Overlapping stamps Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Covers: Franco‑Japanese combination from Japan Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Degron, Henri, postmaster Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Degron, Henri, postmaster: Deguron‑kun (Degron) covers Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal markings: Degron address Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Literature on Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Literature, philatelic: The French post office of Yokohama and its Epoch (Matsumoto) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: GENERAL: Literature, philatelic: The Beginning of Foreign Mail in Japan (Shinohara) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Literature, philatelic: La Poste Maritime Française (Salles) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: GENERAL: Westerners living in 19th century Japan: 1875 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Covers: Military missions Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Closing date Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Opening date Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Westerners living in 19th century Japan: 1875 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal rates: 1865‑1880: Basic letters Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal rates: 1865‑1880: Military letters Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Covers: Shimbashi: Shimbashi station marking, 1870s Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Shimbashi station marking, 1870s Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Postal rates: 1865‑1880: Printed matter Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Location of post office Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Lebon correspondence Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Songs: Cherryblossoms, Cherryblossoms Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: New Japanalia: Past and Present (Bush) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Forbidden after 1Oct1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: North German Lloyd service to Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1894: Meiji silver wedding 9Mar1894 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Imperial family history & customs Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Meiji wedding & anniversaries Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Meiji Shrine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: DeLong friendship Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Biographical information Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Salary 1867‑1884 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION (UPU): Congresses: 2nd, Paris 1878 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Japanese Mitsubishi Steamship Co. service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Occidental & Oriental Steamship Co. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific Mail Steamship Co. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: Control number types Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: 1 Peso Manila printing 1944 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: 1 Peso Washington printing Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Sale & use Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Warren, Arnold H. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Bibliography Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Lewis, Karl Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Lewis, Karl: Birth, date of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 4232‑4291 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 668 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 797 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 801 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 299 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3607 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3527 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3413 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3379 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 2697 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 957 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MALAYA: Forgeries: Postal markings: East Asia war 1st a. 8Dec1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Comb: Early postwar Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 41/222) 
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Comb: Hotel post offices Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 41/222) 
Index ENGRAVERS: Ōyama Sukeichi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Calendars: Lunisolar Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Calendars: Chinese Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Sexagenary cycle: Animals Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Zodiacal Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Rabbit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 1Jul1955 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Frog Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Wari‑in (divided seals) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Rabbit new year 1Dec1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, DOLLS: Dollmakers: Noda Suekichi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 1Dec1986 rabbit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1986: Lottery prize numbers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1986: Lottery prizes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHY: Ideographic forms Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1962: Rabbit new year 15Dec1962 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1963: Rabbit new year ss 20Jan1963 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1951: Rabbit new year 1Jan1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1951: Rabbit new year 1Jan1951: Souvenir sheet 1Feb1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Uchida Etsuyo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Murakami Tsutomu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SONG SERIES 1979‑1981: 2b Home Town 26Nov1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1983: Clean‑up campaign 13Jun1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Home Town 26Nov1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1974: Black hare 30Aug1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 1Jan1951 rabbit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 1Jan1951 rabbit: 1Feb51 Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 15Dec1962 rabbit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 15Dec1962 rabbit: 20Jan1963 Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Letter day booklet 23Aug1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Letter day ss 20Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Special‑issue: Letter day 23Aug1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: Quantities: Errors in catalogs Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: Announcement Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Delivery of new year postcards & envelopes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: Lottery calendar 1986‑1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: Lottery calendar 1986‑1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: Quantities: 1950‑1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: Lottery calendar 1986‑1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 16Jun1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Emori Wakana Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 4Jul1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 1Jul1958 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 1Jul1956 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 15Jun1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 4Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 16Jun1986: Lottery prize numbers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 16Jun1986: Lottery prizes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Horikawa Eiko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Takeara Kanji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Takeara Nobuaki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 4Feb1987: Lottery prizes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Social welfare conference 30Aug1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 4Feb1987: Lottery prize numbers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: Pet name "sakuramēru" (cherry blossom mail) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: Pet name "kamomēru" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Pet name "ekō" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Derivation of term "Echo Cards" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Pet names: Spring greeting postcards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Pet names Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Pet names: Advertising postcards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Pet names: Summer greeting postcards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 15Jun1984 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): Policies on usage Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): Policies on usage: Seapost cancellation Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Seapost: Cancellation used on perfin Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Hungary: Perfins 1921‑1924 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Perfins: Yokohama Specie Bank (YSB) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): Yokohama Specie Bank (YSB): Used in Manchoukuo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Regular‑issue stamps, individual: 4th regular issue 5Dec1936: 6f red: With perfin (YSB) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Postal rates, domestic: 1936‑1944 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Shield bug 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Monarch butterfly 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Mountain gold beetle (scarab) 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Mountain stag beetle 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Devil dragonfly 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bearded gold beetle (scarab) 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Insect ss 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Mountain river damselfly 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Owl‑fly 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Tree‑leaf butterfly 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Ground beetle 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Large stag beetle 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Hokkaidō (Ezo) cicada 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Ogasawara buprestid beetle 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Swallowtail moth 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Mountain dragonfly 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Tortoise‑shell dragonfly 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Ancient dragonfly 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Long‑horned beetle 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Parnassian butterfly 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Yoshikawa Mitsunori Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Kimura Manabu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Green hairstreak butterfly 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 5c Tree‑leaf butterfly 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 5d Mountain river damselfly 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 1a Parnassian butterfly 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: English names Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Japanese names Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Scientific names Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Sheet formats Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Souvenir sheet 12Mar1987: Sa Parnassian butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Souvenir sheet 12Mar1987: Sb Orange‑tip cabbage butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Souvenir sheet 12Mar1987: Sc Monarch butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Souvenir sheet 12Mar1987: Sd Great purple butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 1b Shield bug 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 1c Long‑horned beetle 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 1d Ancient dragonfly 30Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 2a Large stag beetle 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 2c Mountain dragonfly 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 2d Ground beetle 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 3a Swallowtail moth 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 2b Green hairstreak butterfly 26Sep1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 3b Tortoise‑shell dragonfly 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 3c Hokkaidō (Ezo) cicada 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 3d Ogasawara buprestid beetle 21Nov1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 4a Mountain stag beetle 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 4c Monarch butterfly 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 4d Mountain gold beetle (scarab) 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 5a Owl‑fly 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 4b Devil dragonfly 23Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: 5b Bearded gold beetle (scarab) 12Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Species descriptions Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Itō, Dr. Yoshimi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Johnson, Sune Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Furuya, Mrs. Kayo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Publication schedule/plans: Publication date vs. issue date Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 4292‑4307 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3508 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Treasurer: Reports: Annual: 1985 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.) (Correction to error in: 41/40) 
Index OFFICIALS: Treasurer: Reports: Annual: 1986 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Directors: Schefer, Murray H. 1986‑1997: 1986 elected Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Elections: Results, election: 1986 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Secretary: Reports, annual (Secretary): 1986 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Printer: 1986‑2003 Thomson‑Shore Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Printer: 1955‑1959, 1961‑1964 Grob‑Hitt Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Printer: 1964‑1986 Kirby Lithographic Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: New Issues: Reporting problems: Photographs: Failure of ministry to supply Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Indexes, subject: Cumulative: Vol. 1‑40 1946‑185: Projected Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: President: Reports: Annual: 1986 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Visit 1881 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1896: Sino‑Japanese War 1Aug1896 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: 5y Empress Jingū 1882 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: 10y Empress Jingū 1883 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMITTEES: Expert: Services: Certificate: Schedule 1987 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: History Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Name Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 11/21) 
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Pronunciation changes: Seppan/sappan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Pronunciation changes: Tōkei/Tōkyō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Issues & proofs Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: Plate imprints Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Official gazette bureau Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Paper money bureau Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printed documents bureau Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Documents bureau Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: Proofs, Insatsu Kagami, imperforate: 20s 1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: Proofs, Insatsu Kagami, imperforate: 30s 1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: Proofs, Insatsu Kagami, imperforate: 45s 1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 5r gray 17May1876: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 1s black 17May1876: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 2s olive 17May1876: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 4s green 23Jun1876: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 15s green 29Jun1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 12s rose 29Jun1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 30s violet 18Aug1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 20s indigo 18Aug1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 45s red 18Aug1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 10s blue 29Jun1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 8s brown 20Nov1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR: Imprints 1876‑1885 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: International: 3,5,6s 20Nov1877: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: International: 3x3s 1Jan1885: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: Domestic: 5r (½s) 19Sep1876: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: Domestic: 1x1s 1Jan1885: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: International: 2s 30Jun1879: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: International: 2x2s 1Jan1885: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: International: 3s 30Jun1879: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Koban: Domestic: 1s 19Sep1876: Imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRODUCTION OF STAMPS & STATIONERY: Printing bureau: Names & plate imprints Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 6s orange 29Jun1877: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 5s brown 23Jun1876: Plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 5r 17May1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 1s 17May1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 2s 17May1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 4s 23Jun1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 5s 23Jun1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 6s 29Jun1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 8s 20Nov1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 10s 29Jun1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 12s 29Jun1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 15s 29Jun1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 20s 18Aug1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 30s 18Aug1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Old Koban Series: 45s 18Aug1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Plate imprints: Koban Series: Proofs, Insatsu Kagami, imperforate Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: 1y sailors Dec1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: 5y blacksmiths Jul1878 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ESSAYS & PROOFS: Issued stamps: Regular‑issue 1876‑1892 Koban Series: 1876‑1879 Old Koban Series: 30s 1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ESSAYS & PROOFS: Issued stamps: Regular‑issue 1876‑1892 Koban Series: 1876‑1879 Old Koban Series: 45s 1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ESSAYS & PROOFS: Issued stamps: Regular‑issue 1876‑1892 Koban Series: 1876‑1879 Old Koban Series: 20s 1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Insatsu Kagami (printing sample book) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 5s brown 23Jun1876: Without plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 4s green 23Jun1876: Without plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 2s olive 17May1876: Without plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 1s black 17May1876: Without plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 5r gray 17May1876: Without plate imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: Sheet size & format Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: ½y 1872 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Visit 1881: Account by Collard J. Stock Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Paper production Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: IDEOGRAPHS & SYLLABICS: Characters: Number of characters required Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MONETARY SYSTEM: Premium for silver yen, 1881 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: Study of Italian artists in early Meiji Japan (Kumamoto) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CURRENCY: Banknotes: 100y 1891 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Recess printer, Karl Anton Brück Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Typographic (relief) printer, Bruno Liebers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Visit 1877 by Emperor, Empress, Empress Dowager Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Stamps: 5y Jingū 20Feb1908 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Genealogy, imperial: 9th through 16th emperors Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Stamps: 10y Jingū 20Feb1908 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Empress Jingū official genealogy Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Stamps: 10y Jingū 20May1914 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Taishō Old Watermarked Series 1914‑1929: 10y Jingū 20May1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Stamps: 5y Jingū 20May1914 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Taishō Old Watermarked Series 1914‑1929: 5y Jingū 20May1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Jimmu, first emperor Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Imperial family before A.D. 450 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Constitution of 1889 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Japan 2600th a. 11Feb&10Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Nintoku, 16th emperor Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Tomb mounds Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Regular: 10y Takenouchi no Sukune 28Jul1898 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Regular: 50y Takenouchi no Sukune 28Jul1898 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Regular: 100y Takenouchi no Sukune 28Jul1898 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Regular: 10y Takenouchi no Sukune 21Jun1909 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Regular: 10y Takenouchi no Sukune 30Apr1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1986: Afforestation 9May1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan) 720 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Card games, introduction into Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Books, oldest extant: Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan) 720 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Books, oldest extant: Kojiki (Record of ancient matters) 712 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kojiki (Record of ancient matters) 712 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Edo/Tōkei/Tōkyō name changes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1956: Tokyo 500th a. 1Oct1956 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1968: Meiji 100th a. 23Oct1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Single‑circle: No year date, without bar: Tokei Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Single‑circle: No year date, with bar: Tokei Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Single‑circle: No year date: Tokio Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: Comparative review Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: Hammond's Stamp Collectors Atlas Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: Luckes Atlas der Briefmarken Geographie Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: Orbis Philatelic Atlas (Mucha & Hlinka; Chapman, ed.) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: Stamp Atlas (Wellsted, Rossiter, & Flower) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: Where in the World? Atlas for Stamp Collectors (Wood) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Atlases, philatelic: World Philatelic Maps (Imai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: Comparative review Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: Hammond's Stamp Collectors Atlas Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: Luckes Atlas der Briefmarken Geographie Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: Orbis Philatelic Atlas (Mucha & Hlinka; Chapman, ed.) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: Stamp Atlas (Wellsted, Rossiter, & Flower) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: Where in the World? Atlas for Stamp Collectors (Wood) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Atlases, philatelic: World Philatelic Maps (Imai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: GENERAL: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index MONGOLIA, INNER: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index INDIES, EAST, SUMATRA: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Shan States: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index THAILAND (SIAM): Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index BORNEO, NORTH: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index ANDAMAN AND NICOBAR ISLANDS: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, RYUKYUS ISLANDS: Kume Shima: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index INDIES, EAST, GENERAL: Atlases, philatelic: treatment in Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index MONGOLIA, INNER: History: Puppet governments established 1937‑1940 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Japan‑China war beginning 7Jul1937 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Puppet governments established 1937‑1940 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Boxer attacks on foreigners, 1900 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Peking, name changes 1928‑1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postal history: Japan‑China war beginning 7Jul1937 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Military post offices: Operations begun 2Aug1937 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index MONGOLIA, INNER: Overprints: Mengchiang (Inner Mongolia) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Overprints: Honan Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Overprints: Hopei Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Overprints: Mengchiang (Inner Mongolia) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postal history: Supei (North Kiangsu) inclusion in North China postal system Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Overprints: Shansi Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Overprints: Shantung Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Geography: Divisions of China, including capitals & areas Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Geography: Divisions of China, including capitals & areas: "Pupeh" for Chin‑pei Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Supei (North Kiangsu), inclusion in North China Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Supei (North Kiangsu), isolation by diverted Yellow River Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Yellow river, diversion & course changes Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Federal Reserve Bank of China Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: North China Railway Co. Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: North China types, used in Supei (North Kiangsu)? Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postal history: North China bureau established 15Aug1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Fengyang 17May1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Fengyang 15May1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Hsuchou 15May1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Design, size & colors Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Designer, Tashiro Hiroshi Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: New Year's Day 1938, Central China FPO Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Linking of Central & North China: Dates of use Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Scenic datestamps: Military, individual: Publication of list anticipated Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, STAMPS: Cherry Blossom Series: 1s blue, native paper 1872‑3 (Itō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: Literature, philatelic: 1s blue 1872‑1873 (Itō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Plating of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Stamps: Plating dollar currency provisionals (Itō) Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Currency conversion provisionals 16Sep1958: Plating study (Itō) Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: AUSTRALIA: Literature, philatelic: B.C.O.F. Overprints and British Commonwealth and Indian Military postal services in Japan and Korea (Itō, 1981) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: BRITISH COMMONWEALTH: Literature, philatelic: B.C.O.F. Overprints and British Commonwealth and Indian Military postal services in Japan and Korea (Itō, 1981) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index MONOGRAPH SERIES: Projected: Ryukyus $ provisional stamps Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Directors: Johnson, Sune 1963‑1987: 1987 death Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: INDIA: Literature, philatelic: B.C.O.F. Overprints and British Commonwealth and Indian Military postal services in Japan and Korea (Itō, 1981) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index OFFICIALS: Directors: Ludes, John, Jr. 1987‑: 1987 elected Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Medicine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ACCESSORIES, PHILATELIC: Computer program for stamp inventory Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Literature, philatelic: Philippine Postage Stamp Handbook 1854‑1982 (Harradine) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Sale & use Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 42/34) 
Index PHILIPPINES: Literature, philatelic: Postal stationery under U.S. administration 1898‑1946 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: 1 Peso Manila printing 1944 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 42/31) 
Index PHILIPPINES: Revenue stamps: Internal revenue: 1 Peso Washington printing Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 42/31) 
Index POST OFFICES: Central: Prefectural capitals: All have CPO's 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Censorship seals: 1944 type Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Censorship: 1944 type Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1937: 3s dark violet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Taishō New Watermarked Series 1924‑1937: 1y Mar1930: Telephone fees, used in payment of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Taishō New Watermarked Series 1924‑1937: 5y Jingū 1Dec1924: Telephone fees, used in payment of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Non‑postal use: Telephone fees paid by pre‑1945 high denominations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Telephone fees paid by pre‑1945 high denominations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NON‑POSTAL MARKINGS: Telephone office Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NON‑POSTAL MARKINGS: Types: Comb Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Telephone: Subscribers, number of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Nippon Telegraph & Telephone (NTT) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Kuroda Seiki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Oi, oi! (hello, on telephone) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Moshi, moshi (hello, on telephone) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Registration Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Registration: 400y Registration system 100th a. 30Jan1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Registration law Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Ōtani Fumito Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Revenue: Commemorative: 100th a. 17Feb1973 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Registration: 10y Wake no Kiyomaro 11Nov1896 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 100th a. 17Feb1973 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Automobiles: Cars: Arrow 1915? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Motor vehicle inspection & registration: 1964‑1978 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Automobiles Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Automobiles in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Automobiles: Cars: Rattler (Takurii) 1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Takehito, Imperial Prince (Arisugara X) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Automobiles: Cars: Chronology of early Japanese cars Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 25Dec1904 (2nd war issue) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Automobiles in Japan: Arrow (1915) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Hungary: Automobile club 75th a. (1915 Arrow, Mt. Fuji) 27Mar1975 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: 12th World Orchid Conference 19Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: World Orchid Conference 19Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Wind orchid Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Lobster‑root orchid Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Orchid Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: 12th World Orchid Conference 19Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: New issue photographs Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō 1B Poem 3/Nikkō 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō 1A Poem 2/Senju 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō 2A Poem 10/Nasu 23Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō 2B Poem 11/Ashino 23Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō 3A Poem 14/Sukagawa 25Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Bashō 3B Poem 15/Fukushima 25Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Bashō (poet) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Dates of Bashō's journey Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 1A Poem 2/Senju 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 1B Poem 3/Nikkō 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 2A Poem 10/Nasu 23Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 2B Poem 11/Ashino 23Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 3A Poem 14/Sukagawa 25Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 3B Poem 15/Fukushima 25Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: List of 20 poems & places Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Haiku & related poetry Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōkai 26Feb1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Series title Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Oku no hosomichi: book title Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Dates: Lunisolar: Conversion table 1689 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Sumō IV 13Jan1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Haritsu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Asada Takashi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHERS: Aoyama San'u Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Adachi (Tōkyō) 12Oct1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1938: Nikkō NP 25Dec1938 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Nikkō 25Dec1938 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Mailing: Permit, 2nd class Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1950: Ichikawa Danjūro IX 13Sep1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1949‑1952) STAMPS: Ichikawa Danjūrō IX 13Sep1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Bibliography of poem translations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Poem translations bibliography Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, DRAMA: Kabuki: Actors: Ichikawa Danjūrō IX Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1970: Kabuki 10Jul1970 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1874‑1885 10s blue plating Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y small format carmine‑rose 1Sep1874: Plate II reconstruction Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y small format carmine‑rose 1Sep1874: Plate III reconstruction (partial) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y large format 17Feb1873 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y small format blue 31Aug1873 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y small format blue 31Aug1873: Plate I reconstruction Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y small format blue 31Aug1873: Plate II reconstruction Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Documentary: 1y small format blue 31Aug1873: Plate IV reconstruction unlikely Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 1210 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 4308‑4325 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index NECROLOGY: Johnson, Sune #374: Sale of philatelic library Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index CHAPTERS: Los Angeles: Sale of library books & periodicals Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index SOCIETIES, PHILATELIC: Nippon Philatelic Society (NPS) 1959‑1991: Sale of library books & periodicals Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Education Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Education: Cadiz, Ohio Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Military service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Education: Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Honorary title from Franklin College? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Mansion (Washington DC) Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 42/27, e42/29) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Administration: Bryan, Samuel M.: Biographical information Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 42/27, e42/29) 
Index CHAPTERS: Washington: Meeting in Bryan mansion 7Oct1987 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 5Sep1904 (1st war issue) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 11Feb1905 (3rd war issue): Meiji birthday Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 15Oct1905 (4th war issue) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 22Oct1905 (5th war issue): Naval review Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 29Apr1906: Military review Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, GAMES: Cards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: 6th world conference on smoking & health 9Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: 6th world conference on smoking & health 9Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Playing card terms Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: O.S.S. postal forgeries: Postcards: Military, dove & helmet design Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index FRANCHISE ISSUES, MILITARY: Postal stationery: Postcards, surface: Dove on helmet design: O.S.S. counterfeit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: O.S.S. postal forgeries Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index FORGERIES, POSTCARDS, MILITARY: O.S.S. counterfeit of dove & helmet design Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postcards, military: O.S.S. counterfeit of dove & helmet design Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL: O.S.S. WWII productions: Postcards: Military, dove & helmet design Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL: O.S.S. WWII productions Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES: Propaganda issues Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MILITARY MAIL: Postcards: Dove & helmet design: O.S.S. counterfeit Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: Playing card tax: 20s green square style 21Aug1902 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Postcards, picture without stamp: O.S.S. propaganda Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 5s Admiral Tōgō 1Apr1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: O.S.S. postal forgeries: Stamps: 5s Tōgō 1Apr1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index FORGERIES, POSTAL: O.S.S. WWII productions: Stamps: 5s Tōgō 1Apr1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1942‑1945 Second Shōwa Series: 5s Tōgō 1Apr1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Naha: Airport branches 1935‑1936 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Naha (Okinawa): Airport branches 1935‑1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Arai Kunitarō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NON‑POSTAL MARKINGS: Telegraph: Naha airport branches 1935‑1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Naha (Okinawa): Airport branches 1935‑1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Naha, airport branches 1935‑1936, existence? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NON‑POSTAL MARKINGS: Telegraph: Naha airport branches 1935‑1936 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POST OFFICES: Naha: Airport branches 1935‑1936 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Naha, airport branches 1935‑1936, existence? Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Okinawa: Service until 8Oct1935 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Okinawa: Service until 8Oct1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, domestic: Hakata (Fukuoka)‑Naha (Okinawa)‑Taipei (Taiwan) beginning 8Oct1935 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, domestic: Hakata (Fukuoka)‑Naha (Okinawa)‑Taipei (Taiwan) beginning 8Oct1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL STATIONERY: Catalogs: Echo postal card: 1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL STATIONERY: Catalogs: Picture postal card catalog 1987 (tourism cards) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL STATIONERY: Catalogs: Sakura catalog 1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Valuations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Types, scarcest Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Listings: Sakura catalog 1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Listings: JSDA catalog 1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Listings: Echo Postal Card Catalog 1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Listings: Echo Postal Card Catalog 1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING: Listings: Echo Postal Card Catalog 1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Listing: Picture Postal Card Catalog 1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Name, official Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Issuing authority Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Number of issues: Up to 15Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Regions issuing Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Valuations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tokyo (pandas) 20Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (pandas) 20Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (Sōma Nomaoi Festival) 10Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (Sōma Nomaoi Festival) 10Jul1987: Book accompanying set of cards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, JAPANESE CUSTOMS: Sōma horse‑chase festival Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1965: Sōma horse‑chase festival 16Jul1965 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Rockets: Minami Tane scenic datestamp Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ERRORS & VARIETIES, DESIGN: Postcards: Tourism Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Firearms, introduction by Portuguese Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Minami Tane (Kagoshima) 10Sep1970 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Kyūshū 1Sep1986: Error on Kagoshima card Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku 23Apr1985: Error on Yamagata 3 card Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku 23Apr1985: Error on Iwate 4 card Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Chūgoku 24Feb1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: "Chūō" included in datestamp Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Toyama Chūō (Toyama) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Wakayama Chūō (Wakayama) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Yamaguchi Chūō (Yamaguchi) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Yamagata Chūō (Yamagata) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Aomori Chūō (Aomori) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Lewis, Karl Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Lewis, Karl: Postmarked Takamatsu 10Feb1893 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Lewis, Karl: Postmarked Kumamoto 24Feb1894 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Publication schedule/plans: 1987 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Unreasonable requests made by members Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Unreasonable requests made to officials Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Lewis, Karl: Postcard publisher: Catalog 1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Lewis, Karl: Catalog of postcards for sale 1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL STATIONERY: Catalogs: Karl Lewis's picture postcards 1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, CATALOGS: Lewis, Karl, 1905 "Pictorial Post‑Card" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Lewis, Karl: Catalog of postcards for sale 1905: Index of headings Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SOCIETIES, PHILATELIC: American Philatelic Society: Translation service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 42nd Okinawa 24Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Annual lists: 1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Universities: Tokyo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Farewell to railway post offices 26Mar1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Tokyo University marine biology laboratory 100th a. 2Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Philatelic week 14Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Asia development bank 20th annual general meeting 27Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Afforestation 23May1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: National railways converted into 7 private firms 1Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: National treasures III: #1 26May1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Booklet pane 30Sep1987: Sa Parnassian butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Booklet pane 30Sep1987: Sb Orange‑tip cabbage butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Booklet pane 30Sep1987: Sc Monarch butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AFFORESTATION ISSUES: Stamps: 23May1987 Saga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INSECT SERIES 1986‑1987: Booklet pane 30Sep1987: Sd Great purple butterfly Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Global telecommunications conference 13Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: New year 1Dec1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: World historic cities conference 18Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: International year of shelter for the homeless 25Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Letter day ss 21Sep1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Japan‑Thailand friendship 100th a. 26Sep1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Butterfly booklet panes 30Sep1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Letter writing week 6Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: 13th world congress of certified public accountants 9Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Modern waterworks 100th a. 16Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: 42nd national athletic meet 24Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Letter day 23Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Letter day booklet pane 23Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: National treasures III: #2 17Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Kiso, Nagara & Ibi Rivers flood control 100th a. 7Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Special‑issue: Letter day 23Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Special‑issue: Butterflies 30Sep1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELIC WEEK ISSUES: 14Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Military missions: Mail procedures Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Messageries mail service Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Military missions: Mail procedures: British packets: P&O service Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Military missions: Mail procedures: French packets: Messageries Maritimes Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Literature, philatelic: Beginning of Foreign Mail in Japan (Shinohara) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Non‑Degron covers Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Lebon locations in Tokyo Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Covers: Franco‑Japanese combination to Japan Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL RATES: International: 1Apr1987 airmail Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL RATES: Airmail: 1Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Phoenix: 40y in uncut sheets of 4 1Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 120y 1Jul1981 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 110y 1Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Uncut multiples Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 20y Golden Hall 20Jan1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1961‑1965 SECOND YEN UNIT SERIES: 120y kalavinka (purple) 1Nov1962 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1966‑1969 FIRST NIPPON SERIES: 30y Golden Hall 1May1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): 20Apr1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1966‑1969 FIRST NIPPON SERIES: 120y kalavinka (red) 20Dec1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 120y kalavinka (brown & green) 10Apr1972 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 15Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 15Jun1987: Lottery prize numbers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 15Jun1987: Lottery prizes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Hokkaidō 17Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Stamp designs: Row of houses 40y 15Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Experimental improvement program Jan1987: List of cities & areas applying Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Experimental improvement program Jan1987: Pet name "yūtopia" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1987: 43 types issued Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: Types issued 1981‑1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 5Nov1987: Lottery prizes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Kimura Masaru: Death of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Songs: National anthem Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: National anthem Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Russo‑Japanese War 1904‑1905: 11Feb1905 (3rd war issue): Meiji birthday: Error in music for national anthem Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Early irregular: Higasa (Wakasa) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Early irregular: Tarumi (Harima) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Early irregular: Honjō (Hizen) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Calligraphic forms used Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHERS: Ike no Taiga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHERS: Kōetsu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1948: Alcohol monopoly 14Sep1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1948: Kumamoto communication exhibition ss 20Sep1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 3.80y numeral 10Sep1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1.50y numeral 10Sep1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHY: Organization, Kenshin Shodōkai Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHERS: Kamijō Shinzan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHERS: Tonomura Randen Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALLIGRAPHERS: Uyehara, Cecil H. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Tabuchi Toshio Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1939: Daisen & Inland Sea NP 20Apr1939 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1987: Bashō set 2 23Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: Second Nippon Series: 3y cuckoo 31Jan1972 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1964: Bush warbler 10Feb1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 3y cuckoo 15Jul1971: Booklet 31Jan1972 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 3y cuckoo 10May1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Death Stone (near Nasu Yumoto) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Killing Stone (near Nasu Yumoto) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: Related postcards Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Morita Kōhei Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku 25Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Shirakawa 1Feb1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Shirakawa 11Apr1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Shirakawa 20Jun1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Moji/mochi confusion Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Shinobu homophones/puns Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Shinobu homophones/puns Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fukushima (Fukushima) 11Dec1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 4326‑4356 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 590 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 2495 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 2997 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 2947 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index INDIES, EAST, GENERAL: Literature, philatelic: Occupation issues catalog, Dutch‑language (Dai Nippon, 1975): Simplified catalog, English‑language (Dai Nippon, 1987) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES