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03 Dec 2019 08:13:07
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Journal / Periodical
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Item Title:
23 March 1992; Vol: 65 Iss: 3307
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23 Mar 1992 (blank)
Number of Pages:
Vol 65 Iss: 3307
Item Alt No:
No data to display
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Index 100th Anniversary of Ukrainians in Canada UKRAINE: Hatton, Denise
Index AMG Stamps for Germany Still Fascinate GERMANY: OCCUPATION, AMG, Allied Military Government Harry Wilcke
Index Belarus - Soviet Postal Stationery Surcharged BELARUS: Postal Stationery Hatton, Denise
Index British Stamps Honor Columbus Discovery, the Olympic Games and Expo 92 in Seville United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1451-3 anon
Index Canada [Dec 27, 91] CANADA: BOOKLET Hatton, Denise
Index Canadian Booklet Includes Coupon [Feb 7, 92] CANADA: BOOKLET Larry McInnis
Index China's 1894-97 Empress Dowager Issue CHINA: Scott 16-24 Rogers, Michael
Index Concert Program Shows Cinderella Stamps United States: CINDERELLA Hatton, Denise
Index Coughlin Is Named Acting Postmaster [ PMG] United States: United States Postal Service Griffith, Gary
Index Cover In Auction Helps Recall Canada's Railways CANADA: Postal Markings, RPO anon
Index Experimental Roulette Separations Pass the First Test with Consumers United States: PERFORATION Griffith, Gary
Index Focus on Forgeries Spain - Carlist Issues 1874 1-real Catalonia Issue Minkus 4 Forgeries and Counterfeits: SPAIN, MINKUS 4 Tyler, Varro E.
Index Fred W. Coops 1918- 1992 DEALER: COOPS, FRED W. anon
Index Great Britain [Mar 24 92] United Kingdom, Great Britain: Scott 1445-8 Hatton, Denise
Index Latvia Issues Third Definitive Stamp Set [Feb 29, 92] LATVIA: Scott Art Rubens
Index Linn's To Publish Official WCSE Prograsm EXHIBITION: World Columbian Stamp Expo Laurence, Michael
Index Macedonia Postal Tax Issues MACEDONIA: Scott RA Hatton, Denise
Index More Elvis Media Surveys THEMATIC, TOPICAL COLLECTING: MUSIC Griffith, Gary
Index Postmark Date, Time and Clock Indications United States: Postal Markings Graham, Richard B.
Index Registration Label Discoveries Span Globe Postal History: Registered Mail, LABEL Charles H. Smith
Index Some Stamps in Liberty Series Are Only Wet Prints United States: Scott 1030 Dilmond Postlewait
Index Stuart H. Printz Sr. 1933- 1992 DEALER: PRINTZ SR., STUART H. anon
Index Tagging Ghosts Are Often-Seen Variety United States: LUMINESCENCE Hotchner, John M.
Index U.S. America's Cup Card to Include Picture Side United States: SC UX163 anon
Index Ukrainian Post Office Conquers Stamp Shortage UKRAINE: Victor Mohylny
Index USPS Clarifications Regarding Stamp Use United States: United States Postal Service Youngblood, Wayne L.
Index USPS to Reissue 19 Stamped Envelopes United States: SC U Griffith, Gary