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Date Loaded:
03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
04 December 1937; Vol: 10
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4 Dec 1937
Number of Pages:
Vol 10
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Index Film actor Gary Cooper commemorated on 44c Legends of Hollywood stamp Sept. 10 United States | New Issues | Legends of Hollywood series | Actors and Actresses -- Cooper, Gary Includes list of previous 14 Legends of Hollywood issues.Miller, Rick
Index Four U.S. stamps for Thanksgiving Day parades United States | New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Holidays|Thanksgiving|Balloons|Bands|Turkeys McCarty, Denise
Index Potter predicts that Congress will bail out the Postal Service United States Postal Service|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Does Congress influence U.S. stamp program? United States|Designs -- Selection|Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee Baadke, Michael
Index Kansas Territorial stamp essay used for test stamp, statehood stamp United States|Essays and Proofs|Test Stamps -- Scott TD98|Topical Collecting -- US States|Kansas Statehood -- Scott 1183 Hotchner, John M.
Index Obama knocks Postal Service but supports financial relief United States Postal Service|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Fiji suspends new-issue program after stamp designer's death Fiji|Artists and Designers|Bennett, George McCarty, Denise
Index APS names Dave Ken and Kees Adema as 2009 Luff award winners American Philatelic Society | Awards and Honors | Adema, Kees | Kent, David A.  
Index Exploring wildlife depicted on company advertising corner cards United States|Covers -- Advertising|Topical Collecting -- Wildlife|Animals Graham, Richard B.
Index Collecting Chinese stamps not listed in the Scott catalogs China|Locals and Private Posts|Overprints and Surcharges -- Anti-bandit overprints|Revenues Rogers, Michael
Index Prince Umberto on Italy and colonies 1930 royal wedding sets Italy|Commemoratives|Scott 239-241|Cyrenaica -- Scott 35-37 Miller, Rick
Index Value changes in new Scott catalog Vol. 6 Scott Catalogue | Prices and Values Scott Publishing Co.
Index Qu'aiti State in Hadhramaut Aden -- Qu'Aiti States -- Hadhramaut|Overprints and Surcharges -- South Arabia Listed in Michel Gulf States catalog.Collectors' Forum
Index Postal money order stamps Spain|Postal Money Order Tax|Cinderella Material Inscribed "Espana Correos Giro"; serial numbers on back in blue; 5c blue, 10c yellow green. Listed in Galvez catalog.Collectors' Forum