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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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20 August 1987; Vol: 60
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20 Aug 1987
Number of Pages:
Vol 60
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Index Mail to Europe via Bremen, 1847 and Later pp. 18-19 United States: Postal History, TRANSATLANTIC Graham, Richard B.
Index Mail to Europe via Bremen, 1847 and Later pp. 18-19 United States: Postal History, TRANSATLANTIC Graham, Richard B.
Index Visit to a Working Base Station in Antarctica pp. 44-45 THEMATIC: POLAR Steven Pendleton
Index Visit to a Working Base Station in Antarctica pp. 44-45 THEMATIC: POLAR Steven Pendleton
Index Rocky Marciano Fans Hope to Win Stamp C UNITED STATES: Scott 3187 McAllister, Bill
Index New Unabomber Cover Surfaces from Flight That Ended in a Smoky Emergency Landing p. 1, 11 United States: Postal History, Wreck Covers Haeseler, Rob
Index New Unabomber Cover Surfaces from Flight That Ended in a Smoky Emergency Landing p. 1, 11 United States: Postal History, Wreck Covers Haeseler, Rob
Index Palau Salutes Hubble Telescope p. 1, 34 PALAU: Scott anon
Index Palau Salutes Hubble Telescope p. 1, 34 PALAU: Scott anon
Index Superman Coming on U.S. Stamp? p. 2 UNITED STATES: Scott 3185 Baadke, Michael
Index Swedish Nondemoninated Stamps p. 2 SWEDEN: Scott anon
Index Swedish Nondemoninated Stamps p. 2 SWEDEN: Scott anon
Index Daring Burglary in Canada p. 8 CANADA: THEFT Haeseler, Rob
Index Daring Burglary in Canada p. 8 CANADA: THEFT Haeseler, Rob
Index Future Cloudy for Postal Reform Legislation p. 9 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Future Cloudy for Postal Reform Legislation p. 9 United States: United States Postal Service (USPS) McAllister, Bill
Index Update on Olympic Symbols Used on Stamps p. 10 THEMATIC: SPORT, OLYMPIC Lester Winick
Index Update on Olympic Symbols Used on Stamps p. 10 THEMATIC: SPORT, OLYMPIC Lester Winick
Index Color Guide: 2c Red Washingtons of 1894-98 p. 12 United States: COLOR Schreiber, Michael
Index Color Guide: 2c Red Washingtons of 1894-98 p. 12 United States: COLOR Schreiber, Michael
Index Cuba Honors the Visit of Pope John Paul II p. 14 CUBA: Scott 3892-3894 Hatton, Denise
Index Cuba Honors the Visit of Pope John Paul II p. 14 CUBA: Scott 3892-3894 Hatton, Denise
Index Cuba Honors the Visit of Pope John Paul II p. 14 THEMATIC: RELIGION Hatton, Denise
Index India [Jan 30 98] p. 14 INDIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index India [Jan 30 98] p. 14 INDIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index India [Jan 30 98] p. 14 THEMATIC: PERSONALITY, GANDHI Hatton, Denise
Index Indonesia [Dec 1 97] p. 14 INDONESIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Indonesia [Dec 1 97] p. 14 THEMATIC: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index New Caledonia [Aug 13 97] p. 14 NEW CALEDONIA: Scott 772 Hatton, Denise
Index New Caledonia [Aug 13 97] p. 14 NEW CALEDONIA: Scott 772 Hatton, Denise
Index New Caledonia [Aug 13 97] p. 14 THEMATIC: BIRD Hatton, Denise
Index Paraguay [Dec 5 97] p. 14 PARAGUAY: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Paraguay [Dec 5 97] p. 14 PARAGUAY: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Paraguay [Dec 5 97] p. 14 THEMATIC: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index Indonesia [Dec 1 97] p. 14 INDONESIA: Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Turkish Cyprus [Dec 22 97] p. 14 CYPRUS: TURKISH, Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Turkish Cyprus [Dec 22 97] p. 14 CYPRUS: TURKISH, Scott Hatton, Denise
Index Turkish Cyprus [Dec 22 97] p. 14 THEMATIC: MEDICINE Hatton, Denise
Index Britain's Halfpenny Stamps Had a Varied Life p. 16 Great Britain: Scott Alderfer, David
Index Britain's Halfpeny Stamps Had a Varied Life p. 16 United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott Alderfer, David
Index Two Receive APS Writers Unit Honor p. 19 WRITER: AMICK, GEORGE Warren, Alan
Index Two Receive APS Writers Unit Honor p. 19 WRITER: LAWRENCE, KEN Warren, Alan
Index Two Receive APS Writers Unit Honor p. 19 WRITER: AMICK, GEORGE Warren, Alan
Index New 'A' Suffix on Bureau's Flag p. 20 United States: Scott 2915A Schreiber, Michael
Index New 'A' Suffix on Bureau's Flag p. 20 United States: Scott 2915A Schreiber, Michael
Index Unsolved St. Augustine FDC Mystery, The p. 22 United States: First Day Cover, Cachets Cusick, Allison
Index Unsolved St. Augustine FDC Mystery, The p. 22 United States: First Day Cover, Cachets Cusick, Allison
Index Vatican Forwarding of War Messages p. 24 VATICAN CITY: Postal History Robert E. Lana
Index Vatican Forwarding of War Messages p. 24 VATICAN CITY: Postal History Robert E. Lana
Index Mars Pathfinder Cross-Gutter Block of One p. 26 United States: SC 3178 Haeseler, Rob
Index Mars Pathfinder Cross-Gutter Block of One p. 26 United States: Scott 3178 Haeseler, Rob
Index Savings Stamps Stir Memories for Collectors p. 28 United States: SC WE, WS Friedberg, Richard
Index Savings Stamps Stir Memories for Collectors p. 28 United States: Scott WE, WS Friedberg, Richard
Index Swedish Quartet Features Homemade Items [Mar 19 98] p. 50 SWEDEN: Scott anon
Index Swedish Quartet Features Homemade Items [Mar 19 98] p. 50 SWEDEN: Scott anon
Index Local for Mexico Pyramid p. 58 MEXICO: CINDERELLA, Locals and Private Posts Williams, L.N.
Index Local for Mexico Pyramid p. 58 MEXICO: CINDERELLA, Locals and Private Posts Williams, L.N.