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2005; Vol: 60/Mono19
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Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Takamatsu harbor construction completion 12Apr1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Crown prince visit to Shikoku 12Nov1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Shitennōji rebuilding, 300th a. 4‑6Oct1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1908: War Day, 3nd naval commemoration 27May1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Emperor Shōwa reign, 6th a. 12‑14Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Peace 1st a. & New year's mail processing 1Jan1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Kyōnyo Kōju death a. 13Apr‑12May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Greater East Asia War 1st a. 8Dec1942: Design rejected as "too Navy" Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Tōkyō‑Nihombashi bridge reconstruction opening 3Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Greater East Asia War 1st a. 8Dec1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Naval commander Hirose statue unveiling 29May1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1935: Tourist industry exhibition commemorating 300th a. of feudal lands 12May1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Asahigawa‑Kushiro railway completion 8Sep1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, GENERAL: Types: Definition & design differences Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Completion of 1000 miles of railroad in Hokkaidō 29May1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Takikawa‑Nemuro rail line completion 5Aug1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Dates: Postmark Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL HISTORY: Postmark policy: Commemorative datestamps: Definition & design differences Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Trisected‑circle: Dates, reading of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR INTERNATIONAL: Types: Comb: Components of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Comb: Dates, reading of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Bisected‑circle: Dates, reading of Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MONOGRAPH SERIES: No. 19 The Variant Color Datestamps of Japan Section 5: INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY FOR JAPANESE PHILATELY (I.S.J.P.)  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, GENERAL: Hiatus in usage, 7Nov1940 to 11Feb1947 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1902: UPU Japan accession 25th a. 20Jun1902 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1904: Russo‑Japanese war picture postcards 2nd set 25Dec1904 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Army grand maneuvers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Expositions & exhibitions Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Warship launches Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Yasukuni shrine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Imperial family visits Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Naval reviews & grand maneuvers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Itō Hirobumi statue unveiling 26Oct1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Topicals: Hokkaidō related Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1909: Proclamation of the constitution 20th a. 11Feb1909 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Satsuma launching 15Nov1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Sapporo 6Oct1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Tsukisappu (Ishikari) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Taigei launching 16Nov1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Asahigawa Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Hakodate Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Kawanishi (Tokachi) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Kotoni (Ishikari) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Kushiro Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Muroran Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Nemuro Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Nopporo (Ishikari) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Obihiro Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Imperial visit in Hokkaidō 26Sep‑13Oct1936: To Otaru Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Kawachi launching 15Oct1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Settsu launching 30Mar1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Hiei launching 21Nov1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Kirishima launching 1Dec1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Haruna launching 14Dec1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Kaga launching 17Nov1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Yamashiro launching 3Nov1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Tosa launching 18Dec1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1914: Fusō launching 28Mar1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Ise launching 12Nov1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1917: Hyūga launching 27Jan1917 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Nagato launching 9Nov1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Mutsu launching 31Mar1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: U‑Etsu railway completion 1Aug1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1923: Completion of inner Japan rail line & opening of new port at Shinmaizuru 1Apr1923 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Completion of the first link of the San’in rail line 1Jun1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Hokkaidō fair commemorating 50 years of development 1Aug1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Visit of Crown Prince to Hokkaidō 8‑23Jul1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Railroads 50th a. 14Oct1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Asahigawa‑Wakkanai link completion 1Nov1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Completion of central rail line (opening of Iida‑Nagoya link) 1May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Visit of Crown Prince to Hokkaidō 20Aug‑12Sep1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1914: Opening of Tokyo railway station 18Dec1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1909: Moji‑Kagoshima rail line completion 20Nov1909 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Hokkaidō colonial fair 12Jul1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Industrial exhibition to celebrate completion of Jōetsu rail line 21Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Jōetsu line completion 3Sep1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Completion of Kyōto‑Matsue‑Hatabu (Shimonoseki) San’in rail line 24Feb1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Otaru seaport fair 11Jul1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1936: Grand military maneuvers in Hokkaidō 1‑6Oct1936 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Railroads 70th a. 14Oct1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Completion of 5000 miles of railroad 20May1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Yasukuni festival 1May1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1939: Yasukuni festival 18Oct1939 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Yasukuni festival 16Oct1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1940: Yasukuni festival 24Apr1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1939: Yasukuni festival 24Apr1939 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1943: Yasukuni festival 15Oct1943 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1944: Yasukuni festival 24Apr1944 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1943: Yasukuni festival 23Apr1943 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Yasukuni festival 15Oct1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Yasukuni festival 25Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1941: Yasukuni festival 24Apr1941 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1941: Yasukuni festival 15Oct1941 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Yasukuni festival 23Apr1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Yasukuni festival 25Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Yasukuni festival 25Apr1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Yasukuni shrine Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Holy town exposition celebrating rebuilding the Ise shrine 10Mar1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Sea & sky exposition & battle of Tsushima 25th a. ‑ Shitaya & Yokosuka 20Mar1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Grand electricity exposition ‑ Ichioka 20Mar1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: East Asia industrial exposition ‑ Fukuoka 25Mar1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Tokyo exposition commemorating the coronation 24Mar1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Kyōto exposition commemorating the coronation 20Sep1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Transportation & electricity exposition celebrating the coronation ‑ Kōzu 1Oct1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Hanshin exposition commemorating the coronation 15Oct1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Kyūshū‑Okinawa exhibition 15Mar1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Fukuoka industrial exhibition 20Mar1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Shōwa industrial exposition ‑ Hiroshima 20Mar1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Tohoku (Northeast) industrial exposition ‑ Sendai 20Apr1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Nagoya exposition celebrating the coronation 15Sep1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Kyūshū‑Okinawa exhibition 11Mar1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Kansai joint exhibition 16Mar1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Maebashi exhibition 17Sep1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Kyōto exhibition for Taishō enthronement 1Oct1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Joint exhibition by 6 prefectures in the Ohu district 22Sep1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1914: Tōkyō Taishō exposition 20Mar1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Joint exhibition‑Toyama1Sep1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Celebration of the coronation by Tokyo city 9Dec1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Tokyo peace exposition 31Mar1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Japan‑British exhibition 14May1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Osaka exhibition for Taishō enthronement 1Oct1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: 2nd national exposition commemorating birth of the crown prince 15Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: International industrial & tourism exposition ‑ Nagasaki‑Motohakata 25Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: National polytechnic exposition ‑ Okayama 25Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: National defense exposition commemorating birth of the crown prince ‑ Higashinari 1Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1942: Grand exposition for the construction of greater East Asia 20Sep1942 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Fatherland Hyūga industrial exposition 17Mar1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Women’s & children’s international exposition 17Mar1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: National industrial exposition ‑ Hamamatsu 15Mar1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: National products promotional exposition ‑ Kagoshima 1Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Nagoya sanitary exposition 1Oct1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Okayama tourism exposition 1Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Grand industrial & tourism exposition ‑ Kanazawa 12Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Seaport exposition commemorating the naval review 20Sep1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Foundation of Osaka commercial & industrial fair 2Nov1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1937: Nagoya Pan‑Pacific peace exposition 14Mar1937 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, GENERAL: Literature: Handbook of Datestamps (Watanabe Masao) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Shōwa enthronement 10Nov1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Mikuma launching 31May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, GENERAL: Introduced 1934 as replacements for variant color datestamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: War Day, 2nd naval commemoration 27May1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Identification guides: Dates in bisected‑circle (maruichi) postmarks Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Identification guides: Datestamp components Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Identification guides: Regnal year conversion chart Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Dates: Regnal year Section 1: JAPAN  
Index CALENDAR ISSUES: Regnal year dates Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Emperor's visit to Ogasawara 31Jul1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Emperor's visit to Ōshima 7Aug1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Navy: Ship launching Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Emperor's visit to Kumamoto 16‑17Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Emperor's visit to Kagoshima 19Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Congratulations presented to Her Majesty the Empress 13Mar1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Prince Nobuhito return 11Jun1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Exhibitions, fairs & conferences Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Emperor Shōwa reign, 5th a. 14‑16Nov1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Authorization unconfirmed Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Rite for late Emperor Taishō 25Dec1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1908: Japanese troops in China celebrate the emperor's birthday 3Nov1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Emperor's visit to Osaka 4Jun1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Crown prince visit to Kōbe 4Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Empress visit to Ise 19‑22May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Crown prince visit to Chiba 19‑21May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Emperor's visit 11‑19Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Crown prince visit to Yamanashi 27Mar‑4Apr1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Crown prince visits Nara 26Feb1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: Crown Prince wedding 26Jan1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1917: Empress visit to Ise 30‑31Mar1917 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Kennyo Kōsa death a. 11Mar‑21Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Suwa Shintō shrine celebration year (upper shrine) 1‑3May1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Suwa Shintō shrine celebration year (lower shrine) 7‑9May1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Myōshinji temple (Kyōto) founding 550th a. 23‑31Mar1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Tōshōgū Shintō shrine 300th a., 1st part 1‑7Jun1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Great Food‑Offering Rite planting, east field 5‑7Jun1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Tōshōgū Shintō shrine 300th a., 2nd part 17‑23Sep1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Great Food‑Offering Rite harvesting, west field 18Sep1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Great Food‑Offering Rite harvesting, east field 20‑22Sep1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Tōshōgū Shintō shrine 300th a., 3rd part 11‑26Nov1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: Nagano Zenkōji temple 20Mar‑20May1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Korea Jingū enshrinement festival 15Oct1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Kurama (Kyōto) temple opening 1‑5Apr1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Opening the door of Kurama temple 19‑25Apr1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Hōnen code decree, 800th a. 15‑17Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Murakami founding, 600th a. 24‑26Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Government offerings to Grand Suwa Shintō shrine & annual Ombashira Matsuri 10‑12May1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Sōjiji transfer from Ishikawa to Tsurumi 5Nov1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Dōryōzan kannon exhibition 1‑28May1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: 1200th annual Kami Sha festival 11Apr‑2May1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: 650 years memorial for Shinran Shōnin, Senshuji 3‑19Apr1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Ikegami Hommonji opening 2‑6Apr1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Zenkōji (Nagano) main statue viewing 1Apr‑20May1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Tōshōgū shrines celebration, Shizuoka 13‑22Apr1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Nichiren’s 650th death a., 2nd part 1‑15May1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Hōryūji temple, 1300th a. Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Nichiren’s 650th death a., 1st part 21‑27Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Nichiren’s 650th death a., 3rd part 6‑15Oct1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Opening of Zenkōji to the public 20Mar‑20May1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Toyokawa (shrine) building 22‑23Mar1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Emperor's visit to Kashima & Shingū 19Nov1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Ikegami Hommonji celebration ‑ 650th a. of Nichiren’s death 9‑15Apr1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: 650th a. of death of 2nd builder of Eiheiji 1‑14May1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Dōryōzan kannon exhibition 1‑21May1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Meiji Jingū Shintō shrine dedication 1‑5Nov1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Kurama launching 21Oct1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Kuma launching 14Jul1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Ibuki launching 21Nov1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Nadakaze launching 26Jun1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: Launching large armored cruiser Tsukuba 26Dec1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Kitakami launching 3Jul1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Takao launching 12May1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Ikoma launching 9Apr1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Yūgure launching 12May1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Mogami launching 14Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Sazanami launching 6Jun1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Shikinami launching 22Jun1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Hatsuyuki launching 29Sep1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Fubuki launching 15Nov1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Nagakake launching 30Mar1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Eiyō launching 31Mar1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Launching light cruiser Hirado 29Jun1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Hibiki launching 16Jun1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Chishima launching 1Apr1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1923: Yūbari launching 5Mar1923 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Namikaze launching 24Jun1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Chikuma launching 1Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Nagara launching 25Apr1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Yura launching 15Feb1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Yūgiri launching 12May1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Myōkō launching 16Apr1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Kikuzuki launching 15May1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Amatsukaze & Isokaze launchings 5Oct1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Tenryū launching 11Mar1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Tatsuta launching 29May‑1Jun1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Tanikaze launching 20‑23Jul1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Exhibitions, fairs & conferences: Exhibitions (kyōshinkai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Kurume invention exposition 15Apr‑20May1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Exhibitions, fairs & conferences: International Expositions (hakurankai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1917: Chemical engineering exposition 20Sep1917 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Exhibitions, fairs & conferences: Regional fairs (tenrankai) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1917: Wakamatsu harbor exposition 15Oct‑5Nov1917 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Tokyo industrial exposition 20Mar1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1917: Kyūshū‑Okinawa produce exposition 31Oct1917 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: National industrial exposition in Hyōgo prefecture 1Apr‑10May1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Manchuria & Mongolia exposition 21‑25Sep1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Iizuka industrial exposition 16Apr‑15May1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Hokkaidō national defense exposition 1‑30Aug1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Osaka colonization exhibition 21Apr‑19Jun1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: National industry exposition, Takamatsu 20Mar‑9May1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Hanshin domestic products exposition 5‑15Oct1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Horse exposition 25Oct‑1Nov1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Domestic & foreign industry exposition 1Apr‑20May1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 3rd chemistry exposition 30Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Gotōji produce exposition 9‑16May1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: National industry exposition, Yamagata city 11Sep‑21Oct1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Kōbe trade goods exhibition 15Mar‑13May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Taichung Taiwan communications exhibition 24Nov1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Central 6 prefectures (Chubu district) textile exhibition 29Sep‑8Oct1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 12th Chūgoku 6 prefectures animal husbandry exhibition 10‑15Oct1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Eastern Hokkaidō industrial exposition 8‑17Aug1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Hiroshima produce exhibition 5Apr‑14May1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Kyūshū‑Okinawa industrial exhibition 16Mar‑14May1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1914: 700th a. of Suitengu shrine, Kurume 26Apr‑31May1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Kumamoto competitive exhibition 17Oct1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1914: 2nd trade production exhibition 20Mar‑28May1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Yokohama energy exhibition 1Oct‑15Nov1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Kanagawa industrial exhibition 30Sep‑19Nov1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Chiba exhibition 5‑18May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Hyōgo produce exhibition 4‑10Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 2nd Shikoku 4 prefecture animal husbandry exhibition 1‑5Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Hyōgo sake goods exhibition 20‑25Mar1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: 7th animal husbandry exhibition 11Oct‑1Nov1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Silver wedding celebration & domestic products exhibition 11Sep‑7Nov1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: 6 Prefectures combined forestry products exhibition 3‑13Oct1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Kumamoto domestic products exhibition 10Mar‑3May1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Harima exhibition 1‑10Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Kyūshū‑Okinawa industrial exhibition 10Apr‑9May1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Ehime prefecture produce exhibition 10Apr‑9May1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Ōmuta City competitive exhibition 20Mar‑25Apr1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Sporting events: Skiing Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Postal exhibition commemorating 50 years UPU participation 24‑28Jun1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Korea electricity exhibition 30Apr‑15May1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Hyōgo produce exhibition 4‑18Apr1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Hiroshima communications exhibition 8‑10Apr1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Postal culture exhibition, Tokyo 1‑10Jul1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: In the cool of the evening exhibition 15‑26Aug1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Communications culture exhibition Tennōji park 10Jul‑15Sep1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Communications exhibition 21‑28Jul1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Northern Japan communications exhibition 16‑18Oct1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Postal service 60th a. exhibition 18‑23Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Hyōgo produce exhibition 20‑24Oct1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Rare stamps exhibition in Kōjimachi (Tokyo) 1‑7Nov1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Communications culture exhibition 18‑24May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Army exhibition 9‑11Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Manchuria & Mongolia splendid exhibition 9‑11Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Sporting events: Horse racing Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: 7th Okazaki horse racing meet 13‑15May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Sporting events: Mountain climbing Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Kamisuwa horse racing meet 15‑18May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Matsumoto Female Teachers Athletic Meet 30Oct1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Nagano ski tournament 17‑18Feb1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Mount Fuji post office opening 31Jul1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Climbing Mount Niitaka 10Jul‑31Aug1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: 2nd national horse exposition 15‑24Oct1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 3rd Japanese national skiing championship 7‑8Mar1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Climbing Mount Daisen 5Jul‑29Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Climbing Mount Ishizuchi 5Jul‑29Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Okazaki horse racing track completion 9‑11Oct1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Climbing Mount Niitaka 10Jul‑31Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 2nd Okazaki horse racing meet 21‑23Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: All Japan figure skating championship 23‑24Jan1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Kokura horse racing meet 24May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: 4th Meiji Shrine competitive athletic tournament 30Oct‑3Nov1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: 1st Japanese national skiing championship 13‑16Jan1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 3rd Central Japan skiing championship 7‑9Feb1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: 6th Ozakazi horse racing meet 21‑24Sep1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Esshin Ski Club opening ceremonies 11Feb1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: 3rd Okazaki horse racing meet 15‑17Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Climbing Mount Niitaka 10Jul‑31Aug1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Climbing Mount Tateyama 20Jul‑31Aug1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 2nd Gifu animal husbandry horse racing meet 7‑9Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Climbing Mount Niitaka 10Jul‑10Aug1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Hakuba mountain post office opens for climbing season 15Jul‑20Aug1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Tateyama mountain post office opens for climbing season 15Jul‑20Aug1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Yari‑ga‑take mountain post office opens for climbing season 15Jul‑20Aug1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: 5th Okazaki horse racing meet 3‑5Mar1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: 4th Okazaki horse racing meet 23‑25Sep1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1917: Taiwan martial arts tournament 31Oct1917 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: National skiing championship 17Feb1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: 3rd National skiing championship tournament 14‑15Feb1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: 1st Meiji Shrine athletic tournament 30Oct‑3Nov1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: 2nd Meiji Shrine competitive athletic tournament 28Oct‑3Nov1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Navy: Russo‑Japanese war Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Army: Grand maneuvers Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Topicals: Army: Russo‑Japanese war Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Handbook of Datestamps (Watanabe Masao) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL MARKINGS: Handbook of Datestamps (Watanabe Masao) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL STATIONERY: Compiled listing of commemorative picture postcards (Urushibata & Kamiya 1931) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Compiled listing of commemorative picture postcards (Urushibata & Kamiya 1931) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1903: Grand military maneuvers held in Himeji 10Nov1903 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1904: Naval observation tower in Kii province 14Sep1904 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1906: Army commemorates Inchon 10Mar1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1907: 6th cooperative fair 10Jan1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1907: Tsu city ‑ Nishi San cooperative fair 1Apr1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1907: Eulogy for Commander Hirose 29May1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1907: Opening of post office on north slope of Mount Fuji 21Jul1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1911: 8th conference of the Imperial Railroad Association 21May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1935: Battle of Tsushima 30th a. 27May1935 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1911: Opening of post office on north slope of Mount Fuji for climbing season 21Jul1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1915: Red Cross meeting, Niigata 11Apr1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1916: Emperor & Empress visit to Ise 30Mar1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1916: Unknown event 16Apr1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1918: Akashi Park establishment 17Apr1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1919: Itō Hirobumi statue dedication 26Oct1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1919: Sōjiji center transfer 5Nov1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1921: Prince Shōtoku Taishi 1300th death a.16Apr1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1924: Railroad line in Ehime prefecture on the island of Shikoku completed west from Matsuyama to the sea 11Feb1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1925: Special grand festival at Yasukuni Shrine 10May1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1925: Naval 20th commemoration of Russo‑Japanese war 27May1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: War Day, 25th naval commemoration 27May1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Grand military maneuvers 19Nov1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1926: Water department at Maejima establishment 21May1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1927: Memorial service held every 50 years for the founder of a Buddhist sect ‑ 550th year since priest’s death 25Mar1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: Authorization unconfirmed: 1928: Horse exposition commemorating emperor’s ascension to throne 25Sep1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, GENERAL: Annual numbers 1934‑1940 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Catalog of variant color datestamps (Kitte Shumi 1930‑32) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL MARKINGS: Catalog of variant color datestamps (Kitte Shumi 1930‑32) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Bisected‑circle: Military markings Section 1: JAPAN  
Index MILITARY MAIL: Postal marking types: Colored datestamps, not variant color datestamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Non‑VCD colored military datestamps Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: Russo‑Japanese war picture postcards 3rd set 15Feb1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: 2nd Army Supply Group 11Jul1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: 2nd Army Division banquet 21Sep1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: 2nd Army Memorial Day 24Sep1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Commemorative datestamps, small, 1934‑1940 (Sakairi & Yoshikawa) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Different color varieties of datestamps (Yurakū 1934) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Catalog of different color types of datestamps (Watanabe Masao) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Literature: Overview of color change information on postal datestamps (Kōshū 1934) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Lists: 1904‑1934 complete listing Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL MARKINGS: Commemorative datestamps, small, 1934‑1940 (Sakairi & Yoshikawa) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL MARKINGS: Catalog of different color types of datestamps (Watanabe Masao) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL MARKINGS: Overview of color change information on postal datestamps (Kōshū 1934) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index LITERATURE, PHILATELIC, POSTAL MARKINGS: Different color varieties of datestamps (Yurakū 1934) Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: Nanzan occupation 1st a. 26May1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1905: Government of Taiwan, 10th a. 17Jun1905 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Triumphal return of Japanese army 19Jul1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Army triumphal return & Russo‑Japanese war military review 30Apr1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Port Arthur 1st full year occupation 2Jan1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Military review 30Apr1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Comb: First day of use 1Jan1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Greater Japan Marine Products Association 25th a. 7‑16Oct1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1906: Battle of Sekigahara 300th a. 18Oct1906 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: New year's mail processing 1Jan1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1907: Crown prince visit to Kagoshima 26Oct1907 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1908: Korea full Red Cross Society membership 31Oct1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1908: New year's mail processing 1Jan1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1908: Japanese troops in China Army's Day acknowledgement 10Mar1908 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: War Day, 5th naval commemoration 27May1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1909: War Day, 4th naval commemoration 27May1909 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Japanese annexation of Korea 29Aug1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index HISTORY, JAPANESE: Hirose Takeo Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Russo‑Japanese war monument commemoration 2Apr1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1910: Tamaru post office telephone installation 6Dec1910 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Railway association annual conference 8May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: War Day, 6th naval commemoration 27May1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1911: Inchon Harbor construction 1Jun1911 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Sasebo (Nagasaki) 10th a. 1Apr1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Takada city founding 300th a. 10‑16Sep1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: War Day, 7th naval commemoration 27May1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1912: Moji city waterworks completion 3May1912 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: War Day, 8th naval commemoration 27May1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Education exposition held in Osaka 27May1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1913: Prefectural operation of Matsushima’s parks 23‑25Sep1913 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1914: Ban‑Etsu railway line completion 1‑2Nov1914 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Japan Red Cross society ‑ Niigata branch 18Apr1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1915: Rikū West railway line opening between Sakata & Shinjō 25Apr1915 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Okazaki city regulations enforcement 1‑3Jul1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1916: Opening of Miyazaki to railway traffic 30Oct1916 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Boso peninsular railway line completion 24May1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: War Day, 14th naval commemoration 27May1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Moji harbor renovation 5Jun1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: Akashi Park (Hyōgo) opening 14Apr1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1918: War Day, 13th naval commemoration 27May1918 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: 1st national census 1Oct1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Peace after World War I 1Jul1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: World War I Peace 1Jul1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: 1st national census 1Oct1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: 5th sake & soy goods meeting, Aomori 11‑21Oct1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1919: Etajima naval academy 50th a. 9‑10Oct1919 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1920: Meiji shrine 1Nov1920 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Kure navy dockyard branch office opening 30Mar1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Meiji shrine dedication 10th a. 1Nov1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Shōtoko Taishi death, 1300th a. 13‑19Apr1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1921: Restructure of 6 Hokkaidō locations 1Aug1921 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Fushimi (Kyōto) 20Aug1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Mail flown between Dairen & Port Arthur 24‑27Feb1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Hakodate harbor opening 50th a. 1Aug1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1923: Firemen cultural heroes proclamation 28Jan1923 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1922: Communications museum opened 14May1922 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1923: Japan & Nationalist China flight inauguration 9May1923 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1923: War Day, 18th naval commemoration 27May1923 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: Masuda railway line opening 11Apr1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1924: Kyongsong railway line opening 30Oct‑3Nov1924 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Aviation pageant 10Mar‑3May1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Amalgamation of Japan & Korean communications 20th a. 1Jul1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Opening of entire Kōchi railway line 5Dec1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1925: Seoul station completion 13Oct1925 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: 2nd aviation pageant 11Apr1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Dai Nihon rice convention 23Apr1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Seoul prefectural headquarters building completion 30Oct1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1926: Kōgendō province (Korea) harbor completion & produce exhibition 14Nov1926 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: 50 years UPU participation 20Jun1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: Korean Private Railway ‑ government operated 1Oct1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1927: 3rd aviation pageant 3Nov1927 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: 1st electricity day 25Mar1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1928: Korea ‑ Kunsan harbor opening 30th year a. 1May1928 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: 2nd electricity day 25Mar1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Dosan Kita railway line completion 28‑30Apr1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Duke of Gloucester visit to Japan 13‑14May1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Graf Zeppelin visits Ami 19‑23Aug1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Grand army maneuvers 18Nov1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: World power conference & all nations industrial conference 29Oct‑7Nov1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1929: Emperor Shōwa reign, 4th a.15‑17Nov1929 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Army commemoration day (Russo‑Japanese war) 10Mar1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Dai Nihon sericulture association annual conference 2Apr1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Emperor Daigo 1000th death a. 6‑16Apr1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Completion of construction of government post office & telegraph office buildings 17‑18Jun1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 6th communications cultural festival 11Feb1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: US airplane Tacoma City trans‑oceanic flight departure 30Aug1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Opening of entire Nagato railway line 7Dec1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1930: Opening of entire Okata railway line 19Dec1930 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: National conference of mayors of towns & villages 14‑15Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Start of public telephone service in Toyohashi 30Mar‑3Apr1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 10,000 years festival in Ōsaka‑Fu 17May1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Kusunoki Masahige 600th death a. 23‑27May1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Japan & US friendship flight departure 4May1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Annual conference of 7th Army Division veterans & young people conference 9‑11Jul1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Youth training institute conference 22Jul1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Komatsu (Ishikawa) 10May1952 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SCENIC DATESTAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: Daisen (Tottori) 10Sep1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Imperial army grand maneuvers 15Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: 1st Gifu animal husbandry horse racing meet 24‑26Oct1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1931: Toyohashi city hall completion, starting construction of new sewer line, & 25 years of the same city government 1‑3Nov1931 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Harbors society 5th general meeting 5May1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Completion of telephone annex of Kamisuwa post office 27‑28Mar1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Opening of telephone branch of Matsumoto office 28Mar‑2Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Completion of telephone annex of Kamisuwa post office 9‑11Apr1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index PARKS ISSUES, NATIONAL, INDIVIDUAL: Daiton 10Mar1941 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index SPECIAL‑ISSUE STAMPS, INDIVIDUAL: 1941: Daiton & Niitaka‑Arisan NP 10Mar1941 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Akame Waterfalls excursion 1‑31Aug1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Kure Navy Yard official naming 19Jun1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: National sake brewing association meeting 24May1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Imperial army grand maneuvers 14Nov1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Toyohashi city incorporation congratulatory party 1‑3Oct1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Ueda castle construction 350th a. 15Oct‑17Nov1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Hirobumi temple completion 26Oct1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1932: Emperor Shōwa reign, 7th a. 11‑13Nov1932 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Opening of telephone traffic between Japan & Korea 14‑15Jan1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Obihiro city establishment 1‑3Apr1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Tarumikoku lighthouse opening 28Apr1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, LARGE, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Imperial army grand maneuvers 27Oct1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Obihiro city municipal system completion 10‑12Sep1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Opening of Chita peninsula to tourism 14Oct1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Ultra‑high frequency traffic between Sakata & Tobishima 21‑22Nov1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Taichung Taiwan central post office completion 22‑25Nov1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1933: Emperor Shōwa reign, 8th a. 24‑26Oct1933 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Army commemoration day 9‑11Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Urawa city system implementation 11‑13Feb1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Nagano ski tournament 9‑11Mar1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Navy exposition 1‑15Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, SMALL, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Okazaki horse racing meet 14Sep1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Transfer of 4th battalion army barracks 15Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: 30th national industrial association convention 25‑27Apr1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Experimental flight between Tokyo & Toyama 16‑17May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Himeji castle 600th a. 18‑22May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Komatsushima harbor completion 22‑24May1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, INDIVIDUAL: 1934: Taiwan patriotism league naming ceremony 21Jun1934 Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Identification guides: Province listing with prefectural counterparts Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE: Prefectures: Provincial counterparts Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Post Offices: 1904‑1934 complete listing Section 1: JAPAN  
Index GEOGRAPHY, JAPANESE: Provinces: Prefectural counterparts Section 1: JAPAN  
Index COMMEMORATIVE DATESTAMPS, VARIANT COLOR, GENERAL: Post Offices: 1904‑1934 complete listing: Modern prefectural locations Section 1: JAPAN  
Index POSTAL MARKINGS, REGULAR DOMESTIC: Types: Bisected‑circle: Components of Section 1: JAPAN