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28 Nov 2019 11:30:03
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
30 June 1891; Vol: 1 Iss: 12
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30 Jun 1891 (blank)
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Vol 1 Iss: 12
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Key Words 
Index OMITARA Friedemann (handbook) 112 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index VORLÄUFER supplement to #126 German Colonies Literature Index Reprint Reviews  
Index BUKOBA Friedemann (handbook) 8 Friedemann (handbook) 8 fake was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index history German Colonies Offices In China Boxer RebellionKugel
Index history German Colonies Offices In China Boxer RebellionMiller
Index MIKINDANI Friedemann (handbook) 37 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index MUANSA Friedemann (handbook) 49 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index MUSOMA Friedemann (handbook) 51 Friedemann (handbook) 55 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index NGOMENI Friedemann (handbook) 54 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index RUANDA Friedemann (handbook) 56 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index SALALE Friedemann (handbook) 59 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index TANGA Friedemann (handbook) 66 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index USUMBURA Friedemann (handbook) 74 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index WILHELMSTHAL Friedemann (handbook) 77 was Berlin ‘16’ used here? German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index Fido German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Frithjof German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Melbourne German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index NAURU Friedemann (handbook) 3 covers German Colonies Marshall Inseln cancels postal markingsStein
Index WW1 early covers German Colonies Marshall Inseln cancels postal markingsStein
Index Messina German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Frithjof German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Pronto German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index Melbourne German Colonies Seapost Marine Schiffpost MSP (Marine Schiffspost) ship  
Index telegraph stamps German Colonies Marshall Inseln general 
Index Ottoman Empire German Colonies Literature Historical Biedzynski
Index Ottoman Empire German Colonies Offices In Turkey general historyBiedzynski
Index German inflation stamps overprint with Lost Colonies slogans German Colonies Labels Czyl
Index missionaries and the mail German Colonies Kamerun generalMacKenzie
Index German Interests in the South Sea German Colonies German New Guinea literature 
Index German Interests in the South Sea German Colonies Literature Handbooks  
Index German Interests in the South Sea German Colonies Samoa literature 
Index Otto von Bismarck Bismarck’s papers German Colonies Literature Historical Biedzynski
Index K.D. FELD-POSTSTATION No 2 PEKING KAISERPALAST Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost9 FeldpostN2 German Colonies Offices In China Boxer Rebellion 
Index telegrams German Colonies Offices In China Boxer RebellionMiller
Index K.D. FELDPOSTEXPED. / DES / OSTASIATISCHEN EXPEDITIONSCORPS a Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost6 German Colonies Offices In China Boxer Rebellion 
Index 1903 Belgian postal card to Kamerun forwarded to Romania German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markingsTaylor
Index DUALA Friedemann (handbook) 18-21 without day and month slugs German Colonies Kamerun cancels and postal markings 
Index 1905/19 issue Michel (catalog) 28-37 Michel (catalog) 27B German Colonies Kiautschou stamps and postal stationery 
Index FELDPOSTSTATION 3 Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost12 used to validate IRC (International Reply Coupon)s German Colonies German East Africa feldpost 
Index 1900 issue Michel (catalog) 7-19 Michel (catalog) 19II German Colonies Offices In Morocco stamps postal stationery 
Index 1916 Vorausfrankierungen covers Michel (catalog) VUI-III German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index FUTSCHAU Friedemann (handbook) 5 German Colonies Offices In China cancels postal markings 
Index Futschau provisional Michel (catalog) 7 German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index KISSENJI Friedemann (handbook) 25 manuscript year date German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markings 
Index Königsberg Möwe provisionals Michel (catalog) IIa-Iif British propaganda viewcard German Colonies German East Africa stamps postal stationery 
Index Tientsin provisionals German Colonies Offices In China stamps postal stationery 
Index 1897 issue Michel (catalog) 1-4 I II Berne overprints Michel (catalog) II used on registered cover German Colonies German South West Africa stamps and postal stationery 
Index ARAHOAB manuscript Friedemann (handbook) 4 manuscript German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index GRÜNDORN Friedemann (handbook) 40 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index REHOBOTH Friedemann (handbook) 137 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index IRC (International Reply Coupon)s? German Colonies Offices In Morocco stamps postal stationery 
Index K. D. FELDPOSTSTATION Nr. a Friedemann (handbook) Feldpost2 German Colonies German South West Africa feldpost 
Index Lamu German Colonies German East Africa  
Index Offices in Morocco IRC (International Reply Coupon) German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index OKAHANDJA Friedemann (handbook) 97-103 Friedemann (handbook) 97 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index OTJUNDAURA Friedemann (handbook) 128 German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index postal forms German Colonies Postal Stationery Forms  
Index RABAT Friedemann (handbook) 29 German Colonies Offices In Morocco cancels and postal markings 
Index 1914-1915 postal history German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index Col. Harrie Evans collection auction German Colonies German New Guinea general 
Index Col. Harrie Evans collection of New Guinea German Colonies Auction Dealer Named sale 
Index postage rates at Rabaul 1914-1916 German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index RABAUL two-line Powell 49 German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index SIMPSONHAFEN Powell 50 German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index Eitape mail bag seal used as canceler German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index RABAUL one-line Powell 51 German Colonies German New Guinea occupation POW 
Index RR cancels WW1 German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markingsSchlieper
Index small Berlin ‘16’ year slugs small RR ‘16’ year slug German Colonies German East Africa cancels postal markingsSchlieper
Index Fournier forgeries German Colonies Expertization Fraudulent Material Zollinger
Index 1897 issue Michel (catalog) 1-6 overprint forgery German Colonies Togo  
Index 1897/1899 ‘Marschall’ overprint Michel (catalog) 1I-4I 1II-6II overprint forgery German Colonies Marshall Inseln stamps postal stationery 
Index 1900 issue Michel (catalog) 1-6 overprint forgery German Colonies Samoa stamps postal stationery 
Index 1904 issue Michel (catalog) 1I-6I 1II-6II overprint forgery German Colonies Karolinen stamps and postal stationery 
Index diagonal overprints Michel (catalog) 1I-6I overprint forgery German Colonies Marianen stamps postal stationery 
Index Fournier forgeries German Colonies Expertization Fraudulent Material Zollinger
Index steep overprints Michel (catalog) 1II-6II overprint forgery German Colonies Marianen stamps postal stationery 
Index vorläufer overprint forgery German Colonies Kamerun stamps postal stationery 
Index BETHANIEN Friedemann (handbook) 15 fake German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markings 
Index fake cancels German Colonies Cancels Postal Markings  
Index KLEIN-POPO Friedemann (handbook) 10 fake German Colonies Togo cancels postal markings 
Index group accounts German Colonies GCCG News  
Index 1903 Fischfluss expedition cover German Colonies German South West Africa cancels and postal markingsTaylor