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Journal / Periodical
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26 August 1991; Vol: 64 Iss: 3277
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26 Aug 1991
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Vol 64 Iss: 3277
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Index Anticipated Rate Hike Affects Stamp Program United States: United States Postal Service Griffith, Gary
Index Canadian Stamps with Obscure U.S. Ties CANADA: United States Larry McInnis
Index Canadian Stamps with Obscure U.S. Ties THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: AMERICANA Larry McInnis
Index Commemorative Stamp Series Neglected [Champion of Liberty] United States: Scott 1096 Hotchner, John M.
Index Cook Islands Surcharges COOK ISLANDS: Scott 179-194 W. Reaves McCall
Index Focus on Forgeries Korea 1884 10-mon Stylized Yin Yang Scott 2 Forgeries and Counterfeits: KOREA, Scott 2 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Focus on Forgeries Korea 1884 10-mon Stylized Yin Yang Scott 2 KOREA: Scott 2, Forgeries and Counterfeits Tyler, Varro E.
Index Four British Map Stamp Honor Ordnance Survey [Sept 17, 1991] United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1393-5 anon
Index Iron Curtain's Fall Brings Postal Changes LITHUANIA: Hatton, Denise
Index Japanese Semi-postal [July 5, 1991] JAPAN: anon
Index Kenneth R. Yarnell 1918- 1991 PHILATELIST: YARNELL, KENNETH R. anon
Index Lions Club to Run the SFTW Program PHILATELIC ORGANIZATION: SFTW, Stamps for the Wounded anon
Index Many Variations to Precancel Collecting United States: Precancels Dilmond D. Postlewait
Index Merchants Parcel Stamp United States: CINDERELLA Michael D. Smith
Index Mongolian Postal History of 1878 to 1923 MONGOLIA: Postal History Rogers, Michael
Index Once in a Lifetime, Ignorance Can Be Bliss PHILATELY: Sheldon J. Lifter
Index Postal Card Honors Bill of Rights United States: SC UX156 Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index Stamp-Fixing Services Not Welcomed Here Forgeries and Counterfeits: Laurence, Michael
Index Sweden Honors Gold Medalists [Aug 27, 1991] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT anon
Index Sweden Honors Gold Medalists [Aug 27, 1991] THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: SPORT anon
Index USPS Promotes Own Olympic Sponsorship on High-Value Definitive Postage Stamp United States: Scott 2539 Griffith, Gary
Index USPS to Release $14 Stamp at Show United States: Scott 2542 Gay Griffith
Index USPS-dedicated Airfleet Setback United States: United States Postal Service, EXPRESS Lloyd Schwartz
Index WWII Markings of Ships of the New Navy United States: Postal Markings, NAVAL Graham, Richard B.