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1995; Vol: 50
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Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: United States: Special‑issue stamps: Proposed & rejected 1995 design noting atomic bombs' role ending WWII Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 15Jun1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: United States: Special‑issue stamps: Ruth Benedict 20Oct1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 3Jun1991: Design, picture Section 1: JAPAN  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Title: Calligraphy for Japanese title Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1993: Miyagi prefecture Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Honorary life members: Yoshida Riichi Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 3Feb1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Burma: British issue with peacock overprint but missing SERVICE overprint Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1990: Design, picture: Saga ‑ Karatsu kunchi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Peru: 120th a. Peru‑Japan treaty of peace & trade 21Aug1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Old people's day: 1Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Austria: Paper with watermark Neusiedler Japan Post Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): Blue bird design Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Vietnam: Hiroshige, Hokusai, Utamaro & Harunobu prints 9Apr1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Stamps: Proposed & rejected 1995 design noting atomic bombs' role ending WWII Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): 20Apr1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Labels: 1995 protest labels noting atomic bombs' role ending WWII Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): 20Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Stamps: New year 1995 30Dec1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): 20Apr1995: Notched for the blind Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Stamps: Ruth Benedict 20Oct1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): 20Apr1993 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: France: Le Philopode private booklet with font like the ISJP distinctive font Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Kusunoki Masashige (Nankō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Russia: Tsar Alexander II on 2 kopeck stamp of 1913 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, PICTURE, PRIVATE: Tokyo‑London record flight sponsored by Asahi Shimbun 6Apr1937 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: United States: Labels: 1995 protest labels noting atomic bombs' role ending WWII Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, FURUSATO: 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Brazil: Japanese immigration 50th a. 18Jun1958: Commemorative datestamp Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Picture: 22Nov1993 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Italy: Philatelic Day (showing Edoardo Chiossone & 2s Koban) 9Dec1988 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Prefectural picture: One bird on green‑dyed ivory ruler 27Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): Japanese trains 4Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Regular: 70y two birds on red‑dyed ivory ruler (no lines) 6Oct1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. MacArthur's return to the Philippines 20Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Regular: 70y two birds on red‑dyed ivory ruler (with lines) 1Apr1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. US liberation of Marshall Islands 4Feb1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING, PREFECTURAL, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki: Ogawa Food Co. 1Sep1984 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. US Marines landing at Saipan 15Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING, PREFECTURAL, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki: Nagasaki tram system 70th a. 1Jun1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. liberation of Guam 21Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING, PREFECTURAL, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki: Hotel New Nagasaki 1Oct1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. US Marines landing on Peleliu 15Sep1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, ADVERTISING, PREFECTURAL, INDIVIDUAL: Hiroshima: Hiroshima tram system 75th a. 2Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. Hiroshima atomic bomb dropping 6Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Mongolia: Mongolian‑Japanese friendship 15Dec1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku 1Aug1987: Sun Mall (Sendai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Monaco: Geisha with fan from automaton museum 7Jan1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTCARDS, TOURISM: Tōhoku (San Fuan Bauteista) 3Aug1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Monaco: European bonsai congress 3Apr1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, GENERAL: Multi‑prefectural issues: Flowers issue 27Apr1990: Prefectures, individual: Gifu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OFFICIALS: Directors: Yoshida Riichi 1953‑1995: 1995 death Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Okinawa: Eisā 1Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Miyagi: Zelkova trees 1Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Openings: First twelve 20Mar1874: Map Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fukui: Kehi pine grove 1Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gifu: Flower capital 26Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hokkaidō: Chipmunks 3Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Syllabic‑numerical: Hypothetical examples Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Chrysanthemum series: "BRIGHTON" overprint on stamp with Awaji Island postmark Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, RYUKYUS ISLANDS: Maps: First 12 post offices opened 20Mar1874 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Chrysanthemum series: "D. & Co., " Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Postal markings: Yokohama: Earliest known datestamp: Jul1870 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Yamagata: Yamadera 19Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Offices: Yokohama: Covers: Earliest known use of datestamp, Jul1870 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima: Awa dance 1Aug1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MANDATED ISLANDS: MARIANAS: Saipan: Commemorative datestamps, large: Fall of Hankou 12Nov1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tōkyō: New Tokyo post office 6Aug1990 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Post offices: Field: Earliest after 1941 landing on Luzon Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Saga: Karatsu kunchi festival 2Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Registered mail: First‑day cover of registration service 24Mar1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Design: Border Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Maps: Earliest Japanese field post offices on Luzon Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: National maps: Kōtsū Maru routes to Vladivostok, 1902‑1903 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Military mail: Earliest Japanese field post offices on Luzon Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: National maps: Next‑morning mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TAIWAN (FORMOSA): Postal markings, regular international: Taihoku: Comb: On 1943 registered cover from Philippines Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Cape Ashizuri (Kōchi) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Forgeries: Regular‑issue stamps: 2nd regular issue 1934: 15f Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Asuka tomb area Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Regular‑issue stamps, individual: 3rd regular issue 1934‑6: 15f P'u Yi 1Nov1934 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: National maps: Yokuasa yūbin (next‑morning) mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Regular‑issue stamps, individual: 2nd regular issue 1934: 15f Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Hōryūji temple Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: General information: Insignia Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Izumo (Shimane) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Asian games: 12th: 30Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Hida province Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Instruments: Koto Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Gifu prefecture Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, STAMP‑ON‑STAMP: Philatokyo'81 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Gifu prefecture: Mountains along border of Hida province & Nagano prefecture Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, STAMP‑ON‑STAMP: Postal service 50th a. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1991: Kabuki #2 27Sep1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, STAMP‑ON‑STAMP: Postal service 75th a. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1994: Stamp history series #1 18Jul1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Golf Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1995: World heritage series #3 28Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Olympic games: 1964 Tokyo, 18th Olympiad: Stamps: 23Jun1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1995: Stamp history series #5 19Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 49th Aichi 28Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1994: Cultural leaders 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 29th Ibaraki 20Oct1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1994: Boar new year 15Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 5th Aichi 28Oct1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1995: World heritage series #2 22Feb1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Aviation: Kansai international airport Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1974: Okinawa EXPO'75 2Mar1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995: 2a Hōryūji temple ‑ Main Hall fresco 22Feb1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1980: Song series #4 21Mar1980 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ESSAYS & PROOFS: Issued stamps: Special‑issue: Meiji silver wedding 9Mar1894 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ATTU AND KISKA ISLANDS: Postal markings: Attu field post office 381 handstamp on souvenir cover Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index DESIGN, STAMP, INDIVIDUAL: Regular‑issue stamps: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: Border Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ATTU AND KISKA ISLANDS: Labels & seals: Damage repair: Used on a souvenir cover from Attu Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index DESIGNERS: Isoda Hisao Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDOCHINA: Postal markings: Hanoi‑Japan par avion Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Medical licensing 100th a. 7Apr1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Postcards: 3½s Jan1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Maeshima Memorial Hall 17Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Postcards: 3½s Jan1943: Wrapper for Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1950: 5th national athletic meet 28Oct1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Postcards: 3½sx3½s reply Jan1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1958: Brazil emigration 50th a. 18Jun1958 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Global telecommunications conference 13Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Borneo, South: Censorship markings Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1989: Philatelic week 18Apr1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Non‑postal markings: Money order cancel of Makassar Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: 12th Asian games 30Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Postal markings: Balikpapan (South Borneo) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Letter writing week 6Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Borneo, South: Labels & seals: Registration: Tanahgrogot label overprinted for use in Balikpapan Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: 49th national athletic meet 28Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Borneo, South: Postal markings: Balikpapan (South Borneo) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Diabetes congress 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Japan‑Brazil amity 100th a. 3Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Special‑issue stamps: Independence 1Aug1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Fujiwara capital 1300th a. 28Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Stamps: 5c government crest 15Feb1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Anatomical education 31Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Forgeries, stamps: Burma state crest 15Feb1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Merchant marine education 110th a. 26Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Forgeries, stamps: Independence 5c 1Aug1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Peace 50th a. 1Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Military postcards 1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Fukuoka Universiade 23Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Official stamps: British issue with peacock overprint but missing SERVICE overprint Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Aeromodel world championships 25Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Shan States: Stamps, regular: 1c bullock cart 1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: World veterinary congress 1Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Postcards: Military: 1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1937: Tokyo‑London flight 1Apr1937 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Postcards: Independence 1Aug1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/213) 
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1967: British stamp exhibition (Toyama) 6Oct1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Fraudulent 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Philatelic week & earthquake relief 20Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Detained in Hong Kong by Japanese from Dec1941 to Sep1945 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Afforestation 19May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Forgeries: Fraudulent postmarks 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1984: 80 years of chinchin trams 7Dec1984 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Detained mail Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: Vocational Series: 5y miner 15Feb1949: 1st printing with Braille rate error Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Literature, philatelic: Hong Kong Japanese Occupation and Mr. H. da Luz (Ming W. Tsang) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 5B Poem 30/Risshakuji 26Mar1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Map: Post offices near the residence of Mr. H. da Luz Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 9B Poem 61/Tsuruga 13Feb1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Map: da Luz, H., forged cover producer: Street address: Post offices Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Markings: Unofficial 27Oct1925 cancel for Tokyo‑Europe flight Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Covers: Forgeries: Da Luz Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Mail box for airmail only Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Commemorative datestamps: Pacific war 1st a. 8‑14Dec1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: First flights: Kansai International Airport‑Copenhagen 4Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN: Perfins: D & Co/LTD on 10s Offices in China Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: First flights: Osaka‑Singapore‑Bangkok 6Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Chiba Yūsaku Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 50y 1Dec1975 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Ishii Hakutei Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 50y automatic processing 1Aug1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Sculpture: Maeshima statue Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 50y revised 1Sep1965 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Prints, woodblock: 36 Views of Fuji (Hokusai): Great Wave off the Coast of Kanagawa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 50y 1Apr1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Islet & Lake Scene (Ishii Hakutei) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AEROGRAMS: Regular‑issue: 50y 10Feb1962 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Peace (Ishii Hakutei) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MEDICINE: Diabetes congress Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kusunoki Masashige (Nankō): Equestrian statue Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MEDICINE: Veterinary medicine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Charity: Japan disaster relief 1923 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, JAPANESE CUSTOMS: Karatsu kunchi festival Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Airmail etiquettes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Nuphar Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Damage repair: Used on souvenir cover from Attu Island (Alaska) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Rose Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Pine Islands (Miyagi) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Iris Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: San Fuan Bauteista ship locales Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Hibiscus Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Takayama (Gifu) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Yellow water lily Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD, MAPS: Chinese Eastern Railway Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Spatterdock Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD, MAPS: Brazil Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Cymbidium Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tokyo Bay surrender 1945 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Cyclamen Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tsuruga: Kehi Jingū Shinto shrine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Daphniphyllum macropodum Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tsuruga: Importance of Lake Biwa as a route to Kyoto Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Maple Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Tsuruga: Location on the west coast of Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Pine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Niimi (Okayama) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Zelkova Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Okinawa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Ptarmigan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Nara in relation to nearby cities Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Chinese milk vetch Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Nagasaki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Candock Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kehi Jingū Shinto shrine in Tsuruga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: African violet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Karatsu (Saga) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Dog Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Jadeite deposits in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Chipmunks Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kaga province Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Cow Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kasaoka (Okayama) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Horse Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INTERNATIONAL LETTER WRITING WEEK ISSUES: 6Oct1963 Great wave off Kanagawa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1981: Philatokyo'81 9Oct1981 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kyoto, Shugakuin villa lake Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Fire Dance (Hayami) 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kuroyama triple falls (Saitama) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1974: 29th national athletic meet 20Oct1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kyoto: Gojō bridge Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1989: Bashō 9B Poem 61/Tsuruga 13Feb1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kyoto: Kiyomizu temple Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1988: Bashō 5B Poem 30/Risshakuji 26Mar1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Matsushima (Miyagi) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Diabetes congress 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Lake Ashi (Kanagawa) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: 49th national athletic meet 28Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Chrysanthemum & Sword (book by Ruth Benedict on Japanese culture) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: 12th Asian games 30Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Date Masamune (1567‑1636): Family crest Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Kansai international airport opening 2Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, WORLD, MAPS: TranSiberian Railway Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Stamp history series #1 10Aug1994: Ministry folder Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Hōryūji area near Nara Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1963: Letter writing week 6Oct1963 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Fujiwara no Michinaga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1964: Pre‑Olympics VI 23Jun1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MONETARY SYSTEM: Coins, first ones minted in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1960: Matsushima 15Mar1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Doddoueru Shōkai advertising imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1951: Nagasaki 15Sep1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Dodwell & Co. advertising imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1950: 5th national athletic meet 28Oct1950 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Dodwell Pitney Bowes DPB Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1949: Nagasaki 9Aug1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Sample imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1894: Meiji silver wedding 9Mar1894: Essay (Hibata) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Mihon imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Heir apparent (Hirohito) 3Nov1916: Reproduction in black on a JPS souvenir card, 1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Pitney‑Bowes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Postal service 50th a. 20Apr1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index METERS, POSTAL: Pitney‑Bowes advertising imprint Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1946: Postal service 75th a. 12Dec1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MODERN ART SERIES 1979‑1983: 2a Fire Dance (Hayami) 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Pacific War 1st a. 8Dec1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: ROMAN LETTERS: Asahikawa or Asahigawa? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1980‑1988 THIRD NIPPON SERIES: 410y mother of Buddha 20Jan1981 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LETTERSHEETS, SURFACE: 60y bird with letter 13Jan1994: With pictorial designs 24Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1989‑ FIRST HEISEI SERIES: 175y Miroku 1Jun1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: Chrysanthemum & Sword (Benedict, 1946) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1980‑1988 THIRD NIPPON SERIES: 170y Miroku 20Jan1981 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Siberia: Germany to US routed via Siberia & Japan in 1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1980‑1988 THIRD NIPPON SERIES: 70y flutist 25Nov1980 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Siberia: Postcards via & non‑via Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 10y Kannon 10Jul1953 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Disaster mail: Risai tsūshin Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 10y Kannon 10Dec1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Disaster mail: Saigai yō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 14y Himeji 27Mar1951: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Disaster mail: Disaster use Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 5y coal miner 1Nov1948: Booklet 15Feb1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Roman letter: Postal code replacing post office name Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 5y coal miner 1Nov1948: Booklet 15Feb1949: 1st printing with Braille rate error Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Statue Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 7s Admiral Tōgō 15Jun1944: Covers with fraudulent Hong Kong datestamps preceding issue date Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Etiquettes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 7s Admiral Tōgō 15Jun1944: Covers with fraudulent Hong Kong datestamps preceding issue date Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Family crest Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 7s Admiral Tōgō 15Jun1944 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Western Languages used: Insignia Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 10s map & palms 1Dec1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Disasters, natural: Earthquake 1Sep1923: Unfranked mail Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 4s Hyūga monument 1Oct1942: Covers with fake Hong Kong datestamps preceding Hong Kong issue date Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Disasters, natural: Earthquake 17Jan1995: Unfranked mail Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 4s Hyūga monument 1Oct1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES I 1967‑1969: Set 1 Asuka Period 1Nov1967: 1b Kudara Kannon statue, Hōryūji (Nara) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 1s factory worker 1Jan1943 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NUMISMATICS: Coins, first ones minted in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Shōwa Old Design Series 1937‑1938: 1s Tazawa 21Jul1937 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Yoshida Riichi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 5r gray 17May1876: Die for, now in Communications Museum Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PERFINS (PERFORATED INITIALS/INSIGNIA): D & Co/LTD on 10s Offices in China Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Koban Old Series 1876‑1879: 2s violet 11Oct1879: Shown on Italian stamp honoring Edoardo Chiossone Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 350y adder's tongue lily 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 270y wild pink 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 80y pied kingfisher 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Iyo Tetsu Sogō Madonna (Ehime) 12Dec1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kansai Kūkō Tāminaru Biru‑nai (Ōsaka) 4Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kanazawa (Ishikawa) 11Feb1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kanazawa (Ishikawa) 26Jul1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kashiwara (Nara) 23Mar1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kanazawa Central (Ishikawa) 1Jun1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kanazawa Chūō Kanazawa Ekinai (Ishikawa) 1Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kanazawa Ekinai (Ishikawa) 1Jun1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Asuka (Nara) 26Mar1973 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fisshāmanzu Wāfu (Hokkaidō) 14Jul1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kishiwada (Ōsaka) 5May1955 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fukuyama Sakuramachi (Hiroshima) 30May1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kumamoto Jōtō (Kumamoto) 27Apr1990 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kyōto Ryōanji (Kyōto) 1Aug1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kyōto Kiyomizu (Kyōto) 25Jul1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Maeshima Kinen Ikebe (Niigata) 6Aug1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Maeshima Kinen Ikebe (Niigata) 20Dec1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Maeshima Kinen Ikebe (Niigata) 13Dec1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kyōto Chūō (Kyōto) 1Jun1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kyōto Gojō (Kyōto) 25Sep1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Matsushima Kaigan (Miyagi) 1Feb1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Matsuyama Miyata (Ehime) 19Apr1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki Kōjiya (Nagasaki) 1Aug1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki Kagomachi (Nagasaki) 1Sep1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki Ōhashi (Nagasaki) 13Oct1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki Sakura‑machi (Nagasaki) 1Aug1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki Sumiyoshi (Nagasaki) 6Nov1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Mount Fuji Summit (Shizuoka) 15Jul1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Mount Fuji Summit (Shizuoka) 10Jul1990 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Oginohama (Miyagi) 1Aug1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ogose (Saitama) 1Jun1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ogose (Saitama) 11May1972 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ogose Takatori (Saitama) 1Oct1982 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima CPO (Tokushima) 1Jul1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima CPO (Tokushima) 1Oct1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima Kōen‑mae (Tokushima) 1Oct1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Higashiyama (Kyōto) 1May1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Higashiyama (Kyōto) 11Nov1937 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hiroshima Fukuya‑nai (Hiroshima) 3Mar1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hiroshima Kinya‑machi (Hiroshima) 23Jan1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Himeji (Hyōgo) 1Jun1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Himeji (Hyōgo) 1Jan1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Rokkōsan (Hyōgo) 20Apr1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Rokkōsan (Hyōgo) 15Jul1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sendai (Miyagi) 15Sep1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sendai (Miyagi) 1Feb1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Sendai (Miyagi) 15Dec1955 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SEMI‑POSTAL STAMPS: 1942: Pacific War 1st a. 8Dec1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Yonabaru (Okinawa) 1Dec1973 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima (Tokushima) 26Nov1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tsuruga (Fukui) 20Apr1990 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tsuruga Ekimae‑dōri (Fukui) 23Jul1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tsuruga Matsubara (Fukui) 23Jul1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tsuruga Matsue (Fukui) 23Jul1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hongō (Tōkyō) 1May1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SHIP MAIL: Postal markings: Types: Swordguard: Brazil Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SHIP MAIL: Postal markings: Types: Swordguard: Santos Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SEMI‑POSTAL STAMPS: 1964: Pre‑Olympics VI 23Jun1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Kansai International Airport Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Chrysanthemum series: "D. & Co., L" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRIVATE CONTROL OVERPRINTS: Forbidden after 1Oct1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILIPPINES: Philatelists, eminent: Yamashita Kōsaku Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Philatelists, eminent: Yamashita Kōsaku: Biographical information Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Philatelists, eminent: Yamashita Kōsaku: Yamato Barber Shop Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Societies, philatelic: Asociacion Filatelica de Filipinas Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILIPPINES: Postcards, military: Used as a first‑day cover 4Mar1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE: Mount Fuji: Height Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Catalogue of Airmail Labels (Mair, 1991) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Kōkū (navigate the sky) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Kōkū yūbin (airmail) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Hikō (go by flying, flying goose) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Hikō yūbin (airmail) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL HISTORY: Catalogue of Airmail Labels (Mair, 1991) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Markings: Hikō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Markings: Kōkū: Vermilion requirement Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Airmail etiquettes Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, international: Japan‑United States: Airmail treatment from San Francisco beginning 5Sep1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, international: Japan‑USSR: Airmail treatment from Moscow beginning 1Jun1927 & 1Jun1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, domestic: Tokyo‑Osaka‑Fukuoka 1Apr1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Spanish ship San Juan Bautista (built in 1613) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Spanish ship San Juan Bautista (built in 1613): 1993 reproduction Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Hasekura Tsunenaga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Keichō mission to Europe, 1613 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Date Masamune (1567‑1636) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Chiba Yūsaku Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Postcards: Independence 1Aug1943: 1994 reproductions Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Okinawa Prefecture: 120th a. of postal service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Okinawa Prefecture: 120th a. of postal service Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POST OFFICES: Okinawa prefecture, 1874‑1912 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index PHILATELIC WEEK ISSUES: 18Apr1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE: Vocabulary: Chinahichi (tug‑of‑war) Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index DESIGNERS: Nagao Hiroko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, RYUKYUAN: Okinawa tug‑of‑war festival Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index DESIGNERS: Yonaha Chōtai Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1989: Philatelic week 18Apr1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tokushima: Awa dance booklet pane without cover 1Aug1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Okinawa: 120th a. of postal service & tug‑of‑war 1Aug1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Awa dance Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Okinawa tug‑of‑war festival Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Tokushima: Pēn 1Aug1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: Rope festival 1Aug1969 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Okinawa: Japanese claim Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, RYUKYUAN: Okinawa: Japanese claim Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Ryukyuan kingdom: Japanese claim Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, RYUKYUAN: Ryukyuan kingdom: Japanese claim Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, GENERAL: Classification as regular or special issues? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Post offices opened 20Mar1874 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index POST OFFICES: Openings: First twelve 20Mar1874 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fukui: Kehi pine grove booklet pane without cover 1Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Watanabe Sunao Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Fukui: Pēn 1Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Miyagi: Pēn 20Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Satō Katsuaki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Miyagi: Pine Islands 20Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Miyagi: Pine Islands booklet pane without cover 20Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, JAPANESE CUSTOMS: Nagasaki kunchi festival Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki: Nagasaki kunchi festival 3Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagasaki: Nagasaki kunchi festival booklet pane without cover 3Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Nakao Yūjirō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Nagasaki: Pēn 3Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Stamp history series #1 10Aug1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Kunchi (shrine festival) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, STAMP‑ON‑STAMP: Stamp history series 1994‑1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: Reproductions on stamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ETCHED STAMPS: Souvenir sheet reproductions Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Souvenir sheets: Postal service 90th a. 20Apr1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: Souvenir sheet reproductions & forgeries: Postal service 80th a. 20Apr1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: Souvenir sheet reproductions & forgeries: Postal service 90th a. 20Apr1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: Souvenir sheet reproductions & forgeries: JSPA 100th a. Jan1971 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: Etched series: Souvenir sheets Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: Souvenir sheet reproductions & forgeries: 500m with inverted center Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: Souvenir sheet reproductions & forgeries: Postal service 90th a. 20Apr1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Souvenir sheets: 500m with inverted center Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Souvenir sheets: JSPA 100th a. Jan1971 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Souvenir sheets: Postal service 80th a. 20Apr1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Souvenir sheets: Postal service 90th a. 20Apr1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Forgeries & imitations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUES: Reproductions: Postal services 90th a. 20Apr1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUES: Reproductions: Postal services 80th a. ss 14Apr1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Stamp history series #2 18Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Postal system creation Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Titles Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSEUMS: Maeshima Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Inoue Kaoru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Hamaguchi Gihei Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Birthplace Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Death Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Museum Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Sugiura Yuzuru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POST OFFICES: Maeshima Kinen Ikebe Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ETCHERS: Matsuda Atsutomo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Matsuda Atsutomo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENGRAVERS: Matsuda Atsutomo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Tamaki Akira Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Kansai international airport opening 2Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kansai international airport Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1987: Global telecommunications conference 13Nov1987 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: ITU meeting 19Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Harada Ichirō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1963: Scientific radio union 9Sep1963 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS: International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY: Antennas for telecommunications Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1954: ITU Japan accession 75th a. 13Oct1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1965: ITU 100th a. 17May1965 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: ITU 100th a.13Oct1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Asian games: 3rd: 24May1958 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1958: 3rd Asian games 24May1958 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Letter writing week 6Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, GAMES: Go (board game) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, GAMES: Japanese chess Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, GAMES: Shōgi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, GAMES: Sugoroku Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INTERNATIONAL LETTER WRITING WEEK ISSUES: 6Oct1989 Tale of Genji scroll Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1989: Letter writing week 6Oct1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Kikuchi Akira Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Cultural leaders: Hayami Gyoshū 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1994: Notched for the blind Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Cultural leaders: Miyagi Michio 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1994: Panes of 4 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Composers: Miyagi Michio Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1994: Quantities issued Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Hayami Gyoshū Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1992‑ ) SERIES: Comparisons with 1949‑1952 cultural leaders series Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1992‑ ) STAMPS: Hayami Gyoshū 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1992‑ ) SERIES: Names, style of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CULTURAL LEADERS (1992‑ ) STAMPS: Miyagi Michio 4Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Fire Dance (Hayami) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1979: Modern art #2 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Viewing maple leaves at Takao (Kanō Hideyori) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Heian capital at Kyoto 1200th a. 8Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Kanō family: Kanō Hideyori Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kyoto as the Heian capital, 1200th a. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Katō Eizō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Kyoto Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Kawai Kenji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Heian capital (Kyoto), 1200th a. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Heian capital at Kyoto 1200th a. 8Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Go‑Mizunoo, emperor Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Hidetada, Tokugawa shogun Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Fujiwara capital 1300th a. 28Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Capital cities of Japan: establishment dates Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1960: Nara 1250th a. 10Mar1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Edo period Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Muromachi period Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Momoyama period Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 1129 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Gumma: Pēn 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 5119‑5129 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Gumma: Pēn 6Jun1994: Booklet cover not an official issue Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gumma: Fukiwari falls booklet pane without cover 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gumma: Fukiwari falls booklet pane without cover 6Jun1994: Booklet cover not an official issue Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Index Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PROJECTS: Topical indexes: Sports: Update Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Picture: 30Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 15Nov1994 boar Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ANNIVERSARIES: 50th 1995: Account of the early years Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Boar new year 15Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: World heritage series I #1 (Himeji castle) 14Dec1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Kansai international airport & post office opening 4Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Toyotomi Hideyoshi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1984: Industrial education 100th a. 20Nov1984 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Mitsubishi commercial & financial empire, origins of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1986: Merchant marine education 110th a. 26Jul1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Merchant marine, development of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1972: Education 100th a. 5Oct1972 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kondō Makoto Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Handicapped education 100th a. 16Feb1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Iwasaki Yatarō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1976: Kindergarten 100th a. 16Nov1976 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Pre‑school: Kindergarten Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Special education Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Industrial education Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Merchant marine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Education system Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Ships: Training ships Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Words borrowed from western languages Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1980: Training ships 50th a. 17May1980 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Pii‑ō (referring to the P&O Steam Navigation Company) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Pacific Mail SS service to San Francisco: China (ship) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Piano (referring to the P&O Steam Navigation Company) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Pacific Mail SS service to San Francisco: Great Republic (ship) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Pacific Mail SS service to San Francisco: America (ship) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Pacific Mail SS service to San Francisco: Japan (ship) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific mail from Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Japan‑San Francisco shipping Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific Mail Steamship Co.: America (ship name) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: UNITED STATES: Pacific Mail SS service to San Francisco Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific Mail Steamship Co.: China (ship name) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific Mail Steamship Co.: Great Republic Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific Mail Steamship Co.: Exchanging mail between east‑ & westbound ships Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Pacific Mail Steamship Co.: Japan (ship name) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Trip via US to England, 1870 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Steamship traffic, Japan‑United States: Pacific Mail Steamship Co. schedule 1870 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Streetcars Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, GENERAL: Topicals: Tramcars Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, GENERAL: Topicals: Streetcars Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: Zodiacal animals Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: Zodiac cycle Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Izumo (Shimane) 1Aug1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 15Nov1994 boar: 17Jan1995 Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Boar new year ss 17Jan1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Printing bureau: Engraver, Edoardo Chiossone Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Series name Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENGRAVERS: Chiossone, Edoardo: Biographical information Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Reproduction on Stamp history series #2 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENGRAVERS: Chiossone, Edoardo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Chiossone, Edoardo: Biographical information Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Chiossone, Edoardo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1994: Stamp history series #2 18Nov1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1899‑1908 CHRYSANTHEMUM SERIES: 5y 20Feb1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1899‑1908 CHRYSANTHEMUM SERIES: 10y 20Feb1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Taishō Old Watermarked Series 1914‑1929: 5y Jingū 20May1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1913‑1938 TAISHŌ SERIES: Taishō Old Watermarked Series 1914‑1929: 10y Jingū 20May1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1896: Sino‑Japanese War 1Aug1896 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Special‑issue: 70y PHILA NIPPON'91 7Oct1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, DRAMA: Kabuki: Plays: Kagekiyo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Regular: 70y one bird on green‑dyed ivory ruler 30Nov1999 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Kaburaki Kiyokata Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Picture: 30Nov1994: Folder Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Spring Snow (Kaburaki) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHOTOGRAPHERS: Maeda Shinzō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Print artists: Kunisada I Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Prints, woodblock: Kagekiyo (Kunisada I) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, AIRMAIL: Picture: 22Nov1993: Folder Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Bachiru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1994: World heritage series #1 14Dec1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ARCHITECTURE: Secular: Castles: Himeji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHOTOGRAPHERS: Hibi Sadao Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Takahashi Masami Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995: 1a Himeji castle (photograph) 14Dec1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995: 1b Himeji castle (painting) 14Dec1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: World heritage series I #2 (Hōryūji temple) 22Feb1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: World heritage series I #4 (Shirakami mountains) 21Nov1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: World heritage series I #3 (Yakushima) 28Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Series: World heritage, first series 1994‑1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES I 1967‑1969: Set 6 Momoyama Period 21Jul1969: 6a Himeji castle Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 14y Himeji 27Mar1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Himeji castle: 10x10s 21Feb1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 14y Himeji castle 20Sep1956 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Himeji castle: 10s 21Feb1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1964: Himeji castle renovation 1Jun1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1964: Himeji castle renovation 1Jun1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: National treasures I #6 21Jul1969 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Machine datestamps introduced 14Dec1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Machine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Machine varieties introduced 14Dec1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: On special‑issue stamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: POs, standard list Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1995: Stamp history series #3 25Jan1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Stamp history series #3 25Jan1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGN, STAMP, INDIVIDUAL: Special‑issue stamps: Taishō wedding 28Apr1900 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Shibata Shinsai Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1894: Meiji silver wedding 9Mar1894 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Kobayashi Eitaku Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Meiji emperor Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Meiji wedding & anniversaries Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Nyōgo (imperial consort) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Chūgū (imperial consort) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Kōgō (imperial consort) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Imperial family: Consorts, definitions of various ranks Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Gumma: Pēn 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gumma: Fukiwari falls booklet pane without cover 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 5130‑5147 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Sweden: Covers from Japan & Japanese areas dated in 1944 sought Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 2226 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 5054 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3775 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3667 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3583 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 5054: Assumption Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 1869 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 2002 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 1105: Assumption Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 650: Assumption Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Continuation of deceased member numbers: No. 650 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Continuation of deceased member numbers: No. 1105 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Photocopy service: Report of being behind schedule: 1995 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index BURMA (MYANMAR): Postcards: Independence 1Aug1943 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Yokohama overseas mail: 1923: Manuscript cancels used after earthquake Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 47/97, e47/108) 
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Fraudulent 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 25/88) 
Index MODERN ART SERIES 1979‑1983: 2a Fire Dance (Hayami) 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 34/251) 
Index HONG KONG: Forgeries: Fraudulent postmarks 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 25/88) 
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Ekimae (in front of the station) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): History: Hankou, fall of, 1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/158) 
Index LOCAL POSTS & STAMPS: Sutherland & Co. Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 4:5p7, e49p21) 
Index CHINA, JAPANESE OCCUPATION (including puppet regimes): Commemorative datestamps: Fall of Hankou 27Oct1938 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/158) 
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Names, personal: Maeshima Hisoka Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/128) 
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Taiwan types used in Hong Kong with three stars Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Contrary meanings, words with Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/106) 
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Quasi‑comb type Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: Words with contrary meanings Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/106) 
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Quasi‑comb type: Three star varieties are not necessarily military Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Earthquake 1923: Effect on Yokohama main post office Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 47/97, e47/108) 
Index KOREA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN & COLONY: Postal markings, regular domestic: Types: Comb: Three star ship cancels Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Gumma: Pēn 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Telegraph: Morse code, Japanese Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 27/217) 
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Gumma: Pēn 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index TOPICALS, ARCHITECTURE: Secular: Castles: Himeji Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/230) 
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1993: Crown prince's wedding ss 13Oct1993 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/12) 
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Hayami Gyoshū Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 34/251) 
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1993: Crown prince's wedding 8Jun1993 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/12) 
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Suzuki Ki'itsu Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/33) 
Index APPU (ASIAN‑PACIFIC POSTAL UNION): Postal rates: 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/73) 
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Fire Dance (Hayami) Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 34/251) 
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Nagano: Pēn 2May1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/233) 
Index TOPICALS, LITERATURE, JAPANESE: Poets: Issa Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/233) 
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Momoyama period Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/230) 
Index TOPICALS, LITERATURE, JAPANESE: Poets: Kobayashi Issa Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/233) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gumma: Fukiwari falls booklet pane without cover 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1954: ITU Japan accession 75th a. 13Oct1954 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 27/217) 
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Chronology Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 11/205) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: 24th national athletic meet 26Oct1969 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/299) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gumma: Fukiwari falls 6Jun1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/274) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: National treasures I #6 21Jul1969 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/230) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ibaraki: Fukuroda falls 26Mar1993 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 48/42) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Handicapped education 100th a. 16Feb1979 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 34/195) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagano: Issa's home town booklet pane without cover 2May1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/233) 
Index TOPICALS, EDUCATION: Special education Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 34/195) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nagano: Issa's home town 2May1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/233) 
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Dove Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/11) 
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: New year: 1Nov1993 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/78) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Fire Dance (Hayami) 25Jun1979 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 34/251) 
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 4Feb1988 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 43/261) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1993: Seasonal flowers #3 autumn 16Sep1993 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/33) 
Index POSTAL RATES: Domestic: 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/73) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1985: Property rights system 100th a. 18Apr1985 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 40/224) 
Index POSTAL RATES: Airmail: 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/73) 
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Hato ‑ dove or pigeon? Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/11) 
Index POSTAL STATIONERY: Annual lists: 1988 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 43/261) 
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Mandarin duck Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/12) 
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Yokohama 1923 post‑earthquake manuscript cancels Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 47/97, e47/108) 
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Senryō Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/11) 
Index POSTAL RATES: International: 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/73) 
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Camellia: Camellia japonica Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/299) 
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, GENERAL: Annual lists: 1993 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 48/42) 
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Iris Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/13) 
Index ETCHED STAMPS: Chronology Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 11/205) 
Index LIBRARY: Lending: Plans for Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.) (Correction to error in: 49/137) 
Index DESIGNERS: Uchida Etsuyo Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/78) 
Index POST OFFICES: Okinawa prefecture, 1874‑1912 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS (Correction to error in: 50/15) 
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES I 1967‑1969: Set 6 Momoyama Period 21Jul1969: 6a Himeji castle Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/230) 
Index TAIWAN (FORMOSA): Postal markings, regular domestic: Comb: Three star Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index NON‑POSTAL MARKINGS: Types: Black star: Three star Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index MANCHOUKUO: Special‑issue stamps, individual: Manchoukuo 10th a. 1Mar1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 49/153) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Titles: Title of equivalent US official Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/128) 
Index MANCHOUKUO: History: Emperor P'u‑Yi Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 23/16) 
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Comb: Three star Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/148) 
Index TOPICALS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS: Telegraph: Morse code, Japanese Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 27/217) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Administration: Chronology 1868‑1889 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 11/205) 
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 24th Nagasaki 26Oct1969 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 24/299) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Scales for post offices: Fairbanks scales introduced 1Jan1875 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/126) 
Index TOPICALS, TELECOMMUNICATIONS: International Telecommunication Union (ITU) Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 27/217) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Scales for post offices: Units of weight employed Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/126) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): Crown prince Naruhito's marriage Aug1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 49/130) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Names Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/128) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1961: Iris 15Jun1961 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/13) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services: Inauguration of Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 11/205) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1947: Foreign trade reopening 15Aug1947 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 2:3p3, e49p21) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Postal system creation Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 11/205) 
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: National pension: First series (1961‑1974): 1170y dove large design 1Apr1964 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/11) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Scales for post offices: Units of weight employed Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/126) 
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: National pension: First series (1961‑1974): 500y bush warbler small design 1Jul1970 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/7) 
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Maeshima Hisoka: Scales for post offices: Fairbanks scales introduced 1Jan1875 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/126) 
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: National pension: First series (1961‑1974): 2400y mandarin ducks large design 1Jul1970 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/12) 
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Mizuhara Meisō (Ochiai Mitsu) Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 6/16) 
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: National pension: First series (1961‑1974): 3900y iris large design 26Dec1974 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/13) 
Index REVENUE STAMPS: Types: National pension: First series (1961‑1974) Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/7, 11, 12, 13) 
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 80y pied kingfisher 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 49/86) 
Index SALES DEPARTMENT: Circuits: Appeal for material to be submitted Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index PHILATELIC WEEK ISSUES: 20Apr1995 Visitor to the Studio & earthquake relief Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Universiade (world university games): Fukuoka: Universiade Fukuoka 23Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 15Nov1995 mouse Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 50th Fukushima 13Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AFFORESTATION ISSUES: Stamps: 19May1995 Hiroshima Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Jūdō: World jūdō championships 28Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Japan‑Brazil amity 100th a. 3Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Peace 50th a. 1Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Fukuoka Universiade 23Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Aeromodel world championships 25Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Veterinary world congress 1Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Stamp history series #5 19Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: World jūdō & gymnastics championships 28Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Letter writing week 6Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: 50th national athletic meet 13Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Cultural leaders: Inō Tadataka 6Nov1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: United Nations & UNESCO 50th a. 24Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Cultural leaders: Nishida Kitarō 6Nov1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Mouse new year 15Nov1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Japan‑Korea relations normalization 30th a. 18Dec1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Letter day 21Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Anatomical education 31Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: National census 12Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Japan overseas cooperation volunteers 30th a. 20Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Philatelic week & earthquake relief 20Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Afforestation 19May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Stamp history series #4 25May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, GOVERNMENT: Census Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SEMI‑POSTAL STAMPS: 1995: Philatelic week & earthquake relief 20Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Annual lists: 1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Nashimoto (Shizuoka) area post offices 1871‑1888 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Early irregular: Nashimoto examined Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ATTU AND KISKA ISLANDS: Labels & seals: Cash registration Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Mu (postage‑free) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ATTU AND KISKA ISLANDS: Labels & seals: Damage repair Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Wari‑in (divided seals) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ATTU AND KISKA ISLANDS: History of Japanese occupation Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Seals, divided (wari‑in) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WARI‑IN (divided seal) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Damage repair Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Official: Cash registration: Perforated with postal service emblem Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Seals: Signature Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENVELOPES, REGULAR: Cash registration Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Beikoku‑yuki (to U.S.) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Sokutatsu (special/express delivery) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Kan (sealed) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1937‑1945 FIRST SHŌWA SERIES: 25s Hōryūji 11Oct1938 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1947 Paris (12th congress) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 35s numeral 15Apr1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUES: Stamps: Postal services 75th a. 12Dec1946: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 10y birds & flowers 15May1947 (horizontal) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 5y whaling 10Jun1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 50y Nō mask Jul1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 100y plum blossoms Jul1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1946: Postal service 75th a. 12Dec1946: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1947: Constitution 3May1947: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1.20y Hōryūji 15May1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 45s numeral 1May1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Hōryūji left‑to‑right inscription 12Feb1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 2y Kiyomizu temple 1Dec1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 50y Nō mask 1Nov1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 100y plum blossoms 15Jan1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 50s miners 15Apr1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 15s Maeshima 20Nov1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1y Fuji above the storm 1Aug1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1.50y Kintai bridge 20Nov1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1.30y reeds & geese 15Sep1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 10s Fuji 31Oct1945 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 20s Fuji Mar1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1891 Vienna (4th congress) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION (UPU): Japan accession 1Jun1877 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1927 The Hague (airmail conference) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1929 London (9th congress) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1933 Ottawa (preparatory commission) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1934 Cairo (10th congress) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PRESENTATION ALBUMS & BOOKS: UPU Meetings: 1939 Buenos Aires (11th congress) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, South: Sam‑il independence movement monument 28Feb1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Barbuda: "Barbuda Mail" opt on Antigua royal wedding issue 21Apr1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Indonesia: Stamp‑on‑stamp from Japanese occupation period 1Apr1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada Grenadines: Japanese nordic combined olympic team Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada Grenadines: Ellison Shōji Onizuka, Japanese‑American astronaut 4Aug1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada Grenadines: Korean admiral who defeated Japanese in 1592 16Aug1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: Japanese bullet train 26Jul1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, North: Kabo peasant war 100th a. 15Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: Entertainers of Japan's Takarazuka Revue 1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: Japanese gymnast Katō Sawao 20Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: Korean admiral who defeated Japanese 20Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Ghana: Japanese astronauts 4Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Djibouti: Crown prince Naruhito's marriage ss (printed on wood) 10Jan1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Central Africa: Crown prince Naruhito's marriage ss 1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Central Africa: Gold medalist at 1964 Tokyo Olympics 1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Central Africa: Gold medalist at 1972 Sapporo olympics 1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Gambia: Cats in prints by Hiroshige, Hokusai & Harunobu 11Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Uganda: Japanese bobtail cat & Mount Fuji 22Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Vietnam: Suzuki, Honda & Kawasaki motorcycles 8Apr1992 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Nicaragua: Graf Zeppelin over Tokyo in 1929 4Apr1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Saint Vincent: Sohn Kee‑chung, Korean runner for Japan 1936 olympics 25Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Saint Vincent: Japanese actor‑singer Ishihara Yūjirō 24May1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Saint Thomas & Prince Islands: Mascot of 1998 winter olympics in Nagano, Japan 1992 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Turkey: Hokusai's "Great Wave" adapted for Turkish tourism 3Aug1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Tanzania: Japanese chin & Akita dogs 30Sep1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Sierra Leone: Japanese Akita dog 20Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Norway: Japanese flag at Lillehammer olympics 12Feb1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Madagascar: Japanese ANA & Shin Meiwa airplanes 1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Macao: Nissan stock car at Macao Grand Prix 16Nov1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Madagascar: Toyota & Honda automobiles 28Jan1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): Matisse painting showing Japanese robe 11Jan1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): Japanese bobtail cat 11Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): Japanese gymnast Gushiken Koji 8Aug1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: Japanese warships Nagara & Isuzu 23Sep1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. 1st battle of the Philippine Sea 19Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. Japanese defeat at Truk 17Feb1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: WWII milestones 18Oct1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 49/132) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): Crown prince Naruhito's marriage Aug1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 49/130) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: WWII: US invasion of Tarawa 20Nov1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 49/132) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: WWII war in the air 18Oct1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 49/132) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Portugal: 450th a. of Portuguese arrival in Japan 22Sep1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 49/131) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: 50th a. of guerrilla units of WWII 10Dec1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: 50th a. Leyte Gulf landings 15Sep1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: New Zealand: Pacific war anniversaries 3Nov1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Palau: 50th a. of invasion of Peleliu 1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Palau: 50th a. of recapturing control of the Pacific May1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Stamps: 1944 WWII events 6Jun1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Prints, woodblock: 36 Views of Fuji (Hokusai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Print artists: Hokusai Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Peru, 1873 treaty with Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Peru, Japanese living in & migration to Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Peruvians in Japan in 1987 & 1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Maria Luz incident Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 3Feb1995: Quantity issued Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Spring greeting: 3Feb1995: Types issued Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Ōya Takayumi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Horikawa Eiko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995: 2b Hōryūji temple ‑ Main Hall 22Feb1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan) 720 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Shōtoku, Prince Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Books, oldest extant: Nihongi (Chronicle of Japan) 720 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 10y Kannon 10Jul1953: Coil 20Jan1959 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LETTERSHEETS, SURFACE: 10y Kannon 1Nov1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 10y Kannon 10Jul1953: Booklet 20Nov1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Special‑issue: Philatelic week 10y Kannon 20Nov1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 5y duck & 10y Kannon booklet 20Apr1959 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COIL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Regular‑issue: First Yen Unit Series: 10y Bodhisattva 20Jan1959 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1954: Philatelic week booklet pane 20Nov1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: First Yen Unit Series: 10y Kannon 20Nov1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: First Yen Unit Series: 5y duck & 10y Kannon 20Apr1959 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELIC WEEK ISSUES: 20Nov1954 10y Kannon booklet pane Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1947: Tokyo philatelic exhibition ss 15May1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES III 1987‑1989: 7b Beetle‑wing miniature temple 30Jun1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Hōryūji (rouletted) 26Sep1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES I 1967‑1969: Set 1 Asuka Period 1Nov1967: 1c Hōryūji main hall & pagoda Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1947 FIRST NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Hōryūji (imperf) 10Aug1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COIL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Regular‑issue: Second Nippon Series: 50y Miroku 10Mar1976 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Hōryūji Oct1946‑May1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENVELOPES, REGULAR: 1.20y pagoda Japanese style 25Dec1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (green) 25Jan1976 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENVELOPES, REGULAR: 30s Hōryūji pagoda 15Feb1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1971‑1979 SECOND NIPPON SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (green) 25Jan1976: Coil 10Mar1976 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Hall of Dreams (Yumedono): 7x7y 1Jul1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1966‑1969 FIRST NIPPON SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (brown) 26Dec1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PARCEL: 6y Hall of Dreams 1May1964 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1966‑1969 FIRST NIPPON SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (red) 1Jul1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Hall of Dreams (Yumedono): 5x5y Hall of Dreams 1Aug1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1952‑1961 FIRST YEN UNIT SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (brown) 20Jun1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Hall of Dreams (Yumedono): 5y 1Aug1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (brown) 1May1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Hall of Dreams (Yumedono): 7y 1Jul1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 50y Chūgūji bodhisattva (brown) 1May1951: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR, INDIVIDUAL: Hall of Dreams (Yumedono): 7y luminescent 18Jul1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 1.20y Hōryūji 15May1947: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, PARCEL: 8y Hall of Dreams 1Jul1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hōryūji (Nara) 1Nov1954 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hōryūji (Nara) 16Mar1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hōryūji (Nara) 1May1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1967: National treasures I #1 1Nov1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1989: National treasures III: #7 30Jun1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Mexico, 1888 treaty with Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Soccer: Japan‑Brazil amity 100th a. 3Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Brazil, 1893 treaty with Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1958: Brazil emigration 50th a. 18Jun1958 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Immigration into Brazil: Ship used: Kasato Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Immigration into Brazil Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SHIP MAIL: Seapost offices: Opening & closing dates: Brazil Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Riigu (league) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SHIP MAIL: Seapost offices: Opening & closing dates: Santos Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SHIP MAIL: Seapost offices: Santos Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SHIP MAIL: Seapost offices: Brazil Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Brazil: Japanese immigration 80th a. 18Jun1988 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Brazil: Japanese immigration 50th a. 18Jun1958 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Fujiwara capital Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Recalling Ancient Times (Okada) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Japan 2600th a. 11Feb&10Nov1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Gemmei, 43rd sovereign Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SEMI‑POSTAL STAMPS: 1973: Takamatsu‑zuka tomb paintings 26Mar1973 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Era names Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Okada Saburōsuke Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Jitō, 41st sovereign Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1973: Takamatsu‑zuka tomb paintings 26Mar1973 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Mommu, 42nd sovereign Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1970: Philatelic week 20Apr1970 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MODERN ART SERIES 1979‑1983: 13a Iris Robe (Okada) 5Aug1982 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1982: Iris Robe (Okada) 5Aug1982 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, COMMEMORATIVE, PICTURE, INDIVIDUAL: Shōwa enthronement 10Nov1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MANCHOUKUO: Special‑issue stamps, individual: Manchoukuo 10th a. 15Sep1942 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILATELIC WEEK ISSUES: 20Apr1970 Portrait of a lady Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Peace 1Jul1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1979: Medical licensing 100th a. 7Apr1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Leonardo da Vinci Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Maeda Seison Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Dissection (Maeda) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MEDICINE: Anatomical education Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: National census 12Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Takeara Nobuaki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Population: Census Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: First census 25Sep1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Second census 25Sep1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: 1st national census 1Oct1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: 2nd national census 1Oct1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Hōdō shiryō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Japanese‑language official decrees Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Japanese‑language press releases Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Western Languages used Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Kokuji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Stamp issuing policy & procedures: Announcements: Samples available Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 5y coal miner 1Nov1948: Booklet 15Feb1949: 2nd printing with Braille rate error corrected Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL RATES: Domestic: Braille printed matter 1917‑1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 5y coal miner 1Nov1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL RATES: Domestic: Braille printed matter free 1961 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 8y coal miner 1Jun1949: Booklet 3Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: Vocational Series: 5y miner 15Feb1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: Vocational Series: 5y miner 15Feb1949: 2nd printing with Braille rate error corrected Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Regular‑issue: Vocational Series: 8y miner 3Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 872 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 5148‑5166 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Treasurer: Reports: Annual: 1994 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Elections: Results, election: 1994 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Secretary: Reports, annual (Secretary): 1994 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: Directors: Miyagawa, James E. 1995‑2006: 1995 elected Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index OFFICIALS: President: Reports: Annual: 1994 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Miscellaneous: 1960 dated issues Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Marginal markings: Resumption of marginal issue dates Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Issuance dates: 1960 dated issues Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, GENERAL: Marginal markings: Dated issues 1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MARGINAL MARKINGS: Issuance dates: Stamp history series #3 25Jan1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDOCHINA: History of Japanese occupation Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index GOVERNMENT, JAPANESE: Postal services ministry (Yūsei Shō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL RATES: Domestic: 13Feb1995 next‑morning (yokuasa yūbin) mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, GENERAL: Post offices where sold Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Classes of mail: 13Feb1995 Next‑morning mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Yokuasa yūbin (next‑morning) mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Next‑morning mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, DOMESTIC: Overnight mail service Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postal services authority: Legal name Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL RATES: International: Printed matter Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Siberia: Mail routed via Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Tsuruga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Taira no Kiyomori Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kōtsū Maru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY, INTERNATIONAL: Transit time: Siberia, mail routed via Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Urajio (Vladivostok) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Urajiosutoku (Vladivostok) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Siberia, early airmail via: Service opened 1Jun1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Siberia, early airmail via Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, international: Japan to Europe via Siberia Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Breeder reactor "Monju" 24May1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Hokkaidō: Pēn 3Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, GENERAL: Annual lists: 1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hokkaidō: Chipmunks booklet pane without cover 3Mar1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Maebashi Yasuhiro Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1977: National treasures II: #6 16Nov1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Mizushima Yukio Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1946‑1948 SECOND NEW SHŌWA SERIES: 2y Kiyomizu temple 10Jan1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kyōto: Ushiwaka & Benkei booklet pane without cover 3Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kyōto: Ushiwaka & Benkei 3Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Kyōto: Pēn 3Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Minamoto family (Genji): Minamoto no Yoshitsune Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Musashibō Benkei Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kiyomizu temple Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NATIONAL TREASURE SERIES II 1976‑1978: 6b Kiyomizu temple main hall 16Nov1977 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1970: Kabuki 10Jul1970 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index KABUKI SERIES 1991‑1992: 2B Kenuki (Tweezers) 27Sep1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1991: Kabuki #2 27Sep1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Minamoto family (Genji): Minamoto no Yoritomo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, DRAMA: Kabuki: Plays: Kanjinchō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BASHŌ SERIES 1987‑1989: 4B Poem 22/Hiraizumi 23Jan1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1988: Bashō 4B Poem 22/Hiraizumi 23Jan1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Niigata: Pēn 1May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, LITERATURE, JAPANESE: Poets: Sōma Gyofū Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Gifu: Pēn 26Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Lyricists: Sōma Gyofū Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Niigata: Jade town & Sōma Gyofū 1May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Songs: Spring, come Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Niigata: Jade town & Sōma Gyofū booklet pane w/o cover 1May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, MUSIC & MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS: Songs: Haru yo koi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gifu: Flower capital booklet pane without cover 26Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Suzuki Shinji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Ōkuchi Shōji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Saitō Tetsuo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ishikawa: Kanazawa Castle Ishikawa Gate 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ishikawa: Kanazawa Castle Ishikawa Gate booklet pane w/o cover 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Ishikawa: Pēn 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Maeda Daimyō: Maeda Toshiie Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Maeda Daimyō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Jadeite deposits in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1967: Kenroku garden 25Jan1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Maeda Daimyō: Maeda Narinaga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1960: Ashizuri QNP 1Aug1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Maeda Daimyō: Maeda Toshinaga Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1978: Afforestation 20May1978 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AFFORESTATION ISSUES: Stamps: 20May1978 Kōchi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tosa Shimizu (Kōchi) 5Mar1956 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Kōchi: Pēn 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tosa Shimizu (Kōchi) 25Feb1966 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ishikawa: Kenroku garden 2Oct1989 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ashizuri (Kōchi) 20Aug1962 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kōchi: Cape Ashizuri booklet pane without cover 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kanazawa (Ishikawa) 1Jan1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kōchi: Cape Ashizuri 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kōchi Shimizu (Kōchi) 20Jul1955 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Okabayashi Ryūsen Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Kōchi Tosa Shimizu (Kōchi) 5Mar1956 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, QUASI‑NATIONAL: Ashizuri 1Aug1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Shimizu (Kōchi) 20Jul1955 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Yamagishi Masami Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Funadomari (Hokkaidō) 15Aug1979 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hokkaidō: Rebun Island orchids booklet pane without cover 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1992: Kabuki #4 20Feb1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Hokkaidō: Rebun Island orchids 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Rebun Island orchid Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Hokkaidō: Pēn 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Orchid Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Taira no Atsumori Section 1: JAPAN  
Index KABUKI SERIES 1991‑1992: 4A Kumagai Jirō Naozane 20Feb1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Rebun Island (Hokkaidō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1968: Rishiri‑Rebun QNP 10May1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Saitama: Pēn 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Saitama: Kuroyama triple falls booklet pane without cover 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Saitama: Kuroyama triple falls 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Yoshioka Masato Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, QUASI‑NATIONAL: Rishiri‑Rebun 10May1968 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Takishita Masahisa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tōkyō: Tokyo University Red Gate 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Tōkyō: Tokyo University Red Gate booklet pane without cover 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Tōkyō: Pēn 7Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Tokugawa shogunate 1603‑1868: Daimyo (feudal lords) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Tokyo University Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Court rank Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Akamon (red gate) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Tōdai (Tokyo University) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Tōkyō Daigaku (Tokyo University) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Visitor to the studio (Kanashima Keika) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Keihan (combined abbreviation for Kyoto & Osaka) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Kanashima Keika Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Keihanshin (combined abbreviation for Kyoto, Osaka & Kobe) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Keihin (combined abbreviation for Tokyo & Yokohama) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Hanshin (combined abbreviation for Osaka & Kobe) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Japan overseas cooperation volunteers 20Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELIC WEEK ISSUES: Origin & purpose Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): Issues 1976‑1986 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): Free copy policy Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): Western year dates Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Disabled persons welfare (blue bird): Regnal year dates Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CONGRATULATIONS & MOURNING ISSUES: 4th series 1995: Congratulations: 50y 25Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CONGRATULATIONS & MOURNING ISSUES: 4th series 1995: Congratulations: 80y 25Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CONGRATULATIONS & MOURNING ISSUES: 4th series 1995: Congratulations: 90y 25Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CONGRATULATIONS & MOURNING ISSUES: 4th series 1995: Mourning: 50y 25Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CONGRATULATIONS & MOURNING ISSUES: 4th series 1995: Mourning: 80y 25Apr1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ARCHITECTURE: Shintō: Shrines: Itsukushima Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CONGRATULATIONS & MOURNING ISSUES: Purpose & usage Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Miyajima Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Shrine Island (Hiroshima) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, GENERAL: Multi‑prefectural issues: Flowers issue 27Apr1990: Prefectures, individual: Hiroshima Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Itsukushima Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1960: Itsukushima/Miyajima 15Nov1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Lake Ashi series 1929‑1934: 8½s 6Oct1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Itsukushima 23Mar1944 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Lake Ashi series 1929‑1934: 16½s 6Oct1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1937‑1945 FIRST SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Itsukushima 3Apr1939 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Lake Ashi series 1929‑1934: 33s 6Oct1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: First airmail 3Oct1919: Not airmail stamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Lake Ashi series 1929‑1934: 18s 6Oct1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1945‑1946 THIRD SHŌWA SERIES: 30s Itsukushima Mar1946 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Tokyo‑Osaka‑Fukuoka airmail inauguration 1Apr1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FIRST‑DAY DATESTAMPS: Types: Pictorial, large: 1995: Stamp history series #4 25May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index KOREA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN & COLONY: Airmail routes: Japan‑Korea‑Kwantung Leased Territory 1Apr1929 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Routes, domestic: Japan‑Korea‑Kwantung Leased Territory 1Apr1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index KOREA, JAPANESE OFFICES IN & COLONY: Postal history: Airmail routes: Japan‑Korea‑Kwantung Leased Territory 1Apr1929 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index MANCHURIA, KWANTUNG LEASED TERRITORY & SOUTH MANCHURIAN RAILWAY ZONE: Airmail routes: Japan‑Korea‑Kwantung Leased Territory 1Apr1929 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index MANCHURIA, KWANTUNG LEASED TERRITORY & SOUTH MANCHURIAN RAILWAY ZONE: Postal history: Airmail routes: Japan‑Korea‑Kwantung Leased Territory 1Apr1929 Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Shek, Peter (Shek Siu Tung) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Rowell, Milo D. Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMITTEES: Expert: Services: Certificate: Schedule 1995 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Insects: Ants Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Sexagenary cycle: Hi‑no‑e uma (43rd year in cycle) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Sexagenary cycle: Hi‑no‑e uma (43rd year in cycle): Effect on birthrate in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Sexagenary cycle: 43rd year unlucky Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Sexagenary cycle: 43rd year unlucky: Effect on birthrate in Japan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Sexagenary cycle Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LANGUAGE, JAPANESE: VOCABULARY: Hi‑no‑e uma (43rd year in sexagenary cycle) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1988: 43rd national athletic meet 14Oct1988 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1974: 29th national athletic meet 20Oct1974 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1971: 26th national athletic meet 24Oct1971 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1972: 27th national athletic meet 22Oct1972 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1949: 4th national athletic meet 15Sep1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1953: 8th national athletic meet 22Oct1953 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1983: 38th national athletic meet 15Oct1983 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1981: 36th national athletic meet 13Oct1981 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Rugby Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Sepak takraw Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Soccer Section 1: JAPAN  
Index AIRMAIL, HISTORY OF: Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) role in aviation Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Charity: Dōjō shūkan Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LABELS & SEALS: Charity: Sympathy week Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Asahi Shimbun (newspaper) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Central Africa: Japan's first Antarctic expedition 80th a. 25Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index ANTARCTICA, JAPANESE EXPEDITIONS TO: Stamps: Central African Republic 80th a. Shirase expedition 25Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLAGS, JAPANESE: Shirase Antarctic (Southern Cross) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1960: Antarctic expedition 50th a. 29Nov1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ANTARCTICA, JAPANESE EXPEDITIONS TO: Shirase, Nobu, Lt.: Expedition flag Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, TRANSPORTATION: Ships: Shirase, antarctic Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ANTARCTICA, JAPANESE EXPEDITIONS TO: Stamps: 50th a. 29Nov1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ANTARCTICA, JAPANESE EXPEDITIONS TO: Museums: Shirase Antarctic Exploration Memorial Museum (Konoura, Akita pref.) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1960: Antarctic expedition 50th a. 29Nov1960 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Masthead lettering: Font: Available for computers Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Masthead lettering: Font: Sources & forerunners Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Font used in masthead: Available for computers Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Font used in masthead: Sources & forerunners Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fisshāmanzu Wāfu (Hokkaidō) 14Jul1989: Post Moo inscription meaning? Section 1: JAPAN  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: France: 1944 watermark with "Japon" Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Austria: Japanpapier (Japan paper) used for various stamps: Vienna liberation from Turks 250th a. 6Sep1933 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Austria: Japanpapier (Japan paper) used for various stamps: Liberation from Germany 1st a. 5Sep1946 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Austria: Japanpapier (Japan paper) used for various stamps: Austrian postage stamp centenary 20May1950 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index VARIOUS FOREIGN ISSUES: Austria: Japanpapier (Japan paper) used for various stamps: In memory of President Karl Renner 3Mar1951 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index HONG KONG: Literature, philatelic: Da Luz "memoir" Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 1s factory worker 1Jan1943: Covers with fake Hong Kong datestamps preceding Hong Kong issue date Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 10s map & palms 1Dec1942: Covers with fake Hong Kong datestamps preceding Hong Kong issue date Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Takeuchi Shinjirō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Unemura Sekidō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Sugii Haruo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Yoshikawa Sen'ichi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Sakaguchi Tamami Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Sasaki Yōko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Sakaue Masa'aki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Hirose Ryōtarō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Mitsumune Chieko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Mizoguchi Yūji Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Kagawa Gentarō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Kasai Susumu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Greetings self‑adhesives 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Hotehama Takashi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Nagaishi Shigenobu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Asaba Sōichirō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Sashida Takayuki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Namura Mie Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GREETINGS ISSUES: Stamps: Self‑adhesive: 1Jun1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Flowers: Chrysanthemum Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGISTERED MAIL: Simplified registration Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Insects: Mantid Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Insects: Praying mantis Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Painters: Sakai Hōitsu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Paintings: Flowers & birds in the 4 seasons (Sakai Hōitsu) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 420y original Japanese iris 24Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 430y dog violet 25Apr1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 700y praying mantis & flowers 4Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 72y varied tit 30Nov1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 62y rufous turtledove 30Nov1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 50y Japanese white‑eye 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 18y ladybird beetles 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 15y mikado swallowtail 25Apr1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 41y mandarin duck 30Nov1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 190y fringed orchid 25Apr1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 130y bullfinch 25Apr1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 90y spotbill duck 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1992‑ NATURE IN JAPAN SERIES: 9y dragonfly 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MAXIMUM CARDS: 1995 letter day 21Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Birds: Ostrich Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Special‑issue: Letter day with cover 21Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1993: Seasonal flowers #1 spring 12Mar1993 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Special‑issue: Letter day without cover 21Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: Seasonal flowers #4 winter 28Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Letter day 21Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Letter day 21Jul1995: Booklet pane with cover Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Letter day 21Jul1995: Booklet pane without cover Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Letter day 21Jul1995: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Sugita Yutaka Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Yanase Takashi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Yaku deer Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Uchida Etsuyo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FAUNA: Animals: Deer Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Nakano Eiko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Jōmon cedar Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LETTERSHEETS, SURFACE: 60y bird with letter 13Jan1994: With & without lines in the message space Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, FLORA: Trees: Cedar Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LETTERSHEETS, SURFACE: 60y bird with letter 13Jan1994 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995: 3a Jōmon cedar trees, Yakushima 28Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Yaku island (Kagoshima) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index WORLD HERITAGE SERIES I 1994‑1995: 3b Yaku deer, Yakushima 28Jul1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE, MAPS: Small‑area maps: Yakushima (Kagoshima) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHOTOGRAPHERS: Higeta Norizō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Jōmon period Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: World War II Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Nagata Nobuya Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Ogawa Yuki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Suenaga Nobuo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DEALERS: Nishioka Tatsuji: Review of English version of autobiographical memoir Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DEALERS: Nishioka Tatsuji: Review of English version of autobiographical memoir: Special purchase price for ISJP members Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DEALERS: Nishioka Tatsuji: Death 23May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Nishioka Tatsuji's autobiographical memoir, English translation Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC: Nishioka Tatsuji's autobiographical memoir, English translation: Special purchase price for ISJP members Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: Long Day's Journey into War: December 7, 1941 (Weintraub, 1991) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, NON‑PHILATELIC: Last Great Victory: End of WWII, July/August 1945 (Weintraub, 1995) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Nishioka Tatsuji: Review of English version of autobiographical memoir Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Nishioka Tatsuji: Review of English version of autobiographical memoir: Special purchse price for ISJP members Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Nishioka Tatsuji: Death 23May1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Yoshida Ichirō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Borneo, South: Postal markings: Dated markings used in South Borneo unlike the rest of Navy area Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Postal markings: Dateless markings used except in South Borneo Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Stamps: Regular issue: 1943 definitives Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Stamps: Regular issue: 1943 definitives: Issue dates Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Old people's day: 1Sep1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 50/28) 
Index HONG KONG: Forgeries: Fraudulent postmarks 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 50/184, e50/192) 
Index HONG KONG: Literature, philatelic: Hong Kong Japanese Occupation and Mr. H. da Luz (Ming W. Tsang) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 50/184, e50/192) 
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Fraudulent 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 50/184, e50/192) 
Index HONG KONG: Map: Post offices near the residence of Mr. H. da Luz Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 50/184) 
Index HONG KONG: Map: da Luz, H., forged cover producer: Street address: Post offices Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 50/184) 
Index HONG KONG: Covers: Forgeries: Da Luz Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES (Correction to error in: 50/184, e50/192) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Stamp history series #3 25Jan1995 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 50/82) 
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1994: 49th national athletic meet 28Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 50/36) 
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Athletic meets, national: Stamps: 49th Aichi 28Oct1994 Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 50/36) 
Index POST OFFICES: Okinawa prefecture, 1874‑1912 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS (Correction to error in: 50/15) 
Index CHAPTERS: United Kingdom: Publications: Kiku Shimbun (Chrysanthemum News) Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1942‑1945 SECOND SHŌWA SERIES: 7s Admiral Tōgō 15Jun1944: Covers with fraudulent Hong Kong datestamps preceding issue date Section 1: JAPAN (Correction to error in: 50/184, e50/192) 
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 5167‑5193 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 4657 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: Reinstatements of members: No. 3945 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index PHILIPPINES: Regular‑issue stamps, general: Quantity issued Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Stamps: Regular issue: 1943 definitives: Quantities Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index INDIES, EAST, NAVY AREA: Borneo, South: History: Borneo Shimboen (newspaper) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Spiro: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: 1s brown 4Feb1875 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, GENERAL: Spiro: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: 1s blue 23Aug1872 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1876‑1892 Koban Series: Spiro: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Spiro brothers: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: Spiro: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1876‑1892 KOBAN SERIES: Forgeries & imitations: Spiro: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERS: Spiro brothers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: 1s brown 4Feb1875 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: 1s blue Feb1874 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: Spiro: Plate production & modification methods Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: 6s violet brown 1Jan1874 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: 6s violet brown 1Jan & Feb1874 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: 5s green 19Mar1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: 6s orange 4Feb1875 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1872‑1876 CHERRY BLOSSOM SERIES: 6s orange 4Feb1875 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1872‑1876 Cherry Blossom Series: 5s green 19Mar1876 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1871‑1872 Dragon Series: ½s Mar1872 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1871‑1872 DRAGON SERIES: Sen issues Mar1872: ½s Section 1: JAPAN  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, REGULAR‑ISSUE: 1876‑1892 Koban Series: 2s Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HONG KONG: Forgeries: Fraudulent postmarks 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HONG KONG: Postal markings: Fraudulent 1942‑1945: Comb datestamps Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HONG KONG: Postal rates Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HONG KONG: Covers: Forgeries: Da Luz Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HONG KONG: Literature, philatelic: Hong Kong Japanese Occupation and Mr. H. da Luz (Ming W. Tsang) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index HONG KONG: Post offices Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Time indicia: Groups Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MALAYA, SINGAPORE: Army unit codes in addresses Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index BORNEO, NORTH: Army unit codes in addresses Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: Army & Navy zones: Army unit codes in addresses Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: Field post office nomenclature Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: Literature, non‑philatelic: Listing of army code names & numbers Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index DESIGN, STAMP, INDIVIDUAL: Special‑issue stamps: Heir apparent 3Nov1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1952: Heir apparent (Akihito) 10Nov1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Imperial house law 1889 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1952: Heir apparent (Akihito) 10Nov1952: Souvenir sheet 23Dec1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Imperial house law 1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Heir apparent (Hirohito) 3Nov1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Heir apparent investiture ceremony Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Heisei emperor: Investiture as crown prince 10Nov1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Crown prince investiture ceremony Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Shōwa emperor: Investiture as crown prince Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Meiji emperor: Death of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: First airmail 3Oct1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Fujishima Eisuke Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Communications day ss 20Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Hibata Sekko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Kirishima NP 21Aug1940: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUES: Stamps: Postal services 50th a. 20Apr1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1941: Daiton & Niitaka‑Arisan NP 10Mar1941: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUES: Stamps: Communications day ss 20Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1939: Aso NP 15Aug1939: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Aso 15Aug1939: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Daisetsuzan NP 20Apr1940: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Daiton 10Mar1941: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1935: Fuji new year 1Dec1935: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Daisetsuzan 20Apr1940: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Kwantung 30th a. 1Sep1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Niitaka‑Arisan 10Mar1941: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Kirishima 21Aug1940: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index NEW YEAR STAMPS: 1Dec1935 Fuji: Souvenir sheet Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Hibata Sekko Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Fall of Singapore 16Feb1942: Bicolored stamp, not an overprinted regular‑issue stamp Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PHILATELISTS, EMINENT: Matsumoto, Jun Ichi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Fall of Singapore 16Feb1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL HISTORY: French post office that was in Yokohama (Matsumoto, 1994) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: Literature, philatelic: Catalogs: British territory issues (Adgey‑Edgar, 1946) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index OCCUPIED AREAS, GENERAL: Literature, philatelic: Catalogs: Japanese postal issues & opts of occupied territories (Singer, 1995) Section 2: JAPANESE TERRITORIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Literature, philatelic: The French post office that was in Yokohama (Matsumoto, in Japanese, 1994) Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index FOREIGN OFFICES IN JAPAN: FRANCE: Yokohama Office: Literature on Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Miyagi: Pēn 1Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1969: Boat race festival 5Sep1969 Section 3: RYUKYU ISLANDS  
Index DESIGNERS: Hongō Eiichi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Ashitomi Chōshō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Miyagi: Zelkova trees booklet pane without cover 1Aug1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Nara: 80y Ancient Yoshino area 6Nov1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Okinawa: Dragon boat race in Naha 17Aug1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gifu: 80y Four seasons in Hida province 2Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Gifu: 62y Four seasons in Hida province 9Oct1990 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, JAPANESE CUSTOMS: Kishiwada float festival Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, REGULAR: Kusunoki Masashige (Nankō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ōsaka: Kishiwada float festival 4Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Ōsaka: Kishiwada float festival booklet pane without cover 4Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Terada Maki Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Ōsaka: Pēn 4Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Kusunoki Masashige (Nankō) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Yamagata: Pēn 19Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Takahashi Hidetoshi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Yamagata: Yamadera booklet pane without cover 19Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Saga: Karatsu kunchi festival booklet pane without cover 2Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Summer greeting: 1Jun1992: Design, picture Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, FURUSATO: 19Mar1992 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Nakashima Kiyoshi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index BOOKLETS & BOOKLET PANES: Prefectural issues: Saga: Pēn 2Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Tama Kenzō Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, JAPANESE CUSTOMS: Niimi estate festival Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Fukue Shigeyoshi Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PREFECTURAL STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Okayama: Niimi estate festival 13Oct1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Estate system (pre‑modern) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1967: Universiade Tokyo 26Aug1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Maeda Daimyō: Maeda Tsunanori Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1991: Universiade winter meet 1Mar1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1985: Universiade Kobe meet 24Aug1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Universiade (world university games): Tokyo: Universiade Tokyo 26Aug1967 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Universiade (world university games): Hokkaidō: Winter Universiade Hokkaidō 1Mar1991 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, SPORTS: Universiade (world university games): Kobe: Universiade Kobe 24Aug1985 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTCARDS, SPECIAL PURPOSE: Old people's day: 1Sep1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Murakami Tsutomu Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1995: Stamp history series #3 25Jan1995 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index ENVELOPES, REGULAR: 8y miner 1Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 30y postman Jul1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LETTERSHEETS, SURFACE: 8y miner 1Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 8y coal miner Jul1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 6y printer Jun1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 3y whaling Nov1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 2y farm woman 20Nov1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 3y whaling 20May1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 15y spinner 16Oct1948 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 500y locomotive Mar1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 100y steel making Feb1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 20y tree planting Aug1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1950‑1952 SHŌWA UNWATERMARKED SERIES: 2y farm woman Oct1951 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 30y postman 10May1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 20y tree planting 10May1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 500y locomotive 26Sep1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 100y steel making 15Oct1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 5y tea picking 15Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 6y printer 25Nov1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 8y coal miner 1Jun1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index REGULAR‑ISSUE STAMPS, 1948‑1950 VOCATIONAL SERIES: 16y Mt. Hodaka 15Jan1949 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index DESIGNERS: Norimatsu Iwao Section 1: JAPAN  
Index TOPICALS, ART: Sculptors: Norimatsu Iwao Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Indonesia: 12th Asian games, Hiroshima, Japan 2Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada Grenadines: Capital cities of the world: Tokyo 10Mar1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, North: Inoue Shuhachi, 1993 Kim Il Sung prize winner 30Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, North: Kano Takanori, Abe Masashi, Ogiwara Kenji medalists 20Dec1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, North: Wrestler Rikidōzan & promoter Antonio Inoki 28Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, North: 40th a. General Federation Korean Residents of Japan 25May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Jordan: Jordan week in Japan 1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada: Tsukahara Mitsuo, Japanese gold medalist 23Jun1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: France: Institute of oriental languages 25Mar1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Ghana: Uwajima, Osaka & Himeji castles 3Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Central Africa: Gold medalists at 1994 olympics 1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Dominica: Gushiken Koji, 1984 olympic gold medalist 21Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Brazil: 100th a. friendship with Japan 30May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Burundi: Christmas issue showing Japanese madonna & child 1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Bangladesh: 12th Asian games, Hiroshima, Japan 2Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Aruba: 50th a. of UN & Japanese flag 29Mar1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Ascension: Leonuris japonica flower 10Jan1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Azerbaijan: Kano Takanori 1994 olympic medalist 10Feb1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Ghana: Japanese astronauts 4Jul1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 50/108­9) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Turkey: Hokusai's "Great Wave" adapted for Turkish tourism 3Aug1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES (Correction to error in: 50/109) 
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Vietnam: Lonicera japonica plant 27Feb1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Saint Vincent Grenadines: Japanese soccer 1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Russia: Russian fleet Kurile islands 1811 expedition 22Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Nevis: Kawabata Yasunari & Ōe Kenzaburō, Nobel prize 20Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Sierra Leone: Japan soccer team 1964 & Iwasaki Kyoko 1992 medalist 6Feb1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Tristan da Cunha: Yamaha motorbike 27Feb1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Tanzania: Lonicera japonica flower 19Nov1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, South: Leontopodium japonicum wildflower 4Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Madagascar: Japanese cruise ship 16May1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Macao: 12th Asian games, Hiroshima, Japan 30Sep1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Mongolia: 1979 bullet train issue with surcharge 1993 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. battle at Leyte Gulf 24Oct1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. Yalta conference 4Feb1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. Iōjima invasion by US Marines 19Feb1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. death of Franklin D. Roosevelt 12Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. US invasion of Okinawa 12Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: John F. Kennedy's PT‑109 29May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. Potsdam conference 7Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Maldives (Maldive Islands): 50th a. V‑J Day 6Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Korea, South: 50th a. Korean liberation from Japanese colonial rule 14Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Kiribati: 50th a. end of WWII 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada Grenadines: 50th a. V‑J Day 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Gambia: 50th a. V‑J Day 1Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Dominica: 50th a. V‑J Day 21Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Cook Islands: 50th a. end of WWII 4Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Ghana: 50th a. V‑J Day 6Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Grenada: 50th a. V‑J Day 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Fiji: 50th a. end of WWII 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: Liberation of internment camps 28May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Guyana: 50th a. V‑J Day 6Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Australia: Australians in WWII 20Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Australia: Australians in WWII 20Apr1995: Self‑adhesive Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Antigua & Barbuda: 50th a. V‑J Day 20Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Aitutaki: 50th a. end of WWII; battle of Midway 4Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Uganda: 50th a. V‑J Day 6Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: United States: Stamps: 1945 WWII events 2Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Penrhyn Island: 50th a. end of WWII, Hiroshima & Pearl Harbor bombing 4Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Palau: Sunken Japanese ships, Operation Desecrate 30Mar1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: Philippine WWII guerilla units 8Dec1994 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: 50th a. Lingayen Gulf landings 7Jan1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: 50th a. liberation of Manila 3Feb1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: Battle of Nichols Airbase 9Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: Nasugbu & Tagaytay landings 9Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Philippines: 50th a. liberation of Baguio 27Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Tonga: Victory in the Pacific 1Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Samoa: 50th a. end of WWII 31May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Solomon Islands: 50th a. end of WWII 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Sierra Leone: 50th a. V‑J Day 10Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Tanzania: 50th a. V‑J Day 14Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Turks & Caicos Islands: 50th a. V‑J Day May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Togo: 50th a. V‑J Day 20Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Nevis: WWII personalities 20Jul1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Netherlands: War in Dutch East Indies 1941‑1945 15Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Norfolk Island: 50th a. Victory in the Pacific Day 1Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Niuafo'ou: 50th a. victory in the Pacific 1Aug1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Russia: Yalta & Potsdam conferences, planes over Manchuria 7Apr1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Saint Vincent: 50th a. V‑J Day 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Saint Vincent: 50th a. Yalta conference 8May1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Marshall Islands: 50th a. V‑J Day & signing of surrender 2Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index POSTAL DESIGNS RELATED TO JAPAN: Micronesia: 50th a. end of WWII 2Sep1995 Section 4: OTHER COUNTRIES  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: World War II: Surrender ceremonies Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PROJECTS: Forgeries CD‑ROM project: Volunteers sought Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index FORGERIES, STAMPS, LITERATURE: Forgeries CD‑ROM project: Volunteers sought Section 1: JAPAN  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Production of: Mailing: Permit, 2nd class Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index JAPANESE PHILATELY: Photocopy service: Temporary change of instructions: 1995 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index MEMBERSHIP: Introduction of members: No. 5194‑5207 Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)