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1989; Vol: 62
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Vol 62
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Index Aborted Match Tax Label United Kingdom, Great Britain: CINDERELLA, Revenues Williams, L.N.
Index Ariel M. Poling PHILATELIST: POLING, ARIEL M. Hotchner, John M.
Index Aussie Perf Errors AUSTRALIA: Scott 94a Donna O'Keefe
Index Booklet Separation Requires Patience United States: BOOKLET Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index Booklet Separation Requires Patience TECHNIQUE: BOOKLET SEPARATION Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index Carrier Stamp Printed on Sheet Margins United States: SC 7LB1-18 Laurence, Michael
Index Estimates Are Incorrect United States: SC 5 Wagshal, Jerome S.
Index Focus on Forgeries Forgeries and Counterfeits: HAITI, Scott 97 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries HAITI: Scott 97, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries [Nord-Alexis Issue of 1904] Forgeries and Counterfeits: HAITI, Scott 96 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries [Nord-Alexis Issue of 1904] HAITI: Scott 96, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Albania-Republic of Koriza Double Eagle Issues of 1917-19 (revised) Scott 54-61 and 62- 68 ALBANIA: Scott 54-61, 62-68, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Albania-Republic of Koriza Double Eagle Issues of 1917-19 (revised) Scott 54-61 and 62- 68 Forgeries and Counterfeits: ALBANIA, Scott 54-61, 62-68 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Albania-Republic of Koriza Double Eagle Issues of 1917-19 Scott 54-61 and 62- 68 ALBANIA: Scott 54-61, 62-68, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Argentina Discovery of America Commemoratives Issue of 1892 Scott 90- 91 ARGENTINA: SG 90-91, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Argentina Discovery of America Commemoratives Issue of 1892 Scott 90- 91 Forgeries and Counterfeits: ARGENTINA, SG 90-91 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Armenia Eagle Designs of the Unissued Chassepot Pictorials of 1920 ARMENIA: Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Azerbaijan 1918 20-kopeck Standard Bearer Scott 2 AZERBAIJAN: Scott 2, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Azerbaijan 1918 20-kopeck Standard Bearer Scott 2 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, AZERBAIJAN, Scott 2 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Belgium 1914 Merode Monument Semipostal Scott B28- 30 BELGIUM: Scott B28-30, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Belgium 1914 Merode Monument Semipostal Scott B28- 30 Forgeries and Counterfeits: BELGIUM, Scott B28-30 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Bosnia & Herzegovina Arms Issue of 1900 Scott 11- 21 AUSTRO-HUNGARY: BOSNIA, Scott 11-21, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Bosnia & Herzgoviaa Krone Values of the 1900 Arms Issue Scott 22- 24 AUSTRO-HUNGARY: BOSNIA, Scott 22-24, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Bosnia & Herzgoviaa Krone Values of the 1900 Arms Issue Scott 22- 24 Forgeries and Counterfeits: AUSTRO-HUNGARY, BOSNIA, Scott 22-24 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Fiume 1923 Venetian Ship Issue Scott 172- 74 FIUME: Scott 172-74, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Fiume 1923 Venetian Ship Issue Scott 172- 74 Forgeries and Counterfeits: FIUME, Scott 172-74 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Fiume 1923 Venetian Ship Issue Scott 172-74 [7 Via Ugo Foscolo, Genoa in 1920s] FORGER: IMPERATO, N. Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Guatemala Official Stamps of 1902 Scott O1- 5 Forgeries and Counterfeits: GUATEMALA, Scott O1-5 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Guatemala Official Stamps of 1902 Scott O1- 5 GUATEMALA: Scott O1-5, FORGERIES AND COUNTERFEITS Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Japan Third Showa Series of 1946 5-sen Sunrise at Sea and Plane Scott 351- 61 Forgeries and Counterfeits: JAPAN, Scott 351-61 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Japan Third Showa Series of 1946 5-sen Sunrise at Sea and Plane Scott 351- 61 JAPAN: Scott 351-61, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Latvia Redrawn Sun Issue of 1919 Scott 3- 5 Forgeries and Counterfeits: LATVIA, Scott 3-5, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Latvia Redrawn Sun Issue of 1919 Scott 3- 5 LATVIA: Scott 3-5, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Latvia Triangular Airmail Issues of 1931-32 Scott C6- 8 Forgeries and Counterfeits: LATVIA, Scott C6-8 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Latvia Triangular Airmail Issues of 1931-32 Scott C6- 8 LATVIA: Scott C6-8, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Mexico Unissued Porte de Mar Stamps of 1872 Scott JX26- 31 MEXICO: Scott JX26-31, Porte de Mar, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Mexico Unoverprinted Hidalgo Issue of 1864 Scott 14a- 17a Forgeries and Counterfeits: MEXICO, Scott 14a-17a Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Mexico Unoverprinted Hidalgo Issue of 1864 Scott 14a- 17a MEXICO: Scott 14a-17a, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Morocco Tangier-Fez local Issue of 1892: post of Gautsch & Cie. Hurt-Williams Catalog nos. 1- 7 Forgeries and Counterfeits: MOROCCO, FRENCH, TANGIER Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Morocco Tangier-Fez local Issue of 1892: post of Gautsch & Cie. Hurt-Williams Catalog nos. 1- 7 MOROCCO: FRENCH, TANGIER, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Panama Regular Issues of 1888 Scott 13 Forgeries and Counterfeits: PANAMA, Scott 13 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Panama Regular Issues of 1888 Scott 13 PANAMA: Scott 13, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Poland Arms Issue of 1924 Scott 214 Forgeries and Counterfeits: POLAND, Scott 214 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Poland Arms Issue of 1924 Scott 214 POLAND: Scott 214, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Poland First Airmail Issue of 1925 Scott C1- 9 POLAND: Scott C1-9, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 15-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 3 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 3 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 15-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 3 RUSSIA: CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 3, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 20-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 4 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 4 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 20-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 4 RUSSIA: CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 4, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 2-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 2 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 2 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 2-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 2 RUSSIA: CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 2, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 50-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 5 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 5 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia 1919 50-kopeck Army of the North Issue Scott 5 RUSSIA: CIVIL WAR, WHITE, Scott 5, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia Lenin Mourning Issue of 1924 Scott 265- 72 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Scott 265-72 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia Lenin Mourning Issue of 1924 Scott 265- 72 RUSSIA: Scott 265-72, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia Symbols of Agriculture Issue of 1921 Scott 177- 78 Forgeries and Counterfeits: RUSSIA, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, Scott 177-78 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Russia Symbols of Agriculture Issue of 1921 Scott 177- 78 RUSSIA: Scott 177-78, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Serbia King Peter Definitive Issue of 1905 Scott 87- 97 Forgeries and Counterfeits: SERBIA, Scott 87-97 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Serbia King Peter Definitive Issue of 1905 Scott 87- 97 SERBIA: Scott 87-97, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Serbia King Peter with Cap Issue of 1911-14 Scott 108- 29 SERBIA: Scott 108-29, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries St. Thomas - La Guaira - Puerto Cabello ( Venezuela) 1864 Ship local Issue Hurt-Williams (La Guaira) 15- 17 Forgeries and Counterfeits: VENEZUELA, GUAIRA Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries St. Thomas - la Guaira - Puerto Cabello ( Venezuela) 1864 Ship local Issue Hurt-Williams (La Guaira) 15- 17 VENEZUELA: GUAIRA, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Turkey Liannos Local Post of Constantinople Star & Crecent Issue of 1865 Hurt-Williams Catalog nos. 1- 3 Forgeries and Counterfeits: TURKEY, Locals and Private Posts, CONSTANTINOPLE Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Turkey Liannos Local Post of Constantinople Star & Crecent Issue of 1865 Hurt-Williams Catalog nos. 1- 3 TURKEY: Locals and Private Posts, CONSTANTINOPLE, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Turkey Overprints of 1876 Scott 48- 52 TURKEY: Scott 48-52, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Uruguay 1926 Albatross Airmail Issues Scott C10- 13 Forgeries and Counterfeits: URUGUAY, Scott C10-13 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Uruguay 1926 Albatross Airmail Issues Scott C10- 13 URUGUAY: Scott C10-13, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Uruguay Plane and Oxcart Airmails of 1939-44 Scott C93- 105 URUGUAY: Scott C93-105 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Wuhu 1894 1c Brown Regular Issue Hurt-Williams 2 CHINA: WUHU, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Wuhu 1894 1c Brown Regular Issue Hurt-Williams 2 Forgeries and Counterfeits: CHINA,: TREATY PORT, WUHU Tyler, Varro E.
Index French Guiana T.A.G. Airmails Short- Lived FRENCH GUIANA: Air Mail Dan Barber
Index Postal Forgeries of United States Stamps United States: SC 406 Laurence, Michael
Index Sardinia Letter Sheet Was First Deminet ITALIAN STATES: SARDINIA Fricke, Charles A.
Index 'Stamp of the Day' Attracts Others to Hobby United States: COIL, SPLICE Hotchner, John M.
Index 'Stamp of the Day' Attracts Others to Hobby United States: SC 840 Hotchner, John M.
Index Upper Columbia Local Means to Discourage Use of Service CANADA: CINDERELLA, Locals and Private Posts Williams, L.N.