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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
22 April 1991; Vol: 64 Iss: 3259
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22 Apr 1991
Number of Pages:
Vol 64 Iss: 3259
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Index Bolaffi Sale Grosses $3.87 Million ITALY: Scott 18, 21, 23 anon
Index Canada's New Policies Upset Collectors CANADA: CANADA POST Larry McInnis
Index Canadian Bank Note to Print 75c Stamp PRINTER: CONTINENTAL BANKNOTE COMPANY, United States Griffith, Gary
Index Counterfeit Kansas-Nebraska Overprints United States: Scott 658-79, Forgeries and Counterfeits Lawrence, Ken
Index Counterfeit Kansas-Nebraska Overprints Forgeries and Counterfeits: United States, Scott 658-79 Lawrence, Ken
Index Denmark Reveals Never-Issued Stamp DENMARK: CINDERELLA Les Winick
Index Electro Varieties Add Spice to Collection United States: Precancels Dilmond D. Postlewait
Index Elephants Form Basis of Topical Collection THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MAMMAL,ELEPHANT Lawrence, Ken
Index Focus on Forgeries Peru 10-centavo Coat of Arms Stamp of 1876 Scott 25 PERU: Scott 25, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Harry Edelman, 1919- 1991 DEALER: EDELMAN, HARRY anon
Index Help Needed on Perforation Research United States: PERFORATION Hotchner, John M.
Index Intermec Meter Adhesives, Autopost Strip United States: AUTOMATION, INTERMEC Graham, Richard B.
Index Italian Cover Sells for $700, 000 ITALY: Scott 18, 21, 23 anon
Index James Buchanan, President United States: Scott 2217f Richard Thomas
Index Laurie Franks, 1931- 1991 DEALER: FRANKS, LAURIE anon
Index Stephen Foster First Day Based on Myth United States: SC 879, First Day Cover Allison W. Cusick
Index U.S. Postal Museumn Announces Staff United States: MUSEUM anon
Index U.S. Printers Differ From Those Reported United States: PRINTER Griffith, Gary