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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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14 May 1990; Vol: 63
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14 May 1990
Number of Pages:
Vol 63
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Index Stamps Show the Evolution of Tanks pp. S28- 29 THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MILITARY Baumann, Fred W.
Index Aussie Rate Increase AUSTRALIA: Postal History, Postal Rates anon
Index Catalog Ignores Stamps of Turkish Cyprus CYPRUS: TURKISH FEDERATED STATE Lawrence, Ken
Index FDR Influenced Mother's Day Stamp United States: SC 737-38 Brian C. Baur
Index Frank S. Levi Jr. 1919- 1990 PHILATELIST: LEVI JR., FRANK S. anon
Index Greek Islands Stamp Scandal GREECE: CINDERELLA Williams, L.N.
Index Little U.S., Lots of British North America in Coming Christie's ABNC Archive Sales [photo of Specimen block of 41 of 10d Cartier of 1855] CANADA: Scott 1-13 Baumann, Fred W.
Index Little U.S., Lots of British North America in Coming Christie's ABNC Archive Sales [photo of Specimen block of 41 of 10d Cartier of 1855] PRINTER: American Bank Note Company Baumann, Fred W.
Index Maritime and Ship Cancels on Revenues United States: Revenues, Postal Markings Friedberg, Richard
Index New Work on Groth-Constantine Cancels United States: Postal Markings, MACHINE, CONSTANTINE Graham, Richard B.
Index Papers Vary on Mexican Issues of 1856- 83 MEXICO: Scott 1-5, Hidalgo Pulver, Dale
Index Perfins Are Inexpensive and Fun to Collect Perfins: Harry Rickard
Index Raul Gandara, 1910- 1989 PHILATELIST: GANDARA, RAUL anon
Index Some 1932 FDCs Bear Official Cachets United States: First Day Cover Allison W. Cusick