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Date Loaded:
28 Nov 2019 10:53:38
Item Information
Record Type:
Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
June 2000; Vol: 74 Iss: 873
Copyright End Year:
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Copyright Deceased Year:
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Page Nos List:
Jun 2000 (blank)
Number of Pages:
Vol 74 Iss: 873
Item Alt No:
No data to display
Item Notes
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Key Words 
Index Issue 1 Vol 74 Cover Page Magazine Covers 
Index Issue 1 Vol 74 Contents Page Magazine Contents 
Index Newsdesk News 
Index Newsdesk News 
Index The Camel Postman Part 3 ArticlesStock
Index Ascension's Turtle Protection Project ArticlesJennings
Index British Stamps Supplement 231 Supplements 
Index British Stamps Supplement 231 Supplements 
Index Austria's Post-war Definitives ArticlesMackay
Index The Austrian Empire's Postal Story ArticlesTowler
Index Tops with American Collectors ArticlesLake
Index Used in Gibraltar 1856-85 ArticlesHolmes
Index The Gibraltar Philatelic Bureau Articles 
Index Panorama New IssuesLewis
Index Shore to Shore New Issues"Island Hopper"
Index Stamp News in Brief New Issues 
Index The Stamp Show 2000 Update Exhibitions 
Index The History of Man's Flight: Professor George Rusu ArticlesJennings
Index 1998-99 Postal Stationery Regular FeaturesSor-Reime
Index Queen Elizabeth Definitives. Part 19 British Solomon Islands 1956-63 and 1963-64 issues ArticlesHalewood
Index Postal Stationery Matters Regular FeaturesVan Gelder
Index The Diarie of Samuel Creeps An Ordinarie Collector of Stamps Regular FeaturesBanister
Index Whither Stamp Exhibitions? ExhibitionsRapkin
Index This Philatelic World of Ours Regular FeaturesLake
Index Stamp Hunting Regular FeaturesNimrod
Index Win a GB Concise Catalogue Competitions 
Index Letters Correspondence 
Index Books Book Reviews 
Index Revenue Society to Host Congress in London MeetingsJennings
Index New Collector Regular FeaturesHolman
Index Catalogue Column Regular FeaturesAggersberg
Index Catalogue Supplement Supplements