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28 Nov 2019 09:51:48
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Journal / Periodical
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1990; Vol: 45/2Supp
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Vol 45/2Supp Iss: 0
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Index Plebiscites: Stamps and Covers Trace History pp. 24-25 GERMANY: DANZIG, SURVEY Graham, Richard B.
Index Plebiscites: Stamps and Covers Trace History pp. 24-25 GERMANY: SAAR, SURVEY Graham, Richard B.
Index May 2 Date for 1990s Celebrate p. 1 United States: Scott 3191 index42and43anon
Index Smart Envelope Introduced p. 1, 47 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Australia Depicts Ordinary Citizens on Stamps; Face of Australia Issue Holds Mirror to Nation p. 1, 9 AUSTRALIA: Scott 1799 anon
Index Australia Depicts Ordinary Citizens on Stamps; Face of Australia Issue Holds Mirror to Nation p. 1, 9 AUSTRALIA: Scott 1799 index41anon
Index Second British Millennium Set Features Fire and Light [Feb 1 00] p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1894-1897 anon
Index Second British Millennium Set Features Fire and Light [Feb 1 00] p. 2 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1894-1897 index41anon
Index Danish Program for 2000 Includes New Margrethe II Definitive Series p. 8 DENMARK: Baadke, Michael
Index Lorentz to Leave USPS p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Mail Burns in California Crash p. 9 United States: Postal History, Wreck Covers anon
Index FIP's 'Tasteless Idiocy' Irks Airmail Collectors p. 10 PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: FIP anon
Index U.S. Stamp Facts p. 10 UNITED STATES: Scott 388 Weiss, Larry S. & Leon M. Hadley
Index 25c Liberty Envelope Sets Another Record p. 12 UNITED STATES: Scott 1044 Haeseler, Rob
Index Fun FDCs Created from Collateral Material p. 14 United States: First Day Cover deVries, Lloyd
Index Discovering the Topic of Cocoa on Stamps p. 16 THEMATIC: COCOA Barbara L. Anderson
Index Research Is Key to Stamp Forgery Detection p. 20 Forgeries and Counterfeits: Tyler, Varro E.
Index Portugal [Oct 9 99] p. 25 PORTUGAL: Scott 2334 index42and43Denise McCarty
Index String Removed from Swiss Design [Dec 6 99] p. 26 SWITZERLAND: Scott 1064-1065 index42and43Denise McCarty