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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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25 December 1937; Vol: 10
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25 Dec 1937
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Vol 10
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Index Twigg-Smith's Pony Express collection realizes nearly $4 million in Siegel sale Cover carried on first day of Pony Express service auctioned Auctions|Rare Issues and Covers|Pony Express|Collections -- Twigg-Smith, Thurston Robert A. Siegel Auction Galleries Dec. 5, 2009.Healey, Matthew
Index U.S. stamp honoring Mother Teresa planned United States Postal Service|New Issues|Topical Collecting -- Famous People|Women|Mother Teresa|Saints Bigalke, Jay
Index Stamp artist illustrates 'Person of the Year' cover United States|Artists and Designers|Summers, Mark Cover of Time magazine, Dec. 28, 2009, featuring Ben Bernanke. 
Index Origin of Santa Claus letter from 'North Pole Branch' is unknown United States|Postal Markings|North Pole Branch Hotchner, John M.
Index [Santa Claus, Ind.] United States|Postal Markings|Santa Claus, Indiana Hotchner, John M.
Index Post office closings list drops to 170 United States Postal Service|Post Offices McAllister, Bill
Index Mail-use stamps not included with 2009 'Stamp Yearbook' United States Postal Service|Philatelic Publications|2009 Stamp Yearbook $59.95 pays for the 2009 yearbook with 61 of the year's stamps; the other 33 "mail use" stamps not included cost an additional $17.50.McAllister, Bill
Index Universal Postal Union grants Palestine mail-processing code Palestine|Post Office Sorting Codes  
Index Battered birthday greeting becomes valued postal history United States|Postal History|Post Card|Damaged or Delayed Mail|Postal Markings -- Received in bad condition at Chicago, Ill. P.O. 5 M.D.|Official Seals|Scott OX14 Fricke, Charles A.
Index Estonian 1936 semipostal set features cities' coats of arms Estonia|Semi-postal Issues|Scott B28-31|Designs -- Coats of Arms|Heraldry|Topical Collecting -- Coats of Arms Miller, Rick
Index First-day ceremonies at stamp shows will be scarce in 2010 United States|First Days de Vries, Lloyd
Index Vietcong stamps South Vietnam|Provisional Issues|Cong Hoa Mien Nam Viet Nam Non-Scott listed. Issues of provisional Vietcong government. Listed in Michel Ubersee Vol. 8 Sud- und Sud-Ostasien catalog.Collectors Forum
Index Postage values of all U.S. nondenominated postage stamps United States|Non-denominational Issues|NVI Issues From 10c Scott 1579 of Oct. 14, 1975 through "Forever" Liberty Bell Scott 4125-27 of Apr. 12, 2007.Miller, Rick