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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
14 January 1991; Vol: 64 Iss: 3245
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14 Jan 1991
Number of Pages:
Vol 64 Iss: 3245
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Index Color Missing Discovery on Three-Year-Old Stamp United States: Scott 2338A anon
Index Focus on Forgeries Venezuela Issue of 1863 Scott 13 Forgeries and Counterfeits: VENEZUELA, Scott 13 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Venezuela Issue of 1863 Scott 13 VENEZUELA: Scott 13, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index German Firm Represents Lithuania's Issues LITHUANIA: AGENT Edgar Lewy
Index German Forgeries Cause Rift GERMANY: Forgeries and Counterfeits, PROPHIL FORUM Edgar Lewy
Index Italian Post Office Nearly Ignited a War ITALY: Postal History, TURKEY Robert E. Lana
Index Label Notes Spanish Inns CINDERELLA: SPAIN Williams, L.N.
Index Label Notes Spanish Inns SPAIN: CINDERELLA Williams, L.N.
Index Man Shown on Eisenhower Stamp Still Living United States: Scott 2513 Hotchner, John M.
Index Man Shown on Eisenhower Stamp Still Living; 4c Nurse United States: Scott 1190 Hotchner, John M.
Index Man Shown on Eisenhower Stamp Still Living; Navy United States: SC 935 Hotchner, John M.
Index Mexico's Intriguing 1864-66 Eagle Issue MEXICO: Scott 18-25 Pulver, Dale
Index Scott Updates Match and Medicine Revenues United States: SC RS Friedberg, Richard
Index Stamp Released at More Than 50 Post Offices United States: Scott 1610 Allison W. Cusick
Index U.S. International Message and Reply Cards United States: SC MR Graham, Richard B.
Index Why Some Stamps Should Be Left on Cover PHILATELY: Rod, Steven J.
Index U.S. International Message and Cards United States - International Mail PHJ #88 p. 29Graham, Richard B.
Index Anne Sullivan, Teacher United States: Scott 1824 Richard Thomas
Index Collecting FDCs: Stamp Released at More than 50 Post Offices p. 18 UNITED STATES: Scott 1610, First Day Cover Allison W. Cusick
Index Collecting FDCs: Stamp Released at More than 50 Post Offices p. 18 UNITED STATES: Scott 1610, First Day Cover index41Allison W. Cusick