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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
13 May 1991; Vol: 64 Iss: 3262
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13 May 1991
Number of Pages:
Vol 64 Iss: 3262
Item Alt No:
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Index 1932 Airmail Cinderella CANADA: NEWFOUNDLAND, CINDERELLA, WAYZATA L. Norman Williams
Index Authentic or Forged? ARGENTINA: BUENOS AIRES, Scott 1-8 Don Boreen
Index 'Diez' si, 'Dez' no PERU: Scott 35, Forgeries and Counterfeits Paul Ellner
Index Different Catalogs Served Varied Functions Catalogs and Price Lists: Rod, Steven J.
Index Factors Contributing to FDC Popularityi United States: First Day Cover Allison W. Cusick
Index Forum Update [French Legion Tricolor stamps are labels] FRANCE: OCCUPATION, LVF Benjamin R. Beede
Index High-Value Stamps on Cover: 1890- 1900 United States: Postal History Graham, Richard B.
Index Humphrey Stamps Saved; Congress Schedules Hearing United States: Scott 2190 Griffith, Gary
Index Italian Commemorative Honors Battle of the Piave ITALY: Scott 975 Robert E. Lana
Index Joyce Collected Many Collateral Items United States: Revenues, JOYCE Friedberg, Richard
Index June 13 Auction Offers a Bermuda Gem BERMUDA: Scott X2 anon
Index Model for Driver on 1953 Stamp Identified United States: Scott 1025 Hotchner, John M.
Index New U.S. Aerogram to be on Two Papers United States: SC UC63 Gary Grifitth
Index Otto Bickel, European Stamp Manipulator DEALER: BICKEL, OTTO Tyler, Varro E.
Index Otto Bickel, European Stamp Manipulator SERBIA: Scott 68, 78 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Robert Boudwin 1923- 1991 DEALER: BOUDWIN, ROBERT anon
Index Robert Peary, Arctic Explorer United States: Scott 2223 Richard Thomas
Index Salm Foundation Releases Report on Album Pages TECHNIQUE: PAPER Schreiber, Michael
Index Stamps in Handbook and Insect Magazine THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: INSECT Hatton, Denise
Index U.S. Savings Bond Dates United States: Scott 2534 Lawrence, Ken
Index Ukraine Plans Stamps UKRAINE: anon
Index USPS Plate Block Policy Aids Collectors United States: United States Postal Service, BLOCK Richard L. Lazorow
Index USPS Seeking Own Planes United States: United States Postal Service, EXPRESS Lloyd Schwartz
Index What Makes This Little Stamp So Scarce? MEXICO: Scott 795A Pulver, Dale
Index Worldwide Stamps Salute Mother's Day THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MOTHER'S DAY Brian C. Baur