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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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08 August 1988; Vol: 61
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8 Aug 1988
Number of Pages:
Vol 61
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Index Counterfeit 41c Flag stamp found in mixture Microprinting missing from fake 41c Flag United States|Counterfeits|Scott 4187 Bigalke, Jay
Index Royal Navy stamps conclude Royal Mail's stamp series featuring historic uniforms Great Britain|Commemoratives|Topical Collecting -- Military uniforms Miller, Rick
Index Postal Service offers $15,000 retirement incentive payments United States Postal Service|Finances McAllister, Bill
Index Congress weighs in on U.S. stamp subjects United States | Designs -- Selection | Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee Baadke, Michael
Index First-class use of 1c parcel post stamp before it was legal July 1, 1913 United States|Scott Q1|Parcel Post|Covers|Postal Laws and Regulations Hotchner, John
Index Gutenberg image United States|Scott 1014|Artists and Designers|Designs Art for the stamp by Edwards Laning; New York Public Library.Hotchner, John
Index Cost to collect U.S. new issues increases slightly; total for 2009 is $134 United States|Values and Prices Bigalke, Jay
Index Postal Service to offer first-class discounts to large mailers United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index 'Damaged in handling in the Postal Service' -- a tragic marking? United States|Postal History|Covers Wawrukiewicz, Tony
Index To keep or not to keep: culling a 30-year stamp collection Great Britain Criterion: QualityAlderfer, David
Index Youngblood new 'Posthorn' editor Youngblood, Wayne  
Index Stamp collectors are fascinated by the people on stamps Topical Collecting -- Famous People Klug, Janet
Index Euro stamps Currency -- Euro Question is: can stamps of the 17 countries whose stamps are denominated in euros use them to frank mail from any of the 17 countries. Answer : noCollectors' Forum
Index Bogus Labrador Cinderella Material|Bogus Issues|Labrador Inscribed "One Dollar, Labrador, U.S.A. Post Office U.S.A."Collectors' Forum
Index Local occupation issues Union of Soviet Socialist Republics|Scott 417, 616B, 617, 734, 735, 736|Overprints -- Pernau 8. VII 1941|Estonia -- Parnu Listed in Michel Germany Specialized Catalog Part 2: Second World War and Allied Occupation of Germany.Collectors' Forum
Index Indian postage stamps paid license tax India Norris, David A.