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28 Nov 2019 11:30:03
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
31 March 1898; Vol: 8 Iss: 93
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31 Mar 1898 (blank)
Number of Pages:
Vol 8 Iss: 93
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Index 50th Anniversary of the Philatelic Society [Dec 30 92] TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Hatton, Denise
Index British Stamps May Lose the Royal Heads United Kingdom, Great Britain: Baumann, Fred W.
Index Bulk Direct-Mail Advertisements from Moscow to U. S. RUSSIA: Postal History, Postal Rates Lawrence, Ken
Index Chile Issued Separate Easter Island Stamps CHILE: EASTER ISLAND Hatton, Denise
Index Clara Barton Missed First Red Cross Issue United States: SC 967 Clara Barton Hotchner, John M.
Index Eaton Buys Gems in Bileski Stock DEALER: EATON, F.E. anon
Index Federal Judge Allows Liquidation of World Wide Classics' Stamps DEALER: WORLD WIDE CLASSICS, FRAUD Schreiber, Michael
Index Guldgubber [Feb 4 93] DENMARK: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Hong Kong Stamps Show Building History CHINA: HONG KONG, Scott 442 Arthur A. Delaney
Index In Defense of Pat [ letter] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: POLAR Hal Vogel
Index India's Postal Service Wins Words of Praise INDIA: Alan Alexander
Index Key Authority on Late 19th Century Cancels MEXICO: Postal Markings Pulver, Dale
Index Kuwait [Nov 92] KUWAIT: Hatton, Denise
Index Macy's Met Its Match in Herst's Mother PHILATELY: Herst, Herman Jr.
Index Meter Stamp Basics: Catalog and Society Metered Mail: Doug Kelsey
Index New EKU for 19c Fishing Boat United States: Scott 2529 Schreiber, Michael
Index New Stamps Show a Variety of Entertainers THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC anon
Index Novus Debut Appoints Sine as Director of Minkus Catalog PRINTER: NOVUS DEBUT Baumann, Fred W.
Index Philadelphia Postmarks, 1700 to Today United States: Postal Markings, Pennsylvania, PHILADELPHIA Graham, Richard B.
Index Royal Mail to Release Five Orchid Stamps to Note Glasgow's World Orchid Conference THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: FLOWER, ORCHID anon
Index Royal Mail to Release Five Orchide Stamps to Note Glasgow's World Orchid Conference United Kingdom, Great Britain: anon
Index Self-Adhesive Panes of 17 Now Sold at Face Value United States: SC Charles Yeager
Index Sweden Withdraws High Value [ 50kr] SWEDEN: Scott 1351 Lawrence, Ken
Index Ways to Collect Women on Stamps Topic THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: WOMEN Hatton, Denise