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19 September 1988; Vol: 61 Iss: 3124
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19 Sep 1988
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Vol 61 Iss: 3124
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Index Books on Ielefield Markings, Adversity Covers pp. 40- 41 United States: Postal Markings, MACHINE, IELEFIELD, LITERATURE Graham, Richard B.
Index German Semipostal Stamp to Help Tropical Habitats [Jul 18 96] p. 1, 28 GERMANY: Scott B anon
Index Australian Stamp Hails 1996 Atlanta Games and Olympics in 2000 [Jul 22 96] p. 1, 25 AUSTRALIA: SCOTT anon
Index Australian Stamp Hails 1996 Atlanta Games and Olympics in 2000 [Jul 22 96] p. 1, 25 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC anon
Index Baseball Immortals Slam FDC Price Out of the Park p. 1, 20 United States: SC 855, First Day Cover Haeseler, Rob
Index Riverboats Will Be New Self-Adhesive [Aug 22 96] p. 2 United States: SC 3091-3095a Baadke, Michael
Index Riverboats Will Be New Self-Adhesive [Aug 22 96] p. 2 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SHIP Baadke, Michael
Index Several New Auxiliary Markings on U.S. Mail p. 2 United States: Postal Markings, AUXILIARY anon
Index Recalled Legends Pane Is Really a Cinderella p. 6 United States: Scott 2870 Hotchner, John M.
Index Murphy Stamp Backers Pushing Medal Series p. 8 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index Olymphilex 96 Part of Celebration during Centennial Olympic Games in Atlanta, Ga. p. 9 EXHIBITION: OLYMPHILEX 96 anon
Index Olympic Discus Thrower Stamp due July 19 p. 10 United States: SC 3087 Baadke, Michael
Index Olympic Discus Thrower Stamp due July 19 p. 10 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Baadke, Michael
Index Folk Heroes Stamps Were Proposed by Los Angeles Newspaper in 1962 p. 12 United States: SC 3083- 3086a Baadke, Michael
Index James Dean First-Day Cancellations p. 12 United States: SC 3082, First Day Cover anon
Index Postal Reform Bill May Be Dead on Arrival p. 14 United States: United States Postal Service McAllister, Bill
Index USPS Destroys Good Ferryboats but Keeps Ones That Stick Poorly p. 16 United States: Scott 2466 Robert Rabinowitz
Index USPS 25th Anniversary Plans Are in Disarray p. 18 United States: United States Postal Service Baumann, Fred W.
Index Stamps Display a Variety of Olympic Themes p. 22 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Edward B. Epstein
Index Rock Band Issues Its Own Cinderella Stamps p. 24 CINDERELLA: Hatton, Denise
Index Priority Mail Knockoffs Are Collectors Items p. 32 United States: United States Postal Service Lester Winick
Index Olympics and 'Gone with the Wind' Sheets p. 34 Yugoslavia: Hatton, Denise
Index Australia Created Postal Cards for Athletes p. 34 AUSTRALIA: Postal Stationery Hatton, Denise
Index Australia Created Postal Cards for Athletes p. 34 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Hatton, Denise
Index Sports Artist Designs U.N. Olympic Stamps p. 36 United Nations: DESIGNER anon
Index Two Self-Service Meter Machine Experiments p. 48 United States: Metered Mail Douglas Kelsey
Index Hitler's Games: the 1936 Berlin Olympics p. 50 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Baumann, Fred W.
Index British Strip of Five Salutes the Olympics p. 58 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC anon
Index Canadian Stamps Marked Montreal Olympics p. 67 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Burnett, John
Index Stamp Auction Site on the World Wide Web p. 68 AUCTION: Sharpe, William F.
Index 'Olympians on Stamps' Is Superb New Book p. 70 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT, OLYMPIC Schreiber, Michael